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最新版本 Boxcryptor 2.55.2774

Boxcryptor 歷史版本列表

Boxcryptor 在 Dropbox,Google Drive,OneDrive 和許多其他雲存儲中加密您的敏感文件和文件夾。它將最方便用戶的雲存儲服務的優勢與全球最高的安全標準相結合。在您的設備上正確加密數據,然後再將其同步到您選擇的雲提供商.Boxcryptor 可以免費使用兩台設備上的一個雲存儲提供商。作為單個用戶,您可以使用我們的 Boxcryptor Unlimited 許可證來增加... Boxcryptor 軟體介紹

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.0.237 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 6.0.237
The DevOps Automation feature:
Now dbForge Studio for SQL Server takes part in DevOps Automation. On the start page, in the DevOps tab, added links to install the following plugins:
- Plugin for Jenkins
- Plugin for TeamCity
- Plugin for Azure DevOps
- Plugin for Bamboo
- PowerShell module that helps with organizing database DevOps processes for your SQL Server databases. It allows you to develop, source-control, and safely automate the deployment of database changes by using dbForge for SQL Server tools via the PowerShell interface.

Connectivity improvements:
- Heroku Cloud connectivity support
- Display of the SQL Server version when testing connection

Code Completion improvements:
- Column sensitivity classification information available in the completion list and Quick Info
- Support for statement: GRANT ALTER ANY SECURITY POLICY
- Support for statement: GRANT ALTER ANY COLUMN MASTER KEY
- Support for statement: CREATE/ALTER/DROP EXTERNAL LANGUAGE for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for the function PREDICT for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for CREATE USER for Azure SQL Database
- Expanded support for CREATE INDEX for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for CREATE EXTERNAL LIBRARY for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for ALTER DATABASE for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for ALTER TABLE for SQL server 2019
- Expanded support for ALTER EXTERNAL LIBRARY for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for ALTER AVAILABILITY GROUP for SQL server 2019
- Expanded support for DROP EXTERNAL RESOURCE POOL for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for DROP EXTERNAL LIBRARY for SQL Server 2019
- Expanded support for ACCELERATED_DATABASE_RECOVERY in ALTER DATABASE for SQL Server 2019
- Temporary tables suggestion
- OPENJSON objects suggestion
- Properties suggestion for built-in metadata functions
- Prompting hints names for the USE HINT option
- Prompting time zones in AT TIME ZONE
- Displaying MS_Description for SQL Azure database objects
- Prompting objects in the context of DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS
- New options suggestion for the ALTER DATABASE SCOPED CONFIGURATION statement

- Code Refactoring improvements:
- Converting stored routines execution into a script
- Unwrapping dynamic SQL into parameterized queries
- Find Invalid Objects to get to know if any objects are referencing objects that have been dropped and no longer exist in the database

- Code Navigation improvements:
- Jump between CASE/END
- Jump between BEGIN TRY/END TRY
- Extend INSERT Highlight Occurrences feature to show a popup with the column name in the values area

- Code Execution improvements:
- Run a single script against multiple databases in parallel or serial mode
- Execution Warnings to warn of UPDATE or DELETE statements without a WHERE clause as well as TRUNCATE and DROP statements
- Export of execution history to CSV file format

SQL Formatter improvements:
- New formatting profiles introduced: Collapsed; Commas before; Compact; Extended; Indented; MSDN SQL; Right aligned; Stack compact
- Quick select formatting profile from context menu of SQL file

Data Editor improvements:
- Cached Updates Mode to defer posting updates to a table to a later time
- New Web view for Data Viewer
- Unified display of DATE in the Results Grid and Data Viewer
- Ability to customize colors for Data Viewer JSON view in the dark skin
- Export data from a data grid to the CSV, XML, HTML, and JSON formats
- Settings for the export data from a data grid to the CSV
- Copy data as CSV, XML, HTML, and JSON formats to clipboard as well as to a file
- Keyboard shortcut for the Apply Changes command

Data Export/Import improvements:
- Data Export/Import to Google Sheets
- Output Settings tab is added to Data Export Wizard
- Information about the export format is added to the Data Export Wizard header
- Remember the Save an Export Project checkbox value

Schema Compare improvements:
- Redesigned Progress Window for schema comparison and synchronization
- In-place SQL Formatting option for the text compare control
- Pre/Post-scripts execution tab in Schema Synchronization Wizard
- Append Timestamp to the File Name option in Schema Synchronization Wizard
- Colors for Modified, Added, and Deleted blocks are changed in the text compare control

Data Compare improvements:
- Redesigned Progress window for data comparison and synchronization
- Exclude newly added objects option in Data Compare Wizard
- Ignore Whitespaces option in Data Compare Wizard
- Tolerance Interval option in Data Compare Wizard
- Pre/Post-scripts execution tab in Data Synchronization Wizard
- Hide empty columns options for Only in Source and Only in Target view of Data Compare document

Data Generator improvements:
- Redesigned Progress Window for data generation
- Documenter improvements<
- Auto-line-break of long headings

Other improvements:
- Generate Script As for DML Commands
- Access to SQL Designer from the context menu is added
- Search for options is introduced
- Remember the size of the column properties window
- DevExpress controls updated to v20
- New vector HiDPI skins

User-reported and internal bug fixes:
- The "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow." issue is SQL Profiler (T310029)
- Unexpected exception occurred when generating data via the command line(T320298)
- The freeze when describing user database in Data Generator (T319445)
- Improved generation of data previews in the data generator for tables with composite indexes (T316409)
- Bug during generation of data preview in Data Import (T308286)
- Unexpected exception occurred during data generation for tables with circular dependencies (T278700)
- Improved object search. When editing a search query, a new search occurred according to the previous query (T304247)
- Changes to the Description field in the generated documentation were not saved in Documenter (T293113)
- Unexpected exception was thrown when opening any execution plan saved in SQL Server 2012 (T294320)
- Display of controls in dark skin in the table editor (T277001)
- Mapping settings when comparing data in backups (T323655)
- Critical parsing error (T312403)
- Error with displaying data in the Data Compare grid (T319144, T297723)
- Critical error with mapping when opening the data compare document (T306175)
- Error occurred in Comparison Wizard when connecting to TFS (T308893)
- Incorrect parsing of the FUNCTION parameters (T317519)
- An option to exclude versioned tables from comparison is added (T309869)
- Error with setting connection in the Script Folder creation form (T294568)
- Initial values were missing for SEQUENCE when retrieving DDL (T307257)
- Error with defining compatibility of the columnstore indexes when working with Azure SQL (T306938)
- Error with parsing DDL script of objects containing brackets (T303303)
- Script parsing error occurred (T283445)
- Incorrect synchronization script was generated when setting IDENTITY for the NOT NULL column (T275640)
- Data display in the Data Compare document (T268482)
- Generation of CREATE and CREATE OR ALTER scripts (T267680)
- Display of equal objects (T293657)
- The Insert Semicolons menu item put semicolons in wrong places making the script invalid (T323877)
- Incorrect behavior of the split/combined layout toggle when retrieving data for tables from Database Explorer (T318219)
- Code Completion did not suggest columns for table aliases (T304419, T305484)
- When selecting the dark color scheme and applying the dark mode in the Windows settings, the text in an SQL document remained black (T309895)
- The Edit.GotoBeginEnd command was missing from shortcuts configuration table
- Possible critical error after printing an SQL document (T317747)
- The Unexpected Object Already Exists errors were popping up frequently within the database objects editor (T304855)
- The procedure script was reformatted unexpectedly when trying to modify the latest (T304521)
- The multiline string was incorrectly highlighted within an SQL document
- The toolbar customizations are lost after restarting the program (T298461)
- The modify method for the XML data type was treated incorrectly by the syntax checker (T297890, T297936)
- Possible critical error within text comparison module when comparing database schemas (T297377, T297515, T297919, T298365, T298573,T302658, T304732, T305199, T305378, T305599, T306396, T309922)
- The FOR JSON clause was not allowed in the CURSOR statement (T289629, T320446, T314673)
- It was impossible to select multiple lines at once within an SQL document (T281370)
- The syntax checker did not accept user variables within the SEND statement (T283619)
- The syntax checker did not accept the FORCESEEK hint with the brackets
- Items in the completion list were scrolled by pixels but not rows, thus it was impossible to use mouse wheel for navigation (T280133)
- The formatter failed to process queries containing column aliases defined via the 'alias = column' syntax
- The Alt + R accelerator in the Find and Replace window did not work (T270967)
- The JSON_QUERY was not recognized correctly by the syntax checker (T266900)
- Incorrect statement was highlighted with the error marker when profiling specific statements (T264205)
- The WHERE keyword was not highlighted in case the JOIN condition was incomplete (T263709)
- Improved generation of DDL script of a trigger for the Modify command in Database Explorer (T318082)
- Error with defining the server version in (T309862, T309689)
- Description of the Schema Export options is improved (T313400)
- Error occurred when updating the values of the joined tables in Data Editor (Modif298178)
- Behavior with the window focus when executing queries in SQL document is tweaked (T294116)
- Error occurred when opening the Database Diagram file in the previous version (T294212)
- The work of the Filter Editor window in Data Editor is tweaked (T276373)
- Support for the SSDT folder structure in Script Folder and Source Control (T251625)
- Issue with connecting to the cloud Git repositories (T306465)
- Error when working with a SEQUENCE with large values (T281220)
- Improved performance when displaying data with a large number of columns (T283046, T289442)
- Formatting was disabled when generating the script objects script
- Error when executing SELECT queries with the FOR JSON clause (T244543, T264914, T272571)

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.8.127
Bug fixes:
- Problem with Generate Script As on SQL Server 2019 is fixed
- Problem with connecting to azure managed instance is fixed
- Problem with freezing on refresh Source Folder is fixed
- Problem with displaying comperison result is fixed
- Other User-reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.8.107
Data Compare improvements:
- Redesigned data compare control
- Redesigned data comparison report window
- Redesigned data comparison report in CSV

Schema Compare improvements:
- Object filter
- Redesigned objects text diff control
- Redesigned schema comparison report window
- Redesigned schema comparison report in HTML

User reported bug fixes:
- Problem with execution of push command is fixed
- Problem with virtual relation on database diagram is fixed
- Problem with constraint renaming is fixed
- Problem with data view in data editor is fixed
- Other user reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.7.99
Fixed bugs:
- Problems with data refreshing in data editor are fixed
- NRE in view editor is fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.7.98
- Problem with connecting to GIT using proxy is resolved
- Problems with incorrect query generation are fixed
- Problem with procedure creating in the editor is fixed
- Problems with conneting to repository are fixed
- Problems with parser error are fixed
- Problems with opening database diagram are fixed
- Problems with saving changes when modifying an object in the object editor are fixed
- Other user reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.7.31

- Support for the Active Directory - Universal with MFA authentication

Schema & Data Compare:
- Comparison performance improved dramatically

User reported bug fixes:
- Problem with column order is fixed
- Problem with wrong error messages is fixed
- Problem with lost user shortcuts is fixed
- Problem with check constraints is fixed
- Problems with drag and drop several tables to diagram are fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.6.104
Bugs fixed:
- Problems with a virtual relation on a database diagram
- Problem with the connection to Azure
- Problem with mapping a foreign key on a database diagram
- Problem with shortcuts
- Problem with wrong differences after data comparing

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Professional 5.6.62
SQL Server support:
- Connectivity support for SQL Server 2019
- Lots of Azure improvements implemented

Data Generator
- Foreign Key Generator for a group of unique table columns

Source Control:
- Support for TFS 2018

User reported bug fixes:
- Synchronization issue using command line is fixed
- Problem with false different records is fixed
- Problem with view renaming is fixed
- Problem with script generating for system-versioned table is fixed
- Problem with connect to TFS is fixed
- Problem with inserting data in data editor is fixed
- Problem with editing table structure is fixed
- Problem with renaming file for data export to CSV is fixed
- Problem with documentation generation is fixed
- Problem with object duplicate is fixed
- Problems with activation are fixed
- Other user reported bugs are fixed

dbForge Studio for SQL Server Profesional 5.5.369
- Problem with popup menu in database explorer is fixed

Boxcryptor 2.43.1441 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed: Compatibility with Google Drive v45.0.12.0
- Fixed: Fixed rendering issues with Intel Graphics drivers
- Changed: pCloud auto-detection is now restricted to the sync folder
- Minor Bug fixes and improvements

SeaMonkey 2.53.6 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improve usability of multiple mailboxes/folders selectionbug
- Add Greek localisation (el)
- Remove more RDF from mailnews code
- Switch to mozilla as topsrcdir and component for building is comm/suite now
- Rust support is now up to 1.48 and official build is now using 1.47.0
- Various security and general platform fixes

Gyazo 4.1.5 查看版本資訊


Boxcryptor 2.42.1333 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Changed: Spideroak auto-detection is now restricted to the SpiderOak Hive folder
- Fixed: Crashes related to recent Windows Updates
- Fixed: Installing updates when using a proxy
- Bug fixes and improvements

KeeWeb 1.16.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- fix #1650: keyfiles stored in the app can't be used

KeeWeb 1.16.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- possibility to use V2 keyfiles (.keyx)
- fixed a missing icon in the local file question box
- fix #1649: missing Argon2 options
- minor license screen fixes

Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- AMD: removal of the start menu item: AMD Bug Report Tool
- Intel: Additional removal to Graphic Command Center (GCC) and ShaderCache
- Languages : Turkish.xml updates

Wing IDE 101 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Add support for clusters of containers managed by Docker Compose
- Allow containers to inherit the Environment set in Project Properties
- Allow configuring port forwarding for containers
- Add a plugin system for implementing support for additional container systems
and container orchestration systems

- Change how container configuration works.  Wing 8 alpha1 projects will not open if they
include a container configuration, and must be rebuilt.
- Require a second : to be typed in auto-editing block management with : before starting
a block if a type annotation or := could be used in that context.  This can be disabled
with the Editor > Auto-Editing > Prefer Block Management in Assignments preference

- Fix Apply Update dialog
- Reduce the amount of CPU time used by debug processes and the Python Shell
- Don't fail to start when the file last-python is missing from the settings directory
- Include all improvements in Wing 7 versions through 7.2.7
- Fix problems starting debug with wingdbstub from sitecustomize

Recordify 2021 (6.02) 查看版本資訊
