sublime chinese input

Yes, I change a fixed "monaco" and "Yahei Chinese" font, Now chinese can display. now, the only prob...

sublime chinese input

Yes, I change a fixed "monaco" and "Yahei Chinese" font, Now chinese can display. now, the only problem for me is can't use "Ctrl+Space" to active Chinese Input method. I change "Ctrl+Space" binding none. But al, Sublime Text 3 GBK Encoding Support. Press Ctrl ~ to open the command line, and then enter the following line of code import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = '2915d1851351e5ee549c20394736b442' + '8bc59f460fa1548d1514676163dafc88'; pf = '

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sublime chinese input 相關參考資料
GitHub - lyfeyajsublime-text-imfix: Fix Sublime Text 3 Input method ... Sublime Text 3 Input Method(Fcitx) Fix [Ubuntu(Debian)]. Main Purposes. This repo is aimed at doing the following three things: Install Sublime Text 3; Install Fcitx Input Method; Fix Subli...

Sublime does not support Chinese? - Technical Support - Sublime ...

Yes, I change a fixed "monaco" and "Yahei Chinese" font, Now chinese can display. now, the only problem for me is can't use "Ctrl+Space" to active Chinese Input metho...

Sublime Text 23 GBK Encoding Support and Input Chinese with ibus ...

Sublime Text 3 GBK Encoding Support. Press Ctrl ~ to open the command line, and then enter the following line of code import urllib.request,os,hashlib; h = '2915d1851351e5ee549c20394736b442' ...

Sublime Text 3 Chinese input with fcitx - Yuan3y's Lab

Your fcitx Chinese input somehow doesn't work, does it? Here's the solution: patch to the Sublime Text 3 for Chinese fcitx input. Tested on Ubunt 14.04 and 16.04.1 LTS. [crayon-5a5cf8213bf690...

Sublime Text 3 在Ubuntu 打中文字有解了 - Learning in free

Sublime Text 2 在Ubuntu 打中文本來可以安裝「Input Helper」這個plugin 來間接輸入中文,不過到了ST3 就找不到這個plugin 了,今天剛好心血來潮又找了一次,很驚喜的發現竟然已經有解了,而且更直接,把它記下來,也跟大家推銷一下Sublimt Text,真的不錯喔! 1.將下列的程式碼存成 sublime-imfix.c. /*


Sublime text don't supprot chinese input - Technical Support ...

I can't switch into chinese input methoed with sublime text 3 and 2. This bug is a big problem for chinese user. please take some time to fix this bug. thanks. I love sublime text! OS: linux distr...

Support chinese input method - General Discussion - Sublime Forum

I install sougou-ibus , a popular Chinese input method, but it can't be used in Sublime Text3 , I googled a lot, find no way to deal with this trouble.

UBUNTU 14.04 安装fcitx-sougoupinyin, sublime text 3, 解决中文输入 ...

sublime-imfix.c Use LD_PRELOAD to interpose some function to fix sublime input method support for linux. By Cjacker Huang <jianzhong.huang at> gcc -shared -o su...

如何在Sublime Text 3中输入中文- SKLCC's 藏经阁

sublime-imfix.c * Use LD_PRELOAD to interpose some function to fix sublime input method support for linux. * By Cjacker Huang <jianzhong.huang at> * * * gcc -shared -o libsublime-...

解决Ubuntu下Sublime Text 3无法输入中文- 简书

前言sublime很好用,但是ubuntu下不能输入中文,这是一个很大的问题。不知道为什么开发着一直也不解决,好在还是有高手在,总能找到方法。网上方法很多,但是也很乱,现在我将自己的经验总结一下。 首先,我参考了好几篇文章,都是蛮不错的,先列出来: sublime-text-imfix:首先推荐这个方法,最简单,但是在我 ...