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最新版本 CINEMA 4D 2024.1.0

CINEMA 4D 歷史版本列表

Cinema 4D 使得最簡單易用的專業 3D 軟件比以往更有效率。新工具以及擴展和完全重新編制的功能可幫助您更快,更輕鬆地將您的想法變為現實。改進的工作流程可幫助您實現最緊密的最後期限. MAXON 為專業 3D 藝術家提供最好的電影 4D。如果你想創造先進的 3D 圖形,但需要幫助,以確保您快速,輕鬆地創建令人 ja 目結舌的圖形,那麼這是您的選擇.快速工作,播放更多 平滑的工作流程帶來創意... CINEMA 4D 軟體介紹

Nicepage 4.6.5 查看版本資訊


WordPress 5.9.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This maintenance release features 82 bug fixes in both Core and the block editor

PCDJ DEX 查看版本資訊


WordPress 5.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Better block controls:
- WordPress 5.9 features new typography tools, flexible layout controls, and finer control of details like spacing, borders, and more—to help you get not just the look, but the polish that says you care about details

The power of patterns:
- The WordPress Pattern Directory is the home of a wide range of block patterns built to save you time and add to your site’s functionality. And you can edit them as you see fit. Need something different in the header or footer for your theme? Swap it out with a new one in a few clicks.
- With a nearly full-screen view that draws you in to see fine details, the Pattern Explorer makes it easy to compare patterns and choose the one your users need

A revamped List View:
- In 5.9, the List View lets you drag and drop your content exactly where you want it. Managing complex documents is easier, too: simple controls let you expand and collapse sections as you build your site—and add HTML anchors to your blocks to help users get around the page.

A better Gallery block:
- Treat every image in a Gallery Block the same way you would treat it in the Image Block
- Style every image in your gallery differently, or make them all the same, except for one or two. Or change the layout with drag-and-drop

PCDJ DEX 3.17.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- TIDAL Streaming Service support (including Video tracks)
- “3rd Party Services” tab in Preferences/Settings – this is where all the integrations are (streaming services, stores, etc)
- New setting: “Always start a new track when filler music player resumes” (when disabled the filler music will continue where it left off when playback resumes)
- New setting: “Show singers without songs” (you can customize the default “Pick a song!” text); this will show in the karaoke ticker / next singers list;
- Automatically moving the cross-fader to the left for 1-deck / karaoke-only skins (eg. LYRX)
- Warn the user when there is no current audio device set or is disconnected: “The audio device could not be found. Please re-connect it and restart the app or select a different audio device from Preferences/Options -> Audio Routing tab.”
- Updated: Beatport LINK and Beatsource LINK now compatible with the new ARM M1-based Macs

- Browser-lists splitters sometimes not working correctly
- Memory leak for video loops (eg. karaoke background video)
- Windows audio device names with special characters
- Rare downloading issues for some streaming services
- Various performance improvements

GDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 125 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Game building and publishing:
Publishing to the web is now giving you a stable, unique URL to your game:
- A unique URL is now available for each game, hosted on (more about it later!)
- The list of "builds" has been improved to allow opening web builds and decide which one to publish live on the stable url. This allows to continue making regular exports (you will get an "instant-build" URL) to the web and choose which one to show to your players (the unique URL).
- The list of builds per game is now in the game dashboard

Engine improvements:
- Add a condition to the Platformer character behavior to check if a control is pressed (or simulated)
- Improve calculations for the Top Down movement, the Platformer and the Pathfinding behaviors to make them more precise when accelerating or decelerating
- This makes the movement less prone to approximations when there is a drop in your game framerate, making your game more precise.
- Add support for rotating, scaling and flipping a Shape Painter object
- A custom center point can be set (and will be at the center of the drawing if not specified)
- The collision mask is now a rectangle surrounding what is drawn on screen
- If this changes something in your game, or you want another collision mask, you can use the action to set a custom rectangle as the collision mask of the object
- Improve the timer conditions to allow to check if the value of the timer is greater or less than a value

Extension discovery:
- Add buttons to add an extension, or a behavior to an object, when adding a condition or an action in the event sheet
- Open extension details first when clicking on an extension imported from the extensions library, in the project manager
- This is useful to read again the extension description and learn how to use it
- Change the way filters are applied when searching for extensions/behaviors/examples in the stores (you can now search them by typing in the search box, and click one to apply it)

- Add logs to audio actions when trying to manipulate a sound/music on a non-existing channel
- Add autocompletion for fields and expressions asking for a function parameter name
- Update the new behavior method dialog "step icon" to be hollow
- Make the GDevelop Windows version signed with a certificate to avoid warnings when opening the installer
- The Windows warning should be gone once a sufficient number of people install the app ????
- Improve the mouse conditions to autocomplete possible values
- Add possibility to use Cmd+Enter/Ctrl+Enter to apply changes or validate a dialog.
- Show objects position instead of origin in the in-game debugging view
- Still show the "origin" point for rotated/scaled Sprite objects.
- Add missing keys in the keyboard expression autocomplete
- Allow multi-selection and sorting in the instances list
- Also allow to lock/unlock by clicking on the lock icon
- Add context menu items to collapse all events and expand events to certain levels
- Group properties in some behaviors for enhanced clarity
- Also allow custom behaviors made in the editor to define property groups
- Also allow actions/conditions/expressions created in the editor to be sorted in groups
- Add notification badge on user chip and achievements (to know when you get a new achievement)
- Improve the homepage layout to make the "Create blank project" easier to find

Extensions, assets and, examples:
- Update flexbox extension with various improvements
- Show the options in the parameters of the Gamepad extension
- [SpriteMasking] Fix unmasking being limited to sprites
- [Noise] Add octaves handling to make procedural generation easier
- [MarchingSquare] Various improvements:
- Add an action to set the field value of a grid point.
- Add expressions for the grid dimension (the number of rows and columns)
- Add an action to "clamp" the field with an upper and lower bound
- Add the "Multiplication" and "Division" operations for the "merge" action
- Fix: the field is cleared if its size is changed so that its size actually updates
- Add DiscordRichPresence extension
- Add space-asteroids example from GDevelop's Youtube tutorial
- Update IAP example to 1.1.0
- Mainly a simplification of the example
- Add circular pong example
- Paint example

- Display timed out builds instead of infinite loader
- Fix crash on web-app for users using automatic page translations
- Fix some typo in the interface or codebase
- Fixes presence of ghost collision masks for objects with platform behavior
- Fix the special 'Not' condition not working with some conditions related to objects
- Fix the expression to get the user home path
- Fix toolbar not centered on the extensions screen
- Fix wrong network preview address shown when running in VirtualBox/VMware

CINEMA 4D 25.117 查看版本資訊


NTLite (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Components: ’57-bit Linear Addressing’
- Components: ‘Disk Usage utility’
- Components: ‘DiskRAID tool’
- Components: ‘Natural Language – Sorting’
- Components: ‘Now Playing Session Manager’
- Components: ‘Pen Service’
- Settings: ‘Use Print Screen key to launch Snip & Sketch’ option
- Settings: ‘Search – Allow cloud search’ option

- Components: ‘Error Reporting’ components refactored, now removes a service as well, while API is split to cover WerFault silent app errors handling
- Components: Network ‘Data Usage service’ moved under ‘Diagnostics’ as its dependee
- Components: Win1X ‘Storage Service’ removes more
- Components: Windows ARM64 support improvements, SysArm32 leftovers
- Components: ‘Telemetry Client’ now also includes Update Aggregators
- Updates: Win7 boot.wim update integration ‘Reapply tasks across editions’ filters known install.wim-only updates
- General: Setting chosen temp directory to the host FilesNotToSnapshot and FilesNotToBackup exclusion keys
- UI-Components: Answering ‘No’ for the prompt to uncheck dependees will proceed with the target uncheck only, instead of cancelling it
- UI-Translation: Thanks for Polish (KrzysioZ), Romanian (Coman), Korean (Redrabbit)

- Components: ‘Battery’ removal was removing Settings – Power page
- Components: ‘Event Viewer’ had repeating 1107 errors if ‘Auditing’ was removed
- Components: ‘HyperV’ had leftovers if keeping ‘Defender’ or ‘Linux Subsystem’
- Components: ‘Shared Experiences’ Win10 removal was needed for Settings – Display
- Components: ‘WAP Push Message Routing Service’ added to OOBE compat, solves missing Power Options in Settings if removed in image
- Components: FamilySafetyTask task removal while removing a Parental Controls app in the same session
- Components: Win7 ‘Minesweeper’ was dependent on ‘Parental Controls’ to open
- Components: Win8.1 ‘Windows Store’ leftovers
- Features: FODs connections to Components, e.g. ‘Steps Recorder’ disabled if its component is pending removal
- UI: Takes less CPU while waiting on external processes
- UI: Cleaning progress popup could stuck at 100% when done

WordPress 5.8.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Security updates:
4 security issues affect WordPress versions between 3.7 and 5.8. If you haven’t yet updated to 5.8, all WordPress versions since 3.7 have also been updated to fix the following security issues:
- Props to Karim El Ouerghemmi and Simon Scannell of SonarSource for disclosing an issue with stored XSS through post slugs
- Props to Simon Scannell of SonarSource for reporting an issue with Object injection in some multisite installations
- Props to ngocnb and khuyenn from GiaoHangTietKiem JSC for working with Trend Micro Zero Day Initiative on reporting a SQL injection vulnerability in WP_Query
- Props to Ben Bidner from the WordPress security team for reporting a SQL injection vulnerability in WP_Meta_Query

CINEMA 4D 25.115 查看版本資訊
