Arduino 歷史舊版本 Page46

最新版本 Megacubo 17.4.5 (64-bit)

Arduino 歷史版本列表

開放源代碼 Arduino 軟件(IDE)可以輕鬆編寫代碼並將其上傳到開發板。它運行在 Windows,Mac OS X 和 Linux 上。環境是用 Java 編寫的,基於 Processing 和其他開源軟件。這個軟件可以與任何 Arduino 板一起使用。最有趣的功能是:等待新的 arduino-builder這是一個純粹的命令行工具,它負責修改代碼,解決庫依賴和設置編譯單元。它也可以作為一... Arduino 軟體介紹

Arduino 1.6.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support to Arduino Gemma
- Restored previous "error" colour in black lower part of the IDE
- Relaxed IDE checks against libraries versions
- Fixed colour of 'char' keyword.
- Tools submenu show selected subentry.
- Boards and Libraries Managers command line: --install-board "arduino:Arduino SAM Boards (32-bits ARM Cortex-M3):1.6.3" and --install-library "Bridge:1.0.1". Version can be omitted: if omitted, latest version available is automatically picked
- Warning levels can be set in File > Preferences
- When compilation fails, editor highlights the reported row
- Windows and MacOSX: updated bunbled JVM to 1.8.0_45 (latest available atm)
- Disabled "uncertified" warning (requires avr core >= 1.6.6, sam core >= 1.6.4)
- Additional boards/cores can be listed specifying comma separated list of package_SOMETHING_index.json url in File > Preferences
- MacOSX: fixed wrong sketch opened when double clicking on a .ino file
- Boards and Libraries main files are downloaded directly (no proxy php script), fixing some glitches when using a proxy server
- Added notification if the bundled AVR core is newer than the one installed through Boards Manager (useful when upgrading the IDE)
- Fixed error when in Serial and Network discovery that was leaving the Ports menu greyed out
- IDE now deletes temporary files on exit. When using the CLI, --preserve-temp-files arguments skips deletion

- Bridge fixes
- SD: allow multiple SD instances
- SD: fix examples with Ethernet shield

Arduino 1.6.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an ArchiveExtractor issue when dealing with native stuff, affecting some linuxes
- New splashscreen image
- New editor theme
- https links were not working, fixed

- Upgraded toolchains: statically compiled, ship with Link Time Optimization plugin (disabled by default)
- Restored backward compatibility by providing a platform.txt in-memory rewrite: old values (eg: compiler.path) are converted to new values
- platform.txt rewriting can be disabled if target platform has a "rewriting=disabled" key/value pair set
- AVR bundle files (core files and toolchain) is again inside IDE "hardware" folder, instead of unpacked into user's home folder at first IDE startup
- Advise of duplicate libraries after compiling.

Arduino 1.6.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Boards and libraries managers, for one click install of additional boards and libraries
- In platform.txt, pre and post build hooks can now be specified. Example: recipe.hooks.prebuild.0.pattern=echo "Hello {build.source.path}".
- Windows and MacOSX JVM Xmx halved to 512M
- Introduced starting splashscreen with progress status: will be used for notifying user of long running startup tasks
- Available ports list is now generated in background: hence "tools" menu is much faster

- Stream: fixed bug in findUntil routine #2591

- EEPROM: Replaced existing library with more complete implementation
- SD: fixed endless timeout on 32bit core (Due)
- Ethernet: fixed headers include path
- SPI: do not influence state of SS pin if it's already been set as output by user sketch
- Bridge: discard message if received length is bigger than rx buffer

Arduino 1.6.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved Yun detection for upload via network
- In platforms.txt "objcopy" recipe is no more tied to the "hex" format
- Ports in ports list are now grouped by type
- Upgraded avr-gcc toolchains to 3.4.5
- Fixed: wrong parsing of boards.txt when using submenu and boards id with underscores
- Windows: updated bundled JVM to latest 8u31
- Windows: JVM memory settings can be customized editing arduino.l4j.ini and arduino_debug.l4j.ini files
- "new" button now behaves as "File -> New..." menu: a new window with an empty sketch is created
- Windows: opening a lonely sketch caused the IDE to crash. Fixed with a bounty on bountysource
- Bridge: fixed bug with multiple and failing YunClient.connect calls @sngl
- Translations updated
- Improved SoftSerial library and optimized its memory usage
- Fixed: status board was not changing when using custom menu
- Fixed: better error message when using a busy serial device
- Fixed: missing bool operator on EthernetClient
- Fixed: missing bool operator on SoftSerial
- Improved library name matching. Avoids conflicts with libraries that bundle files equally named

Pano2VR 4.5.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This is a bugfix release for a bug introduced in 4.5.2 that prevented interaction with panoramas on older iOS Devices (iOS <=7)

Arduino 1.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- IDE internals have been refactored and sorted out.
- The builder and the GUI now have clearly separated source code making it easier
- for IDE developers to maintain and propose patch.
- From a user point of view nothing changes and the IDE should behave exactly as before.
- sam: added -MMD flag to let gcc produce dependency files (full rebuild on Arduino Due is now triggered only if needed)
- Fixed regression in HardwareSerial::available() introduced

- Autosave on sketch Upload/Verify (Fulvio Ieva)
- Sketch build process: fixed full rebuild on windows even if not needed
- Sketch build process: core.a rebuild only if needed (Matthijs Kooijman)
- Updated AStyle formatter to v2.04
- Improved avrdude verbose upload (Matthijs Kooijman)
- (Mac OSX) Add Exported UTI for ino files, allows quick look to view the content of the file and external editors to syntax highlight as C++ (Matt Lloyd)
- Updated libastyle to 2.05

- LiquidCrystal: added setRowOffsets function to support different LCD hardware configurations
- LiquidCrystal: various improvements and optimizations
- Fixed PROGMEM error in Robot_Control/examples/explore/R06_Wheel_Calibration
- SD: Fixed SPI transaction mismatch
- The following changes are included also in the Arduino IDE 1.0.7:
- EthernetClien: use IANA recommended ephemeral port range, 49152-65535

Pano2VR 3.1.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This new version of Pano2VR is bug fix release
- The Mac App Store version fixes a bug where the Flash Skins didn't work properly
- A WebGL memory leak in the HTML5 player was fixed for all Pano2VR versions

Pano2VR 3.1.4 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- This new version of Pano2VR is bug fix release
- The Mac App Store version fixes a bug where the Flash Skins didn't work properly
- A WebGL memory leak in the HTML5 player was fixed for all Pano2VR versions

Pano2VR 2.3.4 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊
