sticky notes win8

In the physical world we use the sticky notes to stick bits of information on suitable surfaces. Windows 7 provided you...

sticky notes win8

In the physical world we use the sticky notes to stick bits of information on suitable surfaces. Windows 7 provided you with a similar feature ..., Think of 'Sticky Notes' as a digital version of 'Post-It Notes” that you can “stick” onto your Windows Desktop. The directions below explain how to ...

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sticky notes win8 相關參考資料
Download - Simple Sticky Notes

You can download a new version of Simple Sticky Notes for free. Download Now Minimum Requirements: Windows® 10 / 8.1 / 8 / 7 / Vista / XP PC with a 1 GHz ...


How To Add Sticky Notes In Windows 8 - Techpluto

In the physical world we use the sticky notes to stick bits of information on suitable surfaces. Windows 7 provided you with a similar feature ...

How to use 'Sticky Notes' in Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

Think of 'Sticky Notes' as a digital version of 'Post-It Notes” that you can “stick” onto your Windows Desktop. The directions below explain how to ...

Where is Sticky Notes in Windows 8? - RAWinfopages

If you are at the desktop in Windows 8.1, hold down the Windows key and press S to open the search panel on the right. enter 'sticky notes' and then click Sticky ...

Windows 8-自黏便箋@ 學不完.教不停.用不盡:: 痞客邦::

其實在Windows 8 中還是存在自黏便箋,你可以在桌面上按 ... 其資料儲存在:C:-Users-你的帳號-AppData-Roaming-Microsoft-Sticky Notes ...

取得Sticky Notes 8 - Microsoft Store zh-TW

With "Sticky Notes 8" you can write a lot of notes and move them freely on the screen. The snapped view and the OneDrive synchronizazion are ...