telegram send file

When working with the API, it is sometimes necessary to send a relatively large file to the server. For example, when se...

telegram send file

When working with the API, it is sometimes necessary to send a relatively large file to the server. For example, when sending a message with a photo/video attachment or when setting the current user's profile picture. Uploading files. There are a numb, A huge advantage of Telegram over any other tool is sharing large documents. Since Telegram's launch in 2013, you can send files up to 1.5 GB and access them from any of your devices, including computers. Perfect for everything from studying to shari

相關軟體 Telegram for Desktop 資訊

Telegram for Desktop
Telegram for Desktop 是一款專注於速度和安全性的通訊應用程序,它的超級快速,簡單和免費。您可以同時在所有設備上使用“電報”(&M); 您的郵件可以在任何數量的手機,平板電腦或電腦上無縫同步。下載電報離線安裝程序安裝 PC! 使用電報,您可以發送任何類型的消息,照片,視頻和文件(doc,zip,mp3 等),以及創建多達 1000 人的頻道或無限制頻道觀眾。您可以寫信給您的手機聯... Telegram for Desktop 軟體介紹

telegram send file 相關參考資料
Telegram Bot API - Telegram APIs

跳到 Sending files - There are three ways to send files (photos, stickers, audio, media, etc.): If the file is already stored somewhere on the Telegram servers, you don't need to reupload it: each ...

Uploading and Downloading Files - Telegram APIs

When working with the API, it is sometimes necessary to send a relatively large file to the server. For example, when sending a message with a photo/video attachment or when setting the current user&#...

Shared Files and Fast Mute

A huge advantage of Telegram over any other tool is sharing large documents. Since Telegram's launch in 2013, you can send files up to 1.5 GB and access them from any of your devices, including c...

Sending Files On Steroids — And More

Many of you love Telegram for the ability to send huge files up to 1.5 Gb. Today's iOS update brings you a radically improved Send File menu. We have integrated cloud services like iCloud, DropBo...

Home - telegram-send -

Telegram-send is a command-line tool to send messages and files over Telegram to your account, to a group or to a channel. It provides a simple interface that can be easily called from other programs....

API - telegram-send -

telegram_send. configure. configure(conf, channel=False, group=False, fm_integration=False). Guide user to set up the bot, saves configuration at conf . Arguments. conf (str): Path where to save the c...

How to send Files with Telegram Bots - YouTube

This is a tutorial about how to upload files using the Telegram Bot API and PHP Twitter: ...

GitHub - rahieltelegram-send: Send messages and files over ... telegram-send. Version pyversions Downloads License. Telegram-send is a command-line tool to send messages and files over Telegram to your account, to a group or to a channel. It provides a...

Code snippets · python-telegram-botpython-telegram-bot Wiki - GitHub

Post a text message; Reply to a message; Send a chat action; Requesting location and contact from user. Message Formatting (bold, italic, code, ...) Post a text message with Markdown formatting; Post ...

sending a document with description by telegram bot - Stack Overflow

The sendDocument method has a key caption . You need to put the description there. curl -F chat_id="-xxxxxxxxxx" -F document=@"/home/telegram/someFile.pdf" -F caption="Text M...