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最新版本 doPDF 11.9.444

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Lansweeper 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: LAN-12017 If a Windows computer’s LsAgent client installation is auto-updated through the relay server, the LsAgent.ini file of the installation can become corrupt and subsequent LsAgent scans of the client machine can fail

Lansweeper 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- LAN-11378 If a custom install folder is chosen that does not already end in “LansweeperAgent”, LsAgent now automatically installs to a "LansweeperAgent" subfolder in the specified directory
- LAN-7424 Improved the startup process of the LsAgent service on Windows computers, to ensure the service automatically retries the startup in case of a temporary failure

- LAN-4483 An LsAgent scan of a Windows computer fails if one of the computer’s Hyper-V or cluster log messages contains quotes
- LAN-11888 If a Windows computer and the user logged into it are in different domains, LsAgent incorrectly identifies the logged on user
- LAN-10237 If the name of a software installed on a Windows computer contains the termination character, the software name is scanned incorrectly by LsAgent
- LAN-11882 Issue with unauthorized First Run Wizard access under certain scenarios
- LAN-10915 LsAgent can fail to scan the OS build and release info of a Windows computer, throwing an “unexpected exception” in the background and causing the rest of the scan to fail as well
- LAN-10679 LsAgent does not correctly identify the memory type of Windows computers with DDR4 memory
- LAN-10678 LsAgent for Windows fails to scan user-specific software, causing incorrect software history entries to be generated when scanning with both LsAgent and agentless scanning
- LAN-10678 Software names are sometimes inconsistently scanned by LsAgent for Windows and agentless Windows scanning, causing incorrect software history entries to be generated
- LAN-10926 When performing a new LsAgent install on a supported Windows OS that does not yet have the required .NET Framework 4.8, the LsAgent installer fails to automatically download and install .NET 4.8, stating that no Internet access is available even when it is
- LAN-10975 When running the LsAgent installer on Windows Server 2012, the OS is erroneously reported as being unsupported
- LAN-10890 When scanning logged on users of a Windows computer, LsAgent incorrectly detects the user domain of local users as “workgroup” instead of the name of the machine
- LAN-10923 When uninstalling LsAgent from a Windows computer, some files are left behind in the LsAgent installation folder

Tableau Desktop 2021.4.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The timezone would be correctly set via InitialSQL, however selecting a timestamp from a PostgreSQL table via custom SQL would return the incorrect time
- In a visualization after selecting "show empty rows" it would sometimes result in having wrong axis values displayed
- When conducting a fixed Level of Display calculation it would sometimes result in a pop-up that states, "Processing request: Executing query", and would run until the program was terminated

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 125 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Game building and publishing:
Publishing to the web is now giving you a stable, unique URL to your game:
- A unique URL is now available for each game, hosted on (more about it later!)
- The list of "builds" has been improved to allow opening web builds and decide which one to publish live on the stable url. This allows to continue making regular exports (you will get an "instant-build" URL) to the web and choose which one to show to your players (the unique URL).
- The list of builds per game is now in the game dashboard

Engine improvements:
- Add a condition to the Platformer character behavior to check if a control is pressed (or simulated)
- Improve calculations for the Top Down movement, the Platformer and the Pathfinding behaviors to make them more precise when accelerating or decelerating
- This makes the movement less prone to approximations when there is a drop in your game framerate, making your game more precise.
- Add support for rotating, scaling and flipping a Shape Painter object
- A custom center point can be set (and will be at the center of the drawing if not specified)
- The collision mask is now a rectangle surrounding what is drawn on screen
- If this changes something in your game, or you want another collision mask, you can use the action to set a custom rectangle as the collision mask of the object
- Improve the timer conditions to allow to check if the value of the timer is greater or less than a value

Extension discovery:
- Add buttons to add an extension, or a behavior to an object, when adding a condition or an action in the event sheet
- Open extension details first when clicking on an extension imported from the extensions library, in the project manager
- This is useful to read again the extension description and learn how to use it
- Change the way filters are applied when searching for extensions/behaviors/examples in the stores (you can now search them by typing in the search box, and click one to apply it)

- Add logs to audio actions when trying to manipulate a sound/music on a non-existing channel
- Add autocompletion for fields and expressions asking for a function parameter name
- Update the new behavior method dialog "step icon" to be hollow
- Make the GDevelop Windows version signed with a certificate to avoid warnings when opening the installer
- The Windows warning should be gone once a sufficient number of people install the app ????
- Improve the mouse conditions to autocomplete possible values
- Add possibility to use Cmd+Enter/Ctrl+Enter to apply changes or validate a dialog.
- Show objects position instead of origin in the in-game debugging view
- Still show the "origin" point for rotated/scaled Sprite objects.
- Add missing keys in the keyboard expression autocomplete
- Allow multi-selection and sorting in the instances list
- Also allow to lock/unlock by clicking on the lock icon
- Add context menu items to collapse all events and expand events to certain levels
- Group properties in some behaviors for enhanced clarity
- Also allow custom behaviors made in the editor to define property groups
- Also allow actions/conditions/expressions created in the editor to be sorted in groups
- Add notification badge on user chip and achievements (to know when you get a new achievement)
- Improve the homepage layout to make the "Create blank project" easier to find

Extensions, assets and, examples:
- Update flexbox extension with various improvements
- Show the options in the parameters of the Gamepad extension
- [SpriteMasking] Fix unmasking being limited to sprites
- [Noise] Add octaves handling to make procedural generation easier
- [MarchingSquare] Various improvements:
- Add an action to set the field value of a grid point.
- Add expressions for the grid dimension (the number of rows and columns)
- Add an action to "clamp" the field with an upper and lower bound
- Add the "Multiplication" and "Division" operations for the "merge" action
- Fix: the field is cleared if its size is changed so that its size actually updates
- Add DiscordRichPresence extension
- Add space-asteroids example from GDevelop's Youtube tutorial
- Update IAP example to 1.1.0
- Mainly a simplification of the example
- Add circular pong example
- Paint example

- Display timed out builds instead of infinite loader
- Fix crash on web-app for users using automatic page translations
- Fix some typo in the interface or codebase
- Fixes presence of ghost collision masks for objects with platform behavior
- Fix the special 'Not' condition not working with some conditions related to objects
- Fix the expression to get the user home path
- Fix toolbar not centered on the extensions screen
- Fix wrong network preview address shown when running in VirtualBox/VMware

Lansweeper 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- LAN-11683 An asset scan can fail with the following DbUpdateException error: “Number 547: The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint FK_tblAssetChangeLog_tblAssets”
- LAN-11396 Authorization bypass issue, allowing unauthorized users to create shared dashboard tabs
- LAN-11682 Authorization rules configured for the Lansweeper web console in IIS are erroneously removed after a Lansweeper update
- LAN-11482 Azure scanning can fail with the following DbUpdateException error: “Number 515: Cannot insert the value NULL into column ‘AddressPrefix’, table ‘lansweeperdb.dbo.tblAzureSubnet’; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails”
- LAN-11394 Cross-site scripting (XSS) issue related to the creation of dashboard tabs
- LAN-11395 Cross-site scripting (XSS) issue related to user edits
- LAN-11653 Duplicate user entries can occur in the Exchange tab of Exchange server asset pages
- LAN-11357 If in a Lansweeper installation with multiple scan servers the help desk mail server is down, duplicate error notifications are generated for the mail server, sometimes mentioning an incorrect server name
- LAN-11357 If multiple scan servers in a Lansweeper installation are down, the related error notifications erroneously list the same server name for all servers
- LAN-11589 In some cases when using Microsoft Graph as the email protocol, processing of help desk emails can start failing due to the following underlying error: “There is already an open DataReader associated with this Command which must be closed first”
- LAN-11324 LsAgent fails to scan the memory of macOS computers with an Apple M1 chip
- LAN-5556 LsAgent for Linux and Mac erroneously creates a new log file every day and fails to clean up old LsAgent log files
- LAN-11653 “Missing username” errors can occur on the webpages of Exchange users whose Active Directory data hasn’t been scanned
- LAN-10304 Office 365 v2 scanning can time out during the retrieval of user groups, resulting in an object reference error during the subsequent retrieval of organization info and a failure of the entire scan
- LAN-11347 Remote code execution issue related to ticket template files
- LAN-5710 Starting the LsAgent service on Linux using /etc/init.d/LansweeperAgentService can result in the service crashing, due to the sudo process being aborted prematurely
- LAN-5116 Submitting setting values with certain special characters in them under ConfigurationEmail Alerts or ConfigurationServer Options results in the following web server error: “A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected”
- LAN-10789 The Config and Software tabs of an Apple Mac asset are sometimes hidden even though scanned data is available
- LAN-11068 The following error can occur during the initial scan of an SCCM scanning target: “Attaching an entity of type Lansweeper.Service.Domain.Asset failed because another entity of the same type already has the same primary key value”
- LAN-11611 The Lansweeper scanning service fails to stop in case of a database connectivity issue, even though the service log indicates the service is being stopped
- LAN-8186 The libicu package is erroneously deemed a dependency for installing LsAgent on Linux, causing LsAgent not to work properly on machines that don’t have this package installed
- LAN-11685 The processor type of macOS computers with an Apple M1 chip is scanned as “unknown” by LsAgent
- LAN-5712 When using a custom install directory for LsAgent on Linux, the LsAgent service fails to start
- LAN-11699 When using the IIS Express web server with the built-in Lansweeper certificate and accessing the web console on Windows 11 or Windows Server 2022, the console fails to open under its HTTPS port

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- change: hotkey for Find (Replace) dialog always results in the search box being focused, like in ST4 and VSCode

- hotkeys of commands "switch tab ..." / "... focus ..." work also in the Find dialog
- better Console message on saving session: "N file(s) + M untitled"
- new API for Auto Save plugin

- plugin Auto Save could overwrite session file list from another session
- sometimes after session loading, or 'close all tabs', editor UI control hides completely

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- change: hotkey for Find (Replace) dialog always results in the search box being focused, like in ST4 and VSCode

- hotkeys of commands "switch tab ..." / "... focus ..." work also in the Find dialog
- better Console message on saving session: "N file(s) + M untitled"
- new API for Auto Save plugin

- plugin Auto Save could overwrite session file list from another session
- sometimes after session loading, or 'close all tabs', editor UI control hides completely

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- change: hotkey for Find (Replace) dialog always results in the search box being focused, like in ST4 and VSCode

- hotkeys of commands "switch tab ..." / "... focus ..." work also in the Find dialog
- better Console message on saving session: "N file(s) + M untitled"
- new API for Auto Save plugin

- plugin Auto Save could overwrite session file list from another session
- sometimes after session loading, or 'close all tabs', editor UI control hides completely

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- change: hotkey for Find (Replace) dialog always results in the search box being focused, like in ST4 and VSCode

- hotkeys of commands "switch tab ..." / "... focus ..." work also in the Find dialog
- better Console message on saving session: "N file(s) + M untitled"
- new API for Auto Save plugin

- plugin Auto Save could overwrite session file list from another session
- sometimes after session loading, or 'close all tabs', editor UI control hides completely

CudaText (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- change: hotkey for Find (Replace) dialog always results in the search box being focused, like in ST4 and VSCode

- hotkeys of commands "switch tab ..." / "... focus ..." work also in the Find dialog
- better Console message on saving session: "N file(s) + M untitled"
- new API for Auto Save plugin

- plugin Auto Save could overwrite session file list from another session
- sometimes after session loading, or 'close all tabs', editor UI control hides completely