AnyDesk 歷史舊版本 Page10

最新版本 Vim 9.0

AnyDesk 歷史版本列表

AnyDesk 是市場上最快的遠程桌面軟件。它允許使用當前遠程桌面軟件無法實現的新的使用場景和應用程序。從任何地方訪問您的所有程序,文檔和文件,而不必將您的數據委託給雲服務。您只需下載並啟動 1.2 MB 程序文件,即可開始使用。無需安裝或(網絡)配置。 AnyDesk 是市場上最快的免費遠程桌面軟件.AnyDesk 特點:FramerateAnyDesk 通過本地網絡傳輸每秒 60 幀,許多互聯... AnyDesk 軟體介紹

PHP 7.4.8 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


ILSpy 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Major Changes:
- ILSpy 6.0 sports a multi-tab docking interface
- ILSpy 6.0 comes with a new Metadata Explorer
- ILSpy 6.0 has new icons for high-DPI support
- ILSpy 6.0 requires at least .NET 4.7.2 (v5.0 required .NET 4.6.2)

New Language Features:
- C# 8.0: Indexing and Slices (Ranges)
- C# 7.0: Changes to syntactic disambiguation of generic identifiers
- C# 7.3 pattern-based fixed statement
- C# 8.0 Default Interface Methods
- C# 8.0 Async streams (currently not covering await foreach)
- C# 8.0 await using
- C# 8.0 Readonly members
- Decompile calli instructions using C# 9.0 function pointer syntax
- Improved support for Unsafe intrinsics
- Support for generic and static local functions

UI Improvements:
- Docking and multi tab support
- Metadata Explorer
- Assembly list dropdown in toolbar, enhanced assembly list management
- Show target frameworks next to the assembly version in the tree-view
- Using the middle mouse button to click on tree nodes and links will open the decompilation result in a new tab
- "Select PDB" context menu: allows to change the PDB file resolved by ILSpy or pick one from a different location
- Added a "Debug Metadata Explorer" node for portable PDBs
- Use XAML for icons (high DPI)
- New icons (based on VS 2017 icon pack)
- RichText Tooltips
- Add "Open with ILSpy" entry to the Windows Explorer context menu on exe and dll files (via Options/Misc)
- Empty metadata tables can now be hidden from the tree view
- Folding for XAML output
- Add "Reset to defaults" in Options dialog
- Dynamic assembly list generation for target framework

Improvements & Bug-fixes:
- Project export: Added an option to allow SDK-style format for project files
- Solution and project decompilation: Add missing ProjectTypeGuids
- Add search features
- #1498: Remove Fusion API usage: Use standard file enumeration instead. This should enable us to use the GAC even with restricted access, as only the LIST permission is required
- Fix DotNetCorePathFinder to properly support netstandard2.1
- Fix multi-module support
- Updated links to MS Docs
- Improve ReduceNestingTransform by considering nested containers
- Analyzers: Added "Implements interface"-Analyzer
- Analyzer follow type forwarders
- The decompiler now supports Scalar Replacement Of Aggregates, which by default only works on display-classes and display-structs. There is an option to make it affect all instances and uses of plain types containing fields only. NOTE: It is still in preview stage. You can activate it when using a debug build.
- Added support for null-propagation on unconstrained generic expressions
- Added support for [module: NullablePublicOnly]
- Enhanced assembly resolution to distinguish target frameworks and use the correct references in case there are multiple versions of framework assemblies loaded.
- Better decompilation of local functions, pinned regions and display-classes
- Disassembler: actually make use of the cancellation token
- Support VB Select Case on string
- Display System.Void as struct
- Properly decompile auto events with tuples
- Do not change accessibility of non-transformed local functions
- Improve drag&drop support
- Fix bug in stackalloc initializer detection involving Span
- Added struct constructor initializer pattern
- DotNetCorePathFinder: Various bug fixes when working with .net core assemblies
- Transform post-increment on float/double
- Fix extra minus sign when formatting -0 on .NET Core 3.0
- Fix sealed modifier on interface methods with no body
- Fix NullReferenceException when foreach decompilation is turned off
- Fixed performance problem when using an assembly from a MemoryStream

PHP 7.3.20 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed bug (php-win.exe 100% cpu lockup)
- Fixed bug (get_defined_functions(true) may miss functions)
- Fixed possibly unsupported timercmp() usage

- Exif: Fixed bug #79687 (Sony picture - PHP Warning - Make, Model, MakerNotes)
- Filter: Fixed bug #73527 (Invalid memory access in php_filter_strip)
- GD: Fixed bug #79676 (imagescale adds black border with IMG_BICUBIC)
- OpenSSL: Fixed bug #62890 (default_socket_timeout=-1 causes connection to timeout)
- PDO SQLite: Fixed bug #79664 (PDOStatement::getColumnMeta fails on empty result set)
- SPL: Fixed bug #79710 (Reproducible segfault in error_handler during GC involved an SplFileObject)

- Fixed bug (segfault with streams and invalid data)
- Fixed bug (ZTS build of PHP 7.3.17 doesn't handle ERANGE for posix_getgrgid and others)

pdfFactory 7.31 查看版本資訊


Symfony 5.1.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Console] Reset question validator attempts only for actual stdin (bis)
- [HttpFoundation] use InputBag for Request::$request only if data is coming from a form
- [SecurityBundle] Fix CookieClearingLogoutListener DI configuration
- Reset question validator attempts only for actual stdin
- [PropertyInfo] Make PhpDocExtractor compatible with phpDocumentor v5
- [Form] Fixed prototype block prefixes hierarchy of the CollectionType
- [Form] Fixed block prefixes hierarchy of the CollectionType
- Fix register csrf protection listener

Symfony 3.4.42 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Form] switch the context when validating nested forms
- [HttpKernel] Fix regression where Store does not return response body correctly
- [FrameworkBundle] fix type annotation on ControllerTrait::addFlash()
- [Cache] fix forward compatibility with Doctrine DBAL 3
- [Form] properly cascade validation to child forms
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix undefined index when output of "composer show" cannot be parsed
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix undefined var on version 3.4

pdfFactory 7.30 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- corrected some strings in the Italian version
- ixed a bug that sometimes caused missing text in the PDF file
- fixed a bug that caused borders in Excel spreadsheets to be drawn incorrectly in the PDF file

Symfony 5.1.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Handle unresolved parameters pointing to environment variables
- [Form] switch the context when validating nested forms
- [HttpKernel] Fix regression where Store does not return response body correctly
- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Always resolve parameters
- [DependencyInjection] Apply ExpressionLanguageProviderPass to router.default
- [String] Fix ellipsis of truncate when not using cut option
- [HttpClient] disable AMP's inactivity timeout, we deal with it on our own already
- [HttpClient] fix offset computation for data chunks
- [Routing] Keeping routes priorities after add a name prefix to the collection
- [Lock] Fixed reading locks from replica set secondary nodes
- [Ldap] fix refreshUser() ignoring extra_fields
- [Mailer] Remove an internal annot
- [FrameworkBundle] fix type annotation on ControllerTrait::addFlash()
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix ExpectDeprecationTrait::expectDeprecation() conflict
- [Mailer] added the reply-to addresses to the API SES transport request
- [DI] Add check around class_alias for generated proxy classes
- [Mime] use fromString when creating a new Address
- [Cache] fix forward compatibility with Doctrine DBAL 3
- [Mailer] Fixed generator bug when creating multiple transports using Transport::fromDsn
- [FrameworkBundle] Remove reference to APP_SECRET in MicroKernelTrait
- [SecurityBundle] Fix the session listener registration under the new authentication manager
- [Console] allow cursor to be used even when STDIN is not defined
- [PropertyAccess] Fix getter call order BC
- [Messenger/DoctrineBridge] set column length for mysql 5.6 compatibility
- [Messenger/AmazonSqsBridge] Fixed left-over debug statement
- [HttpClient] fix monitoring timeouts when other streams are active
- [Form] properly cascade validation to child forms
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix undefined index when output of "composer show" cannot be parsed
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix undefined var on version 3.4
- [DependencyInjection] Improve missing package/version deprecation
- Fix invalid char in SQS Headers
- [SecurityBundle] Only register CSRF protection listener if CSRF is available
- [HttpClient] Throw JsonException instead of TransportException on empty response in Response::toArray()
- [FrameworkBundle] Extension Serializer issue
- [WebProfilerBundle] Move ajax clear event listener initialization on loadToolbar
- [DoctrineBridge] register event listeners depending on the installed packages
- [ExpressionLanguage] reset the internal state when the parser is finished
- [Serializer] take into account the context when preserving empty array objects
- [Security] Fixed PUBLIC_ACCESS in authenticated sessions
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix enabled_locales behavior

Symfony 5.0.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Handle unresolved parameters pointing to environment variables
- [Form] switch the context when validating nested forms
- [HttpKernel] Fix regression where Store does not return response body correctly
- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Always resolve parameters
- [HttpClient] fix offset computation for data chunks
- [Ldap] fix refreshUser() ignoring extra_fields
- [Mailer] Remove an internal annot
- [FrameworkBundle] fix type annotation on ControllerTrait::addFlash()
- [Mailer] added the reply-to addresses to the API SES transport request
- [Mime] use fromString when creating a new Address
- [Cache] fix forward compatibility with Doctrine DBAL 3
- [Mailer] Fixed generator bug when creating multiple transports using Transport::fromDsn
- [HttpClient] fix monitoring timeouts when other streams are active
- [Form] properly cascade validation to child forms
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix undefined index when output of "composer show" cannot be parsed
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix undefined var on version 3.4
- [HttpClient] Throw JsonException instead of TransportException on empty response in Response::toArray()
- [WebProfilerBundle] Move ajax clear event listener initialization on loadToolbar
- [Serializer] take into account the context when preserving empty array objects

Symfony 4.4.10 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Handle unresolved parameters pointing to environment variables
- [Form] switch the context when validating nested forms
- [HttpKernel] Fix regression where Store does not return response body correctly
- [DependencyInjection][CheckTypeDeclarationsPass] Always resolve parameters
- [HttpClient] fix offset computation for data chunks
- [Ldap] fix refreshUser() ignoring extra_fields
- [Mailer] Remove an internal annot
- [FrameworkBundle] fix type annotation on ControllerTrait::addFlash()
- [Mailer] added the reply-to addresses to the API SES transport request
- [Mime] use fromString when creating a new Address
- [Cache] fix forward compatibility with Doctrine DBAL 3
- [Mailer] Fixed generator bug when creating multiple transports using Transport::fromDsn
- [HttpClient] fix monitoring timeouts when other streams are active
- [Form] properly cascade validation to child forms
- [PhpUnitBridge] Fix undefined index when output of "composer show" cannot be parsed
- [PhpUnitBridge] fix undefined var on version 3.4
- [HttpClient] Throw JsonException instead of TransportException on empty response in Response::toArray()
- [WebProfilerBundle] Move ajax clear event listener initialization on loadToolbar
- [Serializer] take into account the context when preserving empty array objects