the straw that breaks the camel's back中文

Steve:How can I prove that Tina's just a friend? 史蒂夫:我要怎樣證明蒂娜只是個普通朋友?...,今天我們要給大家介紹兩個和straw 這個字有關的俗語。 hay 和straw 都可...

the straw that breaks the camel's back中文

Steve:How can I prove that Tina's just a friend? 史蒂夫:我要怎樣證明蒂娜只是個普通朋友?...,今天我們要給大家介紹兩個和straw 這個字有關的俗語。 hay 和straw 都可以解釋為草。但是,它們之間是有區別的。hay 是專門為做飼料而種的草,而straw 就是一般的稻草。美國農民有的時候用稻草喂牲口,但是總比不上飼料那麼好。 大家都知道,駱駝是非常強壯的動物,一般來說,一隻駱駝可以馱五百公斤重的東西。但是,要是你 ...

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the straw that breaks the camel's back中文 相關參考資料
The Straw that Breaks the Camel's Back | 蘋果日報

The Straw that Breaks the Camel's Back - 生活 - 蘋果日報

Steve:How can I prove that Tina's just a friend? 史蒂夫:我要怎樣證明蒂娜只是個普通朋友?...

the straw that breaks the camel's back , the last straw , to ... - EPT美語

今天我們要給大家介紹兩個和straw 這個字有關的俗語。 hay 和straw 都可以解釋為草。但是,它們之間是有區別的。hay 是專門為做飼料而種的草,而straw 就是一般的稻草。美國農民有的時候用稻草喂牲口,但是總比不上飼料那麼好。 大家都知道,駱駝是非常強壯的動物,一般來說,一隻駱駝可以馱五百公斤重的東西。但是,要是你 ...

報章英文成語教室- 英文成語the straw that breaks the camel's ...

英文成語the straw that breaks the camel's back是甚麼意思?壓垮駱駝的最後一根稻草? 用直譯的方式解釋英文成語,誰不會? 但說久了,習慣成自然,大家就不會再去探討其中文意思了,所以,很少人知道這句話其實就是致命的一擊! The famine was the...

the finallast straw漢語(繁體)翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary

the final/last straw. also the straw that breaks the camel's back. ​. C1 the last in a series of unpleasant events that finally makes you feel that you cannot continue to accept a bad situation. (...


the finallast straw在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary

the final/last straw. also the straw that breaks the camel's back. ​. C1 the last in a series of unpleasant events that finally makes you feel that you cannot continue to accept a bad situation: L...


「美國習慣用語」第一百二十二講| 大紀元

但是,要是你不斷往它背上加東西的話,這只駱駝到了一定程度就會達到它所能承受的飽和點,那怕再多加一根稻草也會使它承受不了而垮台。這就是我們今天要給大家介紹的第一個俗語:the straw that breaks the camel's back。The straw that breaks the camel's back,意思就是:那根壓斷了駱駝背的稻草。現在,人們 .....

報章英文成語教室- the straw that breaks the camel's back (idiom ...

the straw that breaks the camel's back (idiom) 致命的一擊。 The famine was the fault of North Korean mismanagement, of course, but it's clear that Chinese...

英文俚語(請英文好的人幫忙我) | Yahoo奇摩知識+

底下的解釋很清楚。你可以稍微簡化運用。The idiom the straw that broke the camel's back is from an Arabic proverb about how a camel wearing shoes is loaded beyond its capacity to move. This is a reference to any proce...