Boxcryptor 歷史舊版本 Page5

最新版本 Boxcryptor 2.55.2774

Boxcryptor 歷史版本列表

Boxcryptor 在 Dropbox,Google Drive,OneDrive 和許多其他雲存儲中加密您的敏感文件和文件夾。它將最方便用戶的雲存儲服務的優勢與全球最高的安全標準相結合。在您的設備上正確加密數據,然後再將其同步到您選擇的雲提供商.Boxcryptor 可以免費使用兩台設備上的一個雲存儲提供商。作為單個用戶,您可以使用我們的 Boxcryptor Unlimited 許可證來增加... Boxcryptor 軟體介紹

Opera GX 71.0.3770.234 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Opera GX 71.0.3770.205 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Opera GX 71.0.3770.175 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


SeaMonkey 2.53.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Upgraded NSS to 3.53.1 bug 1643859
- Updated to Unicode 11 for SpiderMonkey bug 1466471
- Updated bundled Twemoji Mozilla font to v0.5.1 to support newer emojis bug 1644346
- Updated how photos are handled in the addressbook bug 1641705
- Removed outdated RSS feed handlers bug 1643716
- Fix initialisation of TodayPane mini-day, to show the right day bug 1479628
- Fixed sizing issue of HTML mail question (askSendFormat) dialog bug 1583415
- Update of help page content and links
- Various security and general platform fixes

Opera GX 71.0.3770.138 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Upgrade pip automatically when creating a new virtualenv
- Add Auto-Focus for Input to the Debug I/O tool's Options menu, to raise and focus
- on the I/O buffer whenever a debug process is waiting for keyboard input
- Add Close All Terminated menu item to the Debug I/O tool's Options menu
- Auto-show the Debug I/O tool also for the second+ debug process
- Set the current debug process when auto-showing Debug I/O on output
- Change the default for auto-showing the Debug I/O tool to show it on first output only
- Implement vi mode :[range]y
- Position the multi-selection window correctly on Linux and allow it to be moved manually
- Don't show debug run markers for non-current debug processes
- Don't move breakpoints to a different line when undo or comment-toggle is used
- Fix importing matplotlib when the matplotlib font cache needs to be rebuilt
- Optimize matplotlib event processing with the MacOSX backend
- Fix the Testing tool when one of the regexes for project files isn't valid
- Allow copying only selected text from documentation
- Fix code warnings when AnyStr is used
- Fix disabling undefined attribute warnings of builtin types
- Supress spurious warnings for variables with typing.Type[] hints
- Avoid failure to update the analysis status in some cases
- Correctly report remote agent installation failure in all cases

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Introduce preliminary support for Python 3.9
- Add Editor > Space Indicator Size preference for the size of the indicator used for space characters when white space is shown on the editor

Bug Fixes:
- Fix installing individually named packages with a version specifier from the New Project dialog
- Avoid scrolling editors in other splits when multiple splits are open for a file
- Fix using the space bar to toggle checkboxes in refactoring lists
- Fix end-of-block command when starting from a def <name>(): line
- Start in the correct location when using New items in the project context menu and the Files > Default Directory Policy preference is using the current focus
- Use the correct default text encoding for .json and .tex files
- Fix using Anaconda when it is the default Python in the Terminal on macOS
- Move the Debugger > Advanced > Auto-show Run Args Dialog preference to Debugger > Show Debug Environment Dialog and make it work for named entry points
- Avoid failure to display the value of some data types in the debugger
- Show operators in Python code in documentation also in the Black Background color palette

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Support running and debugging Python code in Docker and other containers
- Allow creating a new Docker container or using an existing container from the New Project dialog
- Update and improve the How-To for Docker
- Support auto-completion of f-string expressions
- Allow setting the display and editor color themes separately
- Add the Editor > Auto-Editing > Mutate Adjacent Quotes preference to control whether typing a quote character while the caret is adjacent to an existing quote will change the type of quotes used for that string (enabled by default)
- Improve source analysis of simple expressions, imports from modules with __all__, and global/non-local statements
- Enable structural folding in .pyi and .pi files
- Add basic syntax highlighting for Dockerfile

- Use utf-8 as the default encoding for Python files when working with Python 3
- Change the color palette and theme selection preferences to the easier to understand Display Theme and Editor Theme
- Remove deprecated commands:
- show-panel-debug-probe (use show-panel-debug-console)
- debug-probe-clear (use debug-console-clear)
- debug-probe-toggle-active-range (use debug-console-toggle-active-range)
- debug-probe-evaluate-active-range (use debug-console-evaluate-active-range)
- debug-probe-show-active-range (use debug-console-show-active-range)
- evaluate-sel-in-debug-probe (use evaluate-sel-in-debug-console)
- set-current-as-main-debug-file (use set-current-as-main-entry-point)
- clear-project-main-debug-file (use clear-project-main-entry-point)  
- set-selected-as-main-debug-file (use set-selected-as-main-entry-point)  
- Removeddeprecated symbols in the scripting API:
- kArg* magic default argument values (other than kArgNumericModifier)
- 'sheet' argument for CAPIApplication.ShowMessageDialog
- CAPIProject.Get/SetMainDebugFile (use Get/SetMainEntryPoint)
- CAPIDebugRunState.GetStackFrame (use GetStackIndex)
- Remove legacy support for Zope2 name space merging and debugging with WingDBG
- Omit minor version number from the installation directory name on Windows
- Add spaces into the app installation directory name on macOS
- Change the names of executables on Linux to wing8, wing-personal8, and wing-101-8
- The default Python is selected differently and includes inspection of Anaconda installations and framework installations (on macOS) that were previously ignored

Bug Fixes:
- Use the correct Python version for PEP 8 reformatting on a remote host
- Fix opening files from the Finder on macOS Catalina Finder when Wing is already open
- Fix goto definition on the Python 3 module
- Fix the project tree display after cancelling a file move
- Fix find points of use and refactoring for properties
- Fix goto-definition callouts on symbols in remote files that are not yet open
- Add missing attributes errors, name, newlines, mode, and fileno to Python 2 sys.stdout/err replacement used while debugging; also add write_through for Python 3
- Fix intermittent truncation of output produced near the end of a process lifetime
- Avoid the potential for terminating debug or Python Shell processes when working on multiple remote hosts and a process ID happens to match an existing process
- Avoid warning about Python Shell restart when creating new projects
- Fix closing an editor while saving its file to a remote host
- Fix working with a remote Python that is missing the ctypes standard library module
- Don't mis-identify the type of the return values of dict items as a tuples
- Fix displaying invalid names in an import statement
- Fix inspecting values in the debugger or shell when getattr raises an exception other than AttibuteError
- Fix analysis of class and function statements after their indentation is reduced
- Fix analysis of f-strings contained inside an f-string
- Fix the icon used for Wing when launching from the command line on macOS Catalina
- Don't fail to reset the Testing tool state correctly if starting debug of a test aborts
- Update analysis correctly if the Project Home Directory or Python Path is changed in Project Properties
- Reduce application startup time

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add a How-To for using Wing with PyXLL
- Support folding in .pyi and .pi files

Bug Fixes:
- Fix using the macOS Catalina Finder to open files when Wing is already open
- Fix Wing's icon on macOS Catalina when launching from command line
- Fix the project tree display after cancelling a file move
- Fix the default editor font on Catalina
- Fix analysis of named expressions used as function arguments

Gyazo 4.1.3 查看版本資訊
