
最新版本 ILSpy


AnyDesk 是市場上最快的遠程桌面軟件。它允許使用當前遠程桌面軟件無法實現的新的使用場景和應用程序。從任何地方訪問您的所有程序,文檔和文件,而不必將您的數據委託給雲服務。您只需下載並啟動 1.2 MB 程序文件,即可開始使用。無需安裝或(網絡)配置。 AnyDesk 是市場上最快的免費遠程桌面軟件.

AnyDesk 特點:

AnyDesk 通過本地網絡傳輸每秒 60 幀,許多互聯網連接。這比遠程桌面應用程序的任何操作簡單得多,並且使得屏幕上的移動盡可能的順利,因為大多數 PC 顯示器也以每秒 60 幀的速度運行。 AnyDesk 使無混亂工作可能。

在最低級別的延遲對於在遠程桌面上工作至關重要。等待時間越短,遠程 PC 響應您的輸入就越快。由於互聯網連接在將數據從一台電腦傳輸到另一台電腦時總是會產生一定的延遲,因此盡可能少地增加賬單是非常重要的。在本地網絡中,AnyDesks 的延遲低於 60 毫秒,不再可察覺.

如果通過互聯網連接使用遠程桌面軟件,最高帶寬效率是決定性因素。對於像 UMTS 這樣的移動連接尤其如此。 AnyDesks 的帶寬效率使得從 100kB / s 的可用帶寬流利地執行辦公任務成為可能。但是在帶寬較低的情況下,AnyDesk 仍然比競爭對手錶現得好得多.

忘記了低可靠性和繁瑣的防火和害羞; 牆上的避諱; 害羞; 口糧。使用你的自信和害羞的電腦從任何害羞的地方,不管有沒有頭和羞澀,疼痛。無論是五分鐘還是五個小時 - 你都不會注意到 AnyDesk 在那裡。你的自信和害羞; AnyDesk-ID 是你的桌子和害羞的關鍵; 最重要的是你所有的應用程序,照片,文件和害羞的文件和文件。而你的數據保持在它所屬的地方。在您的硬盤驅動器上,以及其他任何地方.

您是否感到羞澀難當; 使用外部雲服務信任您的公司數據只是為了實現協作和害羞; 配給? AnyDesk 允許你與所有你最喜歡的桌面 appli­ 陽離子一起工作。有趣而害羞; 無論距離多遠,每個用戶的鼠標光標都會將您的團隊凝聚在一起。將你的同事指向什麼是重要的,害羞的,悲觀的,陽離子的問題將成為過去.

你知道遠程支持可以很有趣嗎? AnyDesk 可以做遠遠不止遠程廣告&害羞; 迷你&害羞; stration 和遠程支持。但是,這並不意味著它在這裡也不能發光。滯後和低幀&害羞; 率可以是這樣的滋擾。這就是為什麼我們選擇擺脫他們。隨著 AnyDesk,建立一個工作和害羞; 隊友的新打印機或安裝新的 CRM 工具的銷售離不開,害羞是在公園散步。

注意:支持只有 1 個搜索未註冊版本.


檔案版本 ILSpy

檔案大小 3 MB
系統 Windows XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 / Windows 10
軟體類型 未分類
作者 AnyDesk Software
更新日期 2020-07-08

What's new in this version:

Major Changes:
- ILSpy 6.0 sports a multi-tab docking interface
- ILSpy 6.0 comes with a new Metadata Explorer
- ILSpy 6.0 has new icons for high-DPI support
- ILSpy 6.0 requires at least .NET 4.7.2 (v5.0 required .NET 4.6.2)

New Language Features:
- C# 8.0: Indexing and Slices (Ranges)
- C# 7.0: Changes to syntactic disambiguation of generic identifiers
- C# 7.3 pattern-based fixed statement
- C# 8.0 Default Interface Methods
- C# 8.0 Async streams (currently not covering await foreach)
- C# 8.0 await using
- C# 8.0 Readonly members
- Decompile calli instructions using C# 9.0 function pointer syntax
- Improved support for Unsafe intrinsics
- Support for generic and static local functions

UI Improvements:
- Docking and multi tab support
- Metadata Explorer
- Assembly list dropdown in toolbar, enhanced assembly list management
- Show target frameworks next to the assembly version in the tree-view
- Using the middle mouse button to click on tree nodes and links will open the decompilation result in a new tab
- "Select PDB" context menu: allows to change the PDB file resolved by ILSpy or pick one from a different location
- Added a "Debug Metadata Explorer" node for portable PDBs
- Use XAML for icons (high DPI)
- New icons (based on VS 2017 icon pack)
- RichText Tooltips
- Add "Open with ILSpy" entry to the Windows Explorer context menu on exe and dll files (via Options/Misc)
- Empty metadata tables can now be hidden from the tree view
- Folding for XAML output
- Add "Reset to defaults" in Options dialog
- Dynamic assembly list generation for target framework

Improvements & Bug-fixes:
- Project export: Added an option to allow SDK-style format for project files
- Solution and project decompilation: Add missing ProjectTypeGuids
- Add search features
- #1498: Remove Fusion API usage: Use standard file enumeration instead. This should enable us to use the GAC even with restricted access, as only the LIST permission is required
- Fix DotNetCorePathFinder to properly support netstandard2.1
- Fix multi-module support
- Updated links to MS Docs
- Improve ReduceNestingTransform by considering nested containers
- Analyzers: Added "Implements interface"-Analyzer
- Analyzer follow type forwarders
- The decompiler now supports Scalar Replacement Of Aggregates, which by default only works on display-classes and display-structs. There is an option to make it affect all instances and uses of plain types containing fields only. NOTE: It is still in preview stage. You can activate it when using a debug build.
- Added support for null-propagation on unconstrained generic expressions
- Added support for [module: NullablePublicOnly]
- Enhanced assembly resolution to distinguish target frameworks and use the correct references in case there are multiple versions of framework assemblies loaded.
- Better decompilation of local functions, pinned regions and display-classes
- Disassembler: actually make use of the cancellation token
- Support VB Select Case on string
- Display System.Void as struct
- Properly decompile auto events with tuples
- Do not change accessibility of non-transformed local functions
- Improve drag&drop support
- Fix bug in stackalloc initializer detection involving Span
- Added struct constructor initializer pattern
- DotNetCorePathFinder: Various bug fixes when working with .net core assemblies
- Transform post-increment on float/double
- Fix extra minus sign when formatting -0 on .NET Core 3.0
- Fix sealed modifier on interface methods with no body
- Fix NullReferenceException when foreach decompilation is turned off
- Fixed performance problem when using an assembly from a MemoryStream

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