Adobe DNG Converter 歷史舊版本 Page18

最新版本 Adobe DNG Converter 16.2

Adobe DNG Converter 歷史版本列表

Adobe DNG Converter 是一個免費的實用程序,可以將 600 多個攝像機的文件轉換為 DNG 格式,使您能夠輕鬆將相機專用的原始文件轉換為更通用的 DNG 原始文件.Digital Negative 的開發旨在解決缺乏專有和開放的標準每個數碼相機創建的獨特的原始文件。 DNG 允許攝影師將其原始相機文件歸檔為單一格式,便於將來進行編目和訪問。隨著格式規範免費提供,任何開發人員都可以... Adobe DNG Converter 軟體介紹

Gradle 6.4.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Building, testing and running Java Modules:
- With this release, Gradle supports the Java Module System with everything you need to compile and execute tests for Java modules. You can also build Javadoc and run applications
- While there is some overlap with Gradle's dependency management features, Java Modules offer additional features like module boundaries that are enforced by the Java runtime

The only thing you need to configure is module path inference for the Java plugins:
- java {
- modularity.inferModulePath.set(true)
- Then you just need to make sure that you write a proper Java module by providing a descriptor as part of your sources:
- src
- +-- main
- +-- java
- +--
- For more details, head over to the documentation on building modules, building modular applications and testing modules.
- Also feel free to explore the samples

Precompiled Groovy DSL script plugins:
- Script plugins are a convenient way to split up and organize a long build script, but they have some limitations and quirks. Kotlin DSL introduced precompiled script plugins that look like regular build scripts but have all of the advantages of binary plugins. They can:
- be published to a private repository or the Plugin Portal,
- be tested using TestKit,
- be applied using the plugins {} block,
- use the plugins {} block to apply other plugins
- Gradle now allows precompiled script plugins to be written using the Groovy DSL in addition to the Kotlin DSL
- For example, a Gradle script in buildSrc/src/main/groovy/my-plugin.gradle can be used as a plugin in the main project as plugins { id 'my-plugin' }
- Precompiled script plugins are covered in more depth in the user manual. There is also a sample available that demonstrates the feature in action

Single dependency lock file per project:
- Dependency locking is a mechanism for creating reproducible builds even when using dynamic dependency versions. This release adds an improved dependency locking file format that results in fewer lock files in most projects that use this feature. In addition, when using this format, the lock file name and location can be configured
- This format will become the default lock file format in Gradle 7.0. For now, it is required to opt-in to use it
- Take a look at the documentation for more information and how to enable the feature

Better dependency variant matching error messages:
- Gradle provides a powerful variant-aware dependency management engine
- This release introduces clearer variant matching error messages for the JVM ecosystem
- In previous releases, these error messages could be difficult to understand and sometimes lacked enough context to figure out what to do. Gradle 6.4 improves these error messages by making them more human-readable and introducing colors to the console to highlight problems.

Improvements to PMD code quality plugin:
- Incremental analysis is enabled by default
- As of Gradle 6.4, the PMD plugin uses incremental analysis by default. This can significantly reduce analysis time on subsequent builds.
- For builds relying on a version of PMD older than 6.0.0, you will need to explicitly disable incremental analysis.
- Specify number of violations required before the build fails
- The PMD plugin now lets you set the number of violations before the build fails. This can make it easier to introduce PMD into existing projects that may initially have many violations.
- If you wanted to fail the build if the number of violations is above 150, you can set maxFailures to 150.
- pmd {
- maxFailures = 150
- This was contributed by Matthew Duggan.
- Security warning about using DEBUG level logging
- Potentially sensitive information is logged when Gradle is executed with debug level logging, such as sensitive credentials, authentication tokens or internal repository URLs. Much of this logging occurs deep in components of the JVM and other libraries outside the control of Gradle. While debugging, this information may be inherently useful. However, this information can be unintentionally exposed when Gradle builds are executed on Continuous Integration services where build logs are publicly-accessible. See the recent update about the fixed Plugin Portal vulnerability for an example of this security risk.
- Gradle now warns users about the risks of using DEBUG level logging.
- We recommend plugin maintainers avoid logging sensitive information if possible, and if it's not possible, that all sensitive information be logged exclusively at the DEBUG log level.

Fixed issues:
2 issues have been fixed in Gradle 6.4.1.
[#13069] - Regression: Different daemons are used between IDE and CLI builds for the same project
[#13057] - Regression: Main-Class attribute always added to jar manifest when using application plugin

Silhouette Studio 4.4.225 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixed an issue with a background process and the 32-bit version of Silhouette Studio


What's new in this version:

- Mapping of Ivy files to variants should handle configuration level excludes
- Upgrade to native platform milestone for 6.4
- Investigate timeouts with file watching enabled
- Rename 'modularClasspathHandling' properties to 'modularity'
- In version constraints, the order of `prefer X` vs `strict Y` matters
- Perform module path derivation in Eclipse IDE sync
- Potential deadlock when using the worker API and not using the Gradle daemon
- Add module path support to CreateStartScripts tasks of application plugin
- Add modular classpath handling configuration to Java extension
- Document JPMS support
- Build service installed via init script closes prematurely when `:buildSrc` sub-build is finished
- Dependency ordering issue when upgrading to Guava 28.2-jre
- exclusiveContent API does not work with Kotlin Gradle DSL
- Configuring the Jar task's manifest gives an Incubating warning
- Register watchers for newly added file locations during the build
- Basic JPMS support for generating Javadoc
- Basic JPMS support for executing Java modules
- Basic JPMS support for testing Java modules
- GenerateModuleMetadata writes wrong file names in case of customized artifact publications.
- Basic JPMS support for compiling Java modules
- File change not recognized by VFS on Windows when entire watched directory is removed
- Improve the dependency lockfile format
- StackOverflowError in ManagedPropertyName.getDisplayName()
- Expose Repository MetadataSources
- ScalaCompile task does not respect all JavaForkOptions configuration
- java-library plugin makes impossible to have project dependency on Java9-modular kotlin project
- Add a method to specify Scalac plugins in ScalaCompile without breaking build cache
- [JPMS] Accessing resources when Java application run via JavaExec task
- Lockfile location/filename should be customizable
- Packaging test code in a separate JDK 9 module fails with IllegalArgumentException: superClassName is empty
-Java 9: Support Jigsaw modules in JavaExecAction
-Running tests against JDK 9 module causes accessibility issues
-Support setting Jigsaw module version in jar task
- Gradle 6.4-rc-1 triggers compileJava when project version is changed in multi-module project
- Cached component metadata rules leak memory
- Gradle 6.4-rc-1 breaks bootRun
- Traditional convention mappings do not work anymore for JavaExec.main
- Stack overflow in Gradle 6.4-rc-1, regression from 6.3
- Invalid equals breaks fix for cache memory leak
- Single lock file changes on generation without external change
- Potential race condition when task has a property whose value is derived from mapped dependency resolution results
- Race condition when a `Property` instance is used by multiple tasks and has a value derived from a dependency resolution result

Git for Windows 2.26.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New Features:
- Comes with Git v2.26.2
- Comes with tig v2.5.1
- Worktree updates (e.g. git checkout, git reset --hard) got a performance boost in sparse checkouts

Bug Fixes:
- A recent regression in gitk that prevented it from running in bare repositories has been fixed

Git for Windows 2.26.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Snort 2.9.16 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


SEO SpyGlass 6.47.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

SEO SpyGlass 6.47.1
- Fixed: the historical data calendar does not fit the window size when changing the interface language in SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.47
- Fixed: SEO SpyGlass's file chooser not seeing files on MacOS Catalina

SEO SpyGlass 6.46.6
- A few interface-related issues have been fixed in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.46.5
- Some performance updates have been released

SEO SpyGlass 6.46.4
- Fixed minor errors for project workspaces in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.46.2
- A few minor issues have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.46.1
- A few minor issues have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.46
- A few minor issues have been fixed in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.9
- Whois subdomain checkup has been updated and a few other minor issues have been fixed in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.8
- A new language added: Japanese version of SEO SpyGlass has been released. The problem of collecting backlinks from GSC has been fixed in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.7
- Some performance updates and bug fixes have been implemented in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.6
- Some minor issues have been fixed in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.5
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.4
- Some performance updates and bug fixes have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.45.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.45
- The new Historical Data module has been released in SEO SpyGlass: check out how many backlinks your website earned and lost in different periods of its history

SEO SpyGlass 6.43.5
- The problem of calculating Domain Strength for new projects and a few other minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.43.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.43.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.43.2
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.43.1
- The Bulk Analysis module has been updated and improved in SEO SpyGlass: now you may collect domains' organic traffic stats and find out how many keywords your competitors are ranking for in Google

SEO SpyGlass 6.42.3
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.42.2
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.42.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.42
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.41.2
- A few minor issues have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.41
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.15
- Change log not available for this version

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.14
- New settings added to SEO SpyGlass Preferences
- Misc. Global Settings: let the software minimize into tray when performing scheduled tasks
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.13
- A few minor issues have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.12
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.11
- The Whois database for domains IPs has been updated

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.10
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.9
- The problem of opening projects from SEO PowerSuite Cloud has been resolved in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.8
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.7
- A few minor bugs have been fixed and some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.5
- Minor bug-fixes and stability improvements added

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.4
- The problem of connecting proxies to SEO SpyGlass has been fixed and other minor bugs resolved

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed and some performance updates have been implemented in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.40.2
- Some performance updates have been implemented

SEO SpyGlass 6.33.5
- A few minor bugs have been fixed in SEO Spyglass

SEO SpyGlass 6.33.4
- Fixed the problem with SEO SpyGlass modal windows on MacOS that opened under the main window

SEO SpyGlass 6.33.3
- Improved UI for minimized interface view and for screens with low resolution and some other minor bugs have been fixed in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.33.2
- Fixed duplicated dates for the Backlink Summary graph in SEO SpyGlass

SEO SpyGlass 6.33.1
- New SEO SpyGlass version with improved memory utilization algorithm for 64-bit Windows machines

SEO SpyGlass 6.33
- Several bugs have been fixed and UX improvements implemented in SEO SpyGlass

WebSite Auditor 4.45.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

WebSite Auditor 4.45.1
- Fixed: incorrect keyword count issue in WebSite Auditor's Content Editor

WebSite Auditor 4.45
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.44.6
- Fixed unresponsive buttons and elements for big size interfaces in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.44.5
- Fixed errors that appeared when fetching Google snippets for long titles, the problem of including a page title inside the body tag for certain pages has been solved

WebSite Auditor 4.44.4
- Some performance updates have been released in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.44.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.44.1
New feature:
- Fixed unavailable optimization scores in the Site Structure -> Pages module in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.44
New feature:
- New Content Editor has been released in Website Auditor: create new content for pages using the new document mode, get optimization advise for the existing pages and generate PDF guidelines with optimization instructions for your copywriters.

WebSite Auditor 4.43.9
New feature:
- Whois subdomain checkup has been updated and a few other minor issues have been fixed in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.43.8
New feature:
- A few performance adjustments have been made for 32-bit machines in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.43.7
- The problem of resetting user-agents from mobile to desktop version for Content Editor has been fixed in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.43.6
- Yahoo Japan search engine error has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.43.5
- Fixed the problem of opening projects from SEO PowerSuite Cloud on Windows for WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.43.4
- A new feature added: now you can add tags to resources under the 'All Resources' section

WebSite Auditor 4.43.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.43.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.41.5
- The problem of calculating Domain Strength for new projects and a few other minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.41.4
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.41.3
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.41.2
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.41.1
- The problem of incorrect counts of warnings and errors for the Localization section and a few other minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.40.3
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.40.2
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.40.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.40
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.39.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.39.1
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.39
- A new option added: accept/ignore cookies when scanning a website; the parsing of lazyload images has been improved, the keyword count for Content Analysis has been improved

WebSite Auditor 4.38.15
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.38.14
- New settings added to SEO SpyGlass Preferences
- Misc. Global Settings: let the software minimize into tray when performing scheduled tasks
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.13
- The problem of not recognizing nofollow tags for certain pages has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.12
- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.10
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.9
New feature:
- Webcal has been added to the list of protocols

WebSite Auditor 4.38.8
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.7
New feature:
- The problem of incorrect Missing Return Links count in the Localization group has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.5
- From now on, WebSite Auditor supports Google's updated PageSpeed Insights API, providing you with the most extensive information on your pages' speed performance

WebSite Auditor 4.38.4
- The problem of connecting proxies to WebSite Auditor has been fixed and other minor bugs resolved

WebSite Auditor 4.38.3
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.38.2
- A few issues have been fixed in WebSite Auditor: the JavaScript timing settings have been improved, the keyword count algorithm for page analysis has been updated and some other minor bugs fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38.1
- A few issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.38
- Miscellaneous: W3C libraries have been updated in Website Auditor. Dropbox connection updated: the software can use the proxy from Proxy Settings to connect to Dropbox

WebSite Auditor 4.37.11
- Domain Strength update problem and the issue of updating website's mobile thumbnail have been resolved

WebSite Auditor 4.37.10
- Several new columns have been added to the TF-IDF workspace under Content Analysis

WebSite Auditor 4.37.9
- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.37.8
- A new 'properties' element has been added to Google Analytics settings in WebSite Auditor to help users find and connect the right view

WebSite Auditor 4.37.7
- Interface scaling parameters have been updated and a few other minor issues fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.37.6
- The algorithm for analyzing srcset source tags has been improved, a few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.37.5
- The performance of page audit analysis has been improved, the algorithms for analyzing hreflang elements and x-robots-tags have been updated

WebSite Auditor 4.37.4
- Software auto-update process has been improved for apps that have scheduled tasks, the problem of displaying incorrect characters for project names with cyrillic symbols has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.37.3
- A number of issues were fixed in Website Auditor, including problems with incorrect characters in saved project names, alphabetic sorting for scheduled tasks, background task interruption during auto-updates, and many other minor improvements

WebSite Auditor 4.37.2
- New search engine added: Google Afghanistan. Issues fixed in WebSite Auditor: content analysis failed with 'Too many redirects' error for some pages, resource-size calculation algorithm has been updated

WebSite Auditor 4.37.1
- Synchronization of project and global settings has been added to LinkAssistant: synchronize customer and company profiles, Google accounts, project and global events across different projects and apps

WebSite Auditor 4.36.3
- Updated robots.txt parsing algorithm, the logic for pageviews collection has been improved

WebSite Auditor 4.36.2
- Fixed: the 'No Hreflang' filter for the Localization module
- Updated: the algorithm for 'Conflicting hreflang elements

WebSite Auditor 4.36.1
- A new feature has been added to WebSite Auditor: analyze multi-language/locale websites, detect incorrect usage of Hreflang attributes, create custom language variants for pages. A new index has been applied for calculation of InLink Rank and Domain Strength metrics

WebSite Auditor 4.34.23
- The software auto-update mechanism for background tasks has been improved and several other minor issues have been solved

WebSite Auditor 4.34.22
- Competition research algorithm has been updated, incorrect status for completed scheduled tasks and several other minor issues have been solved in WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.34.21
- The internal browser has been improved and adjusted for better interaction with Google re-captcha. A few other minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.20
- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.19
- The list of statuses for the Server Response Time column has been updated. A new change for automatic software updates has been implemented: new version releases will be skipped by applications that have active tasks running in the background

WebSite Auditor 4.34.18
- New features have been added to LinkAssistant: create scheduled tasks only for project records that are marked with specific tags; pause and resume the execution of tasks; new selection mode available: now it is possible to select only several columns to copy results from a project workspace

WebSite Auditor 4.34.17
- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.16
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.34.15
- the robots.txt parser has been updated and a few other minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.14
- Miscellaneous: A few issues have been fixed in Website Auditor: incorrect encoding was used for title characters when JavaScript was enabled in the project, URLs with cyrillic characters were incorrectly displayed for some websites

WebSite Auditor 4.34.13
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.34.12
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.11
- The Website Auditor page parser has been updated: fixed the problems of keyword counts in body, keyword count in H1-H6 tags, the parsing algorithm has been improved

WebSite Auditor 4.34.10
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.34.9
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.8
- The TF-IDF keyword analysis algorithm has been improved for WebSite Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.34.7
- The algorithm for updating Alexa Rank has been optimized and improved

WebSite Auditor 4.34.6
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.34.5
- The performance of the internal browser has been optimized and improved

WebSite Auditor 4.34.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.3
- Minor performance updates have been implemented and a few bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34.2
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.34
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.9
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.8
- The noindex meta tag algorithm has been updated and a few other minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.7
- The whois library for checking domain age has been updated and some other minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.6
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.5
- Viber has been added to the list of supported protocols, the application/rss+xml has been added to the list of supported sitemap content-types

WebSite Auditor 4.33.4
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.3
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.2
- The error counter for the Page Audit module has been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33.1
- A few minor bugs have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.33
- Edit your website structure, save visualization as PDF/PNG/SVG, label and color pages on the graph and other useful features have been added to Website Auditor. Some minor bugs have been fixed: word count for page body element, parsing pages that are using js elements and other minor issues

WebSite Auditor 4.32.7
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.32.6
- Some performance updates have been implemented

WebSite Auditor 4.32.5
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.32.4
- A few minor issues have been fixed

WebSite Auditor 4.32.3
- Change log not available for this version

WebSite Auditor 4.32.2
- Now it is possible to edit the list of supported page extensions in project settings to let Website Auditor collect web-pages with custom extensions

WebSite Auditor 4.32.1
- The search algorithms for orphan pages and sitemap detection have been improved in Website Auditor

WebSite Auditor 4.32
- The pages with .mvc and .nspx extension are now supported in WebSite Auditor. The algorithm for detecting pages' charset type has been improved

WebSite Auditor 4.31.5
- Website Auditor now supports websites with .phtml and .wf extensions. The issue with the incorrect calculation of keywords in Page Audit report has been fixed.

HomeGuard 9.7.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Microsoft Edge 81.0.416.53 查看版本資訊
