
but in the demo I've set up, if I use webkitRequestFullscreen (lower 's') the webkitfullscreenchange event ...


but in the demo I've set up, if I use webkitRequestFullscreen (lower 's') the webkitfullscreenchange event doesn't fire. Also, :fullscreen CSS ..., requestFullScreen) element.requestFullScreen(); } else if(element.webkitRequestFullScreen ) element.webkitRequestFullScreen(); } else ...

相關軟體 Comodo Dragon 資訊

Comodo Dragon
互聯網瀏覽器以閃電般的速度提供隱私增強。互聯網已經成長起來,當然,數以百萬計的黑客,騙子,釣魚者和盜賊的成熟度也在增長。 Comodo Dragon 是您必須擁有的在線隱私保護者,它擁有輕便而強大的網絡瀏覽器中的所有基本功能. 這就是為什麼世界領先的在線安全和信任保證創新者 Comodo 已經與 Comodo Dragon 一起前進的原因。– 基於 Chromium 技術的網絡瀏覽器,... Comodo Dragon 軟體介紹

webkitrequestfullscreen 相關參考資料
Presentation Mode not working in Safari · Issue #4561 · mozillapdf.js ...

e.g. if the developer bar was open at the bottom when webkitRequestFullScreen is called, then there's a gap in the fullscreen view where the ...


webkitRequestFullscreen not functioning correctly (in my demo) · Issue ...

but in the demo I've set up, if I use webkitRequestFullscreen (lower 's') the webkitfullscreenchange event doesn't fire. Also, :fullscreen CSS ...


How to use the Fullscreen API | Webdesigner Depot

requestFullScreen) element.requestFullScreen(); } else if(element.webkitRequestFullScreen ) element.webkitRequestFullScreen(); } else ...


Using the Fullscreen API in web browsers - Mozilla Hacks - the Web ...

webkitRequestFullScreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT);. This does not work in Safari, and the method won't be called. With Firefox ...


Chrome Fullscreen API - Stack Overflow

Try the following code: addEventListener("click", function() var el = document.documentElement, rfs = el.requestFullscreen || el.webkitRequestFullScreen || el.


Request Full Screen HTML5 Video onPlay - Stack Overflow

requestFullscreen) vid.requestFullscreen(); } else if (vid.mozRequestFullScreen) vid.mozRequestFullScreen(); } else if (vid.webkitRequestFullscreen) vid.


webkitRequestFullScreen is not a function - Stack Overflow

With $("iframe")['webkitRequestFullScreen'](); you are making a jQuery object and attempting to call its "webkitRequestFullScreen" method, but ...


webkitRequestFullScreen fails when passing Element ...

This is known Safari bug. It can be sniffed during full screen switching: someElement.webkitRequestFullScreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT); if ...


使用全螢幕模式| MDN

documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen) document.documentElement.webkitRequestFullscreen(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT) ...


webkitRequestFullScreen not working? - Stack Overflow

The webkit version does not capitalize the s of Fullscreen .
