ubuntu hiri

This downloadable app is an alternative interface for your Microsoft email account. It adds a wealth of tools designed t...

ubuntu hiri

This downloadable app is an alternative interface for your Microsoft email account. It adds a wealth of tools designed to make email better. A dashboard with a ...,Hiri is a solution to send & recieve emails, managing calendars. This guide will teach you How To Install And Configure Hiri On Ubuntu 20.04.

相關軟體 Hiri 資訊

Hiri 是 Windows PC 的快速,新穎,美觀的電子郵件客戶端。比 MS Outlook 輕一些獨特和聰明的功能。一個完整的替代微軟 Outlook,使您更好的經理!電子郵件和任務並排居住!只需將電子郵件拖到右側的待辦事項列表中。優先。設置提醒。添加註釋。把你需要做的和你需要知道的事分開來!一旦你調整你的電子郵件處理它。回复,委託,存檔,刪除,將其添加到您的待辦事項列表或設置提醒。平均來說... Hiri 軟體介紹

ubuntu hiri 相關參考資料
Download | Hiri email client

Hiri email app download Windows, Mac (MacOS) or Ubuntu Linux. ... Start Hiri by typing hiri on the terminal or using the desktop launcher. Step-by-step ...


Hiri Email - Ubuntu Docs!

This downloadable app is an alternative interface for your Microsoft email account. It adds a wealth of tools designed to make email better. A dashboard with a ...


How To Install And Configure Hiri On Ubuntu 20.04 LTS - Blog

Hiri is a solution to send & recieve emails, managing calendars. This guide will teach you How To Install And Configure Hiri On Ubuntu 20.04.


Install Hiri Email Client on Ubuntu

Hiri could be the best email client for you if you use Exchange or Office 365 accounts. The latest version of Hiri can be installed on Ubuntu 20.04 via Snap, ...


Install hiri on Ubuntu using the Snap Store

Enable snaps on Ubuntu and install hiri. Snaps are applications packaged with all their dependencies to run on all popular Linux distributions from a single ...


Ubuntu 20.04 Hiri desktop e-mail client installation

2020年5月13日 — Hiri desktop e-mail client installation on Ubuntu 20.04 step by step instructions. Install Hiri desktop e-mail client from command line.


Ubuntu 20.04 Hiri桌面电子邮件客户端安装

使用图形用户界面安装Hiri 桌面电子邮件客户端 · 使用左上角的 Activities 菜单打开 Software 应用程序。 · 搜索 hiri 应用程序。 · 要开始安装,请按 安装 按钮 · 输入你 ...


Ubuntu Desktop Linux 20.04 應用攻略

Ubuntu Desktop 支援多個桌面,你可以將同類型的程式放在同一桌面,使用多個桌面來分散擺放,這樣做的好處是不會讓太多程式互相干擾桌面空間,提高工作的流暢性。使用上也 ...


如何在Ubuntu 20.04 LTS 上安装Hiri 电子邮件客户端

2022年3月11日 — Hiri 是适用于Windows、macOS 和Linux 上的经理的最佳电子邮件客户端。它允许我们拥有电子邮件、日历、联系人和任务。Hiri 不是免费使用的;但是, ...
