
Audio file in Microsoft Windows Media format. WMA file format icon. WMA is a file extension used with Windows Media Play...


Audio file in Microsoft Windows Media format. WMA file format icon. WMA is a file extension used with Windows Media Player. WMA stands for Windows Media Audio. WMA is both an audio format and an audio codec. WMA was intended to be a competitor for the MP3,Windows Media Audio (WMA) is the name of a series of audio codecs and their corresponding audio coding formats developed by Microsoft. It is a proprietary technology that forms part of the Windows Media framework. WMA consists of four distinct codecs. The

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wma 相關參考資料
The World Medical Association

WMA Declaration of Geneva. Adopted by the 2nd General Assembly of the World Medical Association, Geneva, Switzerland, September 1948 and amended b... Read more ...


What is WMA? What Opens a WMA? File Format List from WhatIs.com

Audio file in Microsoft Windows Media format. WMA file format icon. WMA is a file extension used with Windows Media Player. WMA stands for Windows Media Audio. WMA is both an audio format and an audio...


Windows Media Audio - Wikipedia

Windows Media Audio (WMA) is the name of a series of audio codecs and their corresponding audio coding formats developed by Microsoft. It is a proprietary technology that forms part of the Windows Med...


Windows Media Audio - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia

WMA(Windows Media Audio)是微軟公司開發的一種數位音訊壓縮格式。一些使用Windows Media Audio編碼格式編碼其所有內容的純音訊ASF檔案也使用WMA作為副檔名。 WMA格式最初為微軟公司所開發,但是隨著眾多播放器對它的支援,這個格式正在成為MP3格式的競爭對手之一。它相容MP3的ID3後設資料標籤,同時支援 ...


WMA (Windows Media Audio) File Format - Library of Congress

Format Description for WMA -- File format based in ASF (Advanced Systems Format) that wraps an audio bitstream. Can contain bitstreams encoded by Windows Media Audio 7, 8, and 9 codecs.


WMA - Wikipedia

WMA may refer to: Contents. [hide]. 1 Organizations; 2 Science and technology; 3 Music; 4 Other uses; 5 See also. Organizations[edit]. Western Manufactured Housing Communities Association, a nonprofit...


WMA - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書

WMA嘅全名係Windows Media Audio,係由Microsoft制定,不過佢嘅定位唔再係響電腦入面獨立播放嘅媒體,而係日漸普及嘅網上串流格式。因此攞到Microsoft全面嘅支持,WMA格式喺壓縮比同埋音質方面都超越咗MP3同埋RA格式。即使喺較低嘅取樣頻率之下都可以產生比較好嘅音質,再加上WMA格式有Microsoft嘅Windows ...


WMA - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - Wikipedia

威廉·莫理斯經紀公司(英語:William Morris Agency,WMA,1898年-2009年),美國藝人經紀公司。現為WME娛樂(英語:WME Entertainment)。 世界醫學協會(英語:World Medical Association,WMA),1947年成立的世界性醫生協會。 中國武術職業聯賽(英語:Wushu Masters Association,WMA),原稱「武林大...


WMA相關內容介紹 - Apowersoft



[電腦小知識] 音訊格式比較(wav、wma、mp3) @ 綠番薯的軟體百寶酷 ...

今天拿到在博客來預購的ELVA我愛我新專輯了,整張專輯聽下來真的很像ELVA說的像在坐雲霄飛車,不同的情緒、不同的曲風、不同的個性、不同的唱腔,真的很棒!拿到專輯後當然要把音樂擷取到電腦裡面,現在我想沒有人聽音樂還每次都放CD進去吧,我是用Windows Media Player來擷取的,當然我選擇的是WAV無壓縮、無失真 ...
