windows install okular

Hi I am sitting on a Windows mashine at work where I would like to have some KDE programs installed such as Okluar. As f...

windows install okular

Hi I am sitting on a Windows mashine at work where I would like to have some KDE programs installed such as Okluar. As far as I can see on... ,For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular ... at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on ...

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windows install okular 相關參考資料
Is it possible to install simply okular for Windows? - Stack Overflow

Seems like you have to install KDE on Windows first. Should not be a problem, I did it for fun and giggles a few years back.

KDE Okular on Windows : kde - Reddit

Hi I am sitting on a Windows mashine at work where I would like to have some KDE programs installed such as Okluar. As far as I can see on...

more than a reader - Download - Okular

For GNU/Linux and the BSDs use the package manager to find the Okular ... at the KDE on Windows Initiative webpage for information on how to install KDE on ...

Okular - A Universal Cross-Platform Document Viewer - FOSSMint

Okular, is an open source and cross-platform KDE-developed document ... uniform service across GNU/Linux, BSDs, Mac, and Windows platforms. ... You can easily install Okular on your Ubuntu distro wit...

Okular - more than a reader

Okular is a universal document viewer developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, macOS, *BSD, etc. ... welcome, so follow these instructions to ...

Okular 19.07.90 - Chocolatey Gallery

Okular is a universal document viewer developed by KDE. Okular works on multiple platforms, including but not limited to Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, *BSD, etc. ... To install Okular, run the following c...

Okular on MS Windows • KDE Community Forums

dear forum is it possible as of to use okular on windows the ... and I was unable to find a download link for Okular on Windows anywhere.

Okular_Standalone_4_win download |

Download Okular_Standalone_4_win for free. A simple Okular Installer for windows(tm) users. Okular is a multi-document viewer software for ...

如何在Windows系統中安裝Okular文件檢視器@ 阿丙的部落格:: 痞客邦::

簡介: Okular文件檢視器是採用KDE桌面環境的Linux發行版的預設文件檢視器,它可以支援PDF、DjVu等多種文件檔案並提供多國語言支援,透過KDE on Windows ...

電腦軟體應用@ 阿丙的部落格:: 痞客邦::

在Windows平台上, WinRar被認為是相當有效的壓縮軟體,不過大多數時候,使用者只是要解開壓縮檔,而不一定 ... 如何在Windows系統中安裝Okular文件檢視器.