
IBM is one of the largest IT service companies in the world, and its use of Slack is novel for being so big. With around...


IBM is one of the largest IT service companies in the world, and its use of Slack is novel for being so big. With around 165,000 employees actively on Slack, ... ,Slack is a web-based, real-time and archived messaging app for your team. You can communicate in open or private channels, send direct messages to colleagues, ...

相關軟體 Slack for Windows 資訊

Slack for Windows
Slack for Windows 把你所有的溝通都集中在一個地方。這是實時消息傳遞,歸檔和搜索現代團隊。不僅僅是你的信息,而且你所有的文件,圖像,PDF,文檔和電子表格都可以直接放入 Slack 中,並與你想要的任何人共享。添加評論,明星供以後參考,並且它是完全可搜索的。如果您使用 Google 雲端硬盤,Dropbox 或 Box 等任何服務,只需粘貼該鏈接即可立即同步搜索該文檔。下載用於 P... Slack for Windows 軟體介紹

slack@ibm 相關參考資料
35萬名員工全都用!從Slack最大客戶IBM拍板合作案 - 數位時代

2020年2月13日 — 不過,Slack的爆發似乎源自與IBM相關的一條新聞。 美國當地時間2月10日,Slack公司及其上市股票的價格突然出現了一輪震動。

How apps for Slack help IBM and Hearst get more from their ...

IBM is one of the largest IT service companies in the world, and its use of Slack is novel for being so big. With around 165,000 employees actively on Slack, ...

How to use IBM App Connect with Slack

Slack is a web-based, real-time and archived messaging app for your team. You can communicate in open or private channels, send direct messages to colleagues, ...

IBM App Connect - Slack

IBM App Connect offers a powerful configuration based approach to integrating Slack with on premise and cloud/SaaS applications and data, ensuring that your ...

IBM擴大採用Slack作為35萬員工協同平台 - iThome

2020年2月11日 — 隨著IBM正式採用Slack,作為35萬名員工的溝通協作平台,讓面臨Microsoft Teams大量用戶數競爭的Slack,能夠對外宣告他們的代表用戶,是這家全球員工數 ...

Slack: Improve team communication and efficiency - IBM

Slack improves team collaboration by integrating real-time messaging with a multitude of cloud storage, development, testing, operations, analytics, and ...

獲IBM 35 萬員工使用!Slack 大敗微軟Teams 成為IBM 主要 ...

2020年2月12日 — Slack 正式擊敗微軟Teams 囊括IBM 全球約35 萬員工,採用Slack 作為主要工作通訊平台。Slack CEO Stewart Butterfield 於《Business Insider》受訪 ...