CINEMA 4D 歷史舊版本 Page14

最新版本 CINEMA 4D 2024.1.0

CINEMA 4D 歷史版本列表

Cinema 4D 使得最簡單易用的專業 3D 軟件比以往更有效率。新工具以及擴展和完全重新編制的功能可幫助您更快,更輕鬆地將您的想法變為現實。改進的工作流程可幫助您實現最緊密的最後期限. MAXON 為專業 3D 藝術家提供最好的電影 4D。如果你想創造先進的 3D 圖形,但需要幫助,以確保您快速,輕鬆地創建令人 ja 目結舌的圖形,那麼這是您的選擇.快速工作,播放更多 平滑的工作流程帶來創意... CINEMA 4D 軟體介紹

WordPress 5.8.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This security and maintenance release features 2 bug fixes in addition to 1 security fix. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. All versions since WordPress 5.2 have also been updated.
- WordPress 5.8.2 is a small focus security and maintenance release. The next major release will be version 5.9.

MyLanViewer 5.0.1 查看版本資訊


MyLanViewer 5.0.0 查看版本資訊


Insomnia Core 2021.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a bug where some response history items could not be activated
- a bug where some irregular characters would break the GraphQL editor
- a bug with clicking links embedded within XML
- a bug where the keyboard binding for “Show Autocomplete” could not be changed
- a bug where the XPath filter didn’t support the `/text()` node
- a regression where environment order did not persist
- a bug where dropdown searching could crash the app in certain cases
- a bug where text on dashboard cards could overflow
- a bug where elements behind a modal could be interacted with in certain cases

Additions and Other Improvements:
- Improved insomnia-plugin-default-headers to remove headers by setting the value to null
- Added search to the GraphQL Schema viewer
- Added an option in preferences to disable certificate validation in OAuth 2 auth windows
- Improved the auto-complete dropdown to hide undefined values
- Added a keyboard shortcut to beautify text
- Updated the GraphQL formatter to use Prettier
- Added an option to the response preview dropdown to copy the raw response to the clipboard
- Improved visibility of the drag pane when viewed vertically
- Improved the client certificate view with more detailed information
- Improved the environment variable key validation to also check nested keys
- Updated the Deploy to Portal to honor SSL validation preference
- Added an option to the response preview dropdown to export as HAR
- Improved error handling with git operations
- Added support for configuring Insomnia via a configuration file
- Added an option to disable background network requests (Preferences > General > Network Activity > Incognito Mode)

- Added a Dark Colorblind theme
- Improved how Swagger UI connects to Insomnia themes

Plugin API:
- Added API to interact with the clipboard via `app.clipboard`
- Added API to get application information via `app.getInfo`

CINEMA 4D 25.015 查看版本資訊


Aseprite 1.2.30 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support to save/load .pal files with alpha channel
- Fixed restoring grid preferences on undo/redo
- Continue playing the same tag in the Preview window after switching sprites
- Some fixes when sorting colors in color bar
- Jump between start & end colors when using [ and ] keys or Alt+mouse wheel instead of stopping at the start and at the end of the palette
- Fixed several issues related to pixels w/indexes out of the valid palette range
- Fixed opening .aseprite files from macOS Finder
- Lua: Added support to disable plugin commands
- Lua: Added WebSocket API
- Lua: New API to listen some events as and
- Lua: New experimental debugger for Lua scripts

Lansweeper 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: LAN-11341 When linking an installation that has multiple scan servers with Cloud, servers not configured as sync server erroneously attempt to sync data with Cloud as well.
- Fixed: LAN-11349 Windows Server 2022 machines are sometimes erroneously identified as Windows Server 2020.

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 120 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add a FontSize expression for Text objects

Various profile improvements:
- Display contributor profiles when clicking their badge in an extension or example
- Allow to change your email address in your profile, and to verify it
- Add a "bio", a short description that you can add to your profile
- Prevent saving projects and extensions with nonexistent authors

Extensions, assets, and examples:
- Update extension submission template to mark fields as required
- Fix pathfinding movement in Linked Objects Tools
- Partially upgrade author field to new format
- Partially upgrade author field to new format
- Attach more examples to their original author/contributors
- Add 3 thumbnails to some game examples
- Fix bubble collision at low frame rate in BimBam example and make it touch devices ready
- Update LinkedObjectTools extension to fix an issue in pathfinding movement
- Add authors for existing examples
- Also update some example project names and package names

- opening up the parameters dialog for object or behaviors expressions having no parameters
- wording of "empty game" to "empty project" for consistency
- very long object names overflowing or messing up some dialogs in the editor
- icons aligment and text ellipsis for long resource names in resources selector
- loss of user login between IDE refreshes/opening
- conditions comparing Dialogue Tree variables to work even if the dialogue is not running

PCDJ DEX 查看版本資訊


MyLanViewer 4.33.0 查看版本資訊
