Arduino 歷史舊版本 Page45

最新版本 Megacubo 17.4.5 (64-bit)

Arduino 歷史版本列表

開放源代碼 Arduino 軟件(IDE)可以輕鬆編寫代碼並將其上傳到開發板。它運行在 Windows,Mac OS X 和 Linux 上。環境是用 Java 編寫的,基於 Processing 和其他開源軟件。這個軟件可以與任何 Arduino 板一起使用。最有趣的功能是:等待新的 arduino-builder這是一個純粹的命令行工具,它負責修改代碼,解決庫依賴和設置編譯單元。它也可以作為一... Arduino 軟體介紹

Arduino 1.8.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Linux: running in command line mode doesn't require an X11 display anymore
- "Save as" now clears the "modified" status
- builder: Paths with strange UTF8 chars are now correctly handled
- builder: .hpp and .hh file extensions are now considered valid sketch extension
- builder: core.a is not rebuild if not needed (improve build time in particular for big projects)
- Fixed swapped actions "Copy for Forum" and "Copy as HTML"
- Linux/osx: If an editor tab is a symbolic link it is no more replaced with a real file when saving (see #5478)
- Increased the upload timeout to 5 minutes (it was 2 min, but it may be not sufficient when uploading via UART a big sketch)

- Added boards
- Added Adafruit Circuit Playground board
- Added "-g" option to linker to keep debug information in the .elf file (see #5539)
- avrdude: Added fake configuration for EFUSE on atmega8 part. This solves a long standing issue with "Burn bootloader"

Arduino 1.6.13 查看版本資訊


Arduino 1.6.12 查看版本資訊


Arduino 1.6.11 查看版本資訊


Arduino 1.7.10 查看版本資訊


Arduino 1.6.9 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Catch and report errors during parsing contributed index files
- Fixed IDE version color on about dialog box.
- The "always-on-top update notification" popup is now less intrusive.
- Fixed untraslated string during IDE startup splash window.
- New arduino-builder: better core library detection, faster operations when recompiling and more.
- Fixed multitab error reporting
- Rework serial port discovery to be faster, less cpu intensive and FTDI friendly
- Avoid launching multiple concurrent compile and upload operation
- Use hi-res icons for Serial monitor and plotter
- Make http://librarymanager and http://boardmanager links clickable from the editor window
- Cut/Copy actions are disable when there is no text selected.
- Fixed Ctrl+Del: now deletes the word behind the cursor instead of the entire line.
- Fixed "Verify code after upload" option in preferences.

- String class now supports iterators.
- sam: Allow 3rd party boards that depend on SAM core to use their own
- USB vid/pid and manufacturer/product strings.
- avr: Check at runtime if 32u4 boards are shipped with new bootloader; if so write bootloader magic value in an unproblematic RAM location
- avr, sam: Added "" to plaform.txt to allow compatibility with older version of Arduino IDE.

- Bridge / added support for SSL sockets (Yun firmware >=1.6.2 is needed).

Arduino 1.6.8 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added support for GUI interface scaling for UHD monitors.
- Editor position is saved when closing with Alt+F4 or clicking on the "X" button.
- Fixed a NullPointerException when dealing with some rare combination of package_*.json files
- Fixed incorrect key bindings handling for changing tab.
- MacOSX: Fixed handling of add indent/remove indent shortcuts (CMD+[ and CMD+])
- Fixed incorrect update of available libraries in Library Manager.
- Serial plotter now correctly resize graphs with negative values.
- Improved sketch preprocessor when handling C++11 keywords.
- Updates to keyword pigmentation to match Create
- Fixed display of LITERAL1 keywords

- avr: fixed USB_SendControl(...) for buffer with len > 64.
- avr: fixed yield() usage inside delay(). Thanks @vbextreme
- sam: fixed USB descriptor length
- avr: reduced boiler-plate for ISR declarations. Thanks @paulo-raca
- avr: added Timer3 support for atmega1284/1284p.
- sam: added USB CDC send break support and readBreak API

- Added support for Arduino/Genuino 101 to: TFT, Ethernet, SD
- SD: the library is now board-agnostic.

Arduino 1.6.7 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New arduino-builder: faster, better prototype generation and library discovery logic, and more.
- Serial plotter now allows to plot multiple values at once. Thanks @henningpohl
- New translations
- Added support to file:// protocol for boards manager URLs
- Portable sketchbook folder can now be any arbitrary location
- Fixed a bug that caused Boards Manager to install the same tool twice or more, thus wasting disk space, if other cores where using tools delivered by arduino
- Fixed various Boards manager glitches, in particular when removing a board
- Windows: Arduino IDE icon is now in high definition, bye bye that blurry icon
- Remote upload without SSH is now supported (allows OTA upload for many 3rd party boards). Thanks @me-no-dev.

- SPI: Added SPI.transfer16(...) function to SAM core.
- Ethernet, WiFi, SoftwareSerial: Fixed flush() behaviour:
- the flush function is no more dropping the receive buffer, as per
- 1.0 API specification. Thanks @drmpf

- Fixed wrong timings for HardwareSerial::flush() in SAM core. Thanks @borisff
- Stream: Optional lookahead and skipChar options added to parseInt and parseFloat,
- parseFloat also support parsing floats without a leading 0,
- Stream::find(char) added to SAM. Thanks @Chris--A.
- Leonardo/Micro (and other atmega32u4 based boards) now have SerialUSB alias for Serial
- Leonardo now has LED_BUILTIN_RX/TX definitions in variant file. Thanks @NicoHood

Arduino 1.6.6 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Switched to Java 8, which is now both bundled and needed for compiling the IDE
- Added link to unofficial boards support list in preferences
- Limit of possible new sketches in a day raised to 676. Thanks @Chris--A
- Windows: fixed a bug when running username had non ASCII chars
- Lots of fixes
- ArduinoISP examples moved under 11.ArduinoISP folder
- MacOSX: binary is now able to tell the IDE its current working directory. Eases life to those using the IDE from the CLI
- CLI: if specified board doesn't exist, fail instead of using a default one
- Windows: IDE stores its stuff under %LOCALAPPDATA% instead of %APPDATA% (which was a roaming folder). %APPDATA% content is automatically migrated to new location
- Added 74880 baud rate to serial monitor. Thanks @Chris--A
- When changing tab, file name is shown in window title
- IDE groups compiled files into "libraries", "core" and "sketch" folders
- Added Serial Plotter. Thanks @henningpohl
- Editor: triple click selects whole line
- Windows: IDE startup feels faster
- Examples of libraries with a .development flag file in their root folder won't get marked as read-only. See #2619
- Update notifications: when updates are available from either Library or Boards Managers, a popup will be shown
- Introducing arduino-builder, a command line tool that properly calls gcc. Fixes lots of issues about buggy preprocessing.
- Each open sketch gets built in its own folder, allowing the IDE to recycle previous compilations and being much faster
- "Go to line": CTRL+L or Edit > Go to line... will open a dialog where you can type the line number where you want the editor to jump to
- Added boards.local.txt support: like platform.local.txt, allows to enrich a boards.txt definition without modifying the original file. Thanks @Wackerbarth
- Library to library dependencies: when your sketch imports a library, and that library uses another, the IDE will find out without you having to add a useless #include to your sketch
- Allow per-platform keywords.txt. Thanks @PaulStoffregen
- Allow spaces in IDE install path on Linux. Thanks @matthijskooijman
- Fixed a lot of documentation. Thanks to @per1234 @q2dg
- Fixed parsing for SystemProfiler when scanning for available serial ports on Macosx El Capitan

- Bridge: YunClient.connected() returns true if there are bytes available for read. Thanks @RobAtticus
- Bridge: YunClient.stop() now empties all buffers. Thanks @RobAtticus
- Ethernet: Added missing keywords. Thanks @per1234
- Ethernet: Fixed DNSClient.inet_aton() function. Thanks @jhorck
- Ethernet: Expose optional DHCP timout parameters to Ethernet:begin(). Thanks @chaveiro
- Wire: Implemented Wire.end().
- Wire: Fixed bug with repeated START for AVR. Thanks Nate Williams
- Wire: Resolved timing issues on AVR. See #2173 #1477.
- Wire: Fixed bug in repeated start in slave mode on SAM. See #3908
- SD: Change "char *" to "const char *" on methods accepting a string as a parameter. Thanks @Ivan-Perez
- Scheduler: Added support for cortex-M0. Thanks @PeterVH

- Added new PluggableUSB and HID support. This change introduces a more powerful API for
- libraries that wants use advanced features of USB-Device.
- Thanks to @obra @NicoHood @matthijskooijman @nospam2000 @weizenspreu
- AVR: fixed wrong turnOffPWM() for TIMER0B. Thanks @gonzoveliki
- AVR: added support for AtmegaXXu2. Thanks @NicoHood
- AVR: a bunch of USB Core bug fix. Thanks @NicoHood
- AVR: Expose serial setting from USB-CDC serial port. Thanks @matthijskooijman
- ArduinoISP is now compatible with every architecture (not only AVR) and is much more stable. Thanks @PeterVH
- Print not aborting on write() failure. Thanks @stickbreaker
- AVR: Faster interrupts patch. Thanks @xxxajk
- AVR: Fixed pulseInLong wrong measurements.
- AVR: Removed a bunch of compiler warnings. Thanks @NicoHood
- Improved variants files for Boards Gemma and Ethernet

Arduino 1.6.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- File, Sketch and Tools menu items are properly handled when switching between different windows
- Sketch > Export compiled Binary: saves the compiled binary (hex, bin) into the sketch folder.
- New editor, based on RSyntaxTextArea.
- New keywords.
- Easier "additional boards manager url" field: a wide text area opens by clicking the added button (right side of the text field)
- Rewritten code of Preferences window: its content is now correctly drawn on every OS
- Fixed a bug that made the IDE notify users of invalid libraries too many times.
- Removed JNA. Less native stuff and less chances of incurring into an UnsatisfiedLinkError
- Many new and old issues closed. Thanks to many, and @Chris--A in particular
- Faster libraries list update
- Serial monitor stays opened during upload, disabled.
- CLI: --get-pref can now be called without a pref name. If pref name is missing, IDE dumps all preferences
- Holding SHIFT when hovering the save icon will trigger a "Save As"
- Removed proxy settings from File > Preferences: IDE will use system settings
- Linux versions bundle the latest JVM, 1.8.0_45
- Local docs: if your sketch has a "docs" folder, you can add local links to it. For example file://./docs/index.html will use your browser to open file index.html from the "docs" folder of your sketch
- When using "external editor" mode, sketch code is updated when the IDE gets focused
- Added keyboard shortcuts to IDE menus: ALT+F for File, ALT+E for Edit and so on
- Added support for Dangerous Prototypes Bus Pirate as ISP
- Added "Close" button to Boards/Libs Managers, in order to help linux people with weird Window Managers
- Added File > Open Recent menu, showing the last 5 opened sketches
- Windows: added Arduino Zero drivers
- Tons of minor fixes

- LiquidCrystal fixes.
- Added SPI Transactions to TFT lib
- Stepper: support for 5-phase/5-wires motors.
- Stepper: increased precision in timing calculations.
- Firmata and Temboo: dropped our vesions, tagged released are downloaded from their respective git repos

- AVR: delayMicroseconds(..) doesn't hang if called with 0.
- AVR: delayMicroseconds(..), added support for 1Mhz, 12Mhz and 24Mhz.
- AVR: added missing case in detachInterrupt().
- SAM: added watchdog routine for Due.
- AVR+SAM: reworked pulseIn() function to become GCC agnostic
- AVR+SAM: added pulseInLong() (based on micros()) to help getting good results in interrupt-prone environments
- AVR: fixed regression in HardwareSerial.flush().