shsh umbrella

TinyUmbrella helped users save SHSH blobs and thus helped them to downgrade their iOS versions. After your device has be...

shsh umbrella

TinyUmbrella helped users save SHSH blobs and thus helped them to downgrade their iOS versions. After your device has been recognized by TinyUmbrella , all the SHSH blobs available in your device will automatically be. ,

相關軟體 Tenorshare ReiBoot 資訊

Tenorshare ReiBoot
ReiBoot 是一個免費的實用程序,使您可以通過將 iPhone / iPad / iPod 放入和退出恢復模式來重新啟動設備. i 當更新最新的 iOS 9.3.2 / 9/8,還原或越獄時,電話卡會處於恢復模式?現在使用免費的 ReiBoot 軟件,您可以輕鬆地進入和退出 iPhone / iPad / iPod touch 恢復模式,無需手動按住任何按鈕。只需點擊一下!即使在 iPhone... Tenorshare ReiBoot 軟體介紹

shsh umbrella 相關參考資料
The Firmware Umbrella – TinyUmbrella | iOS, Android, hacking ...

iOS 10.2 is jailbroken and I have some spare time to look at updating some of my code. Stay tuned for a few updates coming within the next couple weeks. -semaphore. This entry was posted in Uncategori...

How to Use | TinyUmbrella

TinyUmbrella helped users save SHSH blobs and thus helped them to downgrade their iOS versions. After your device has been recognized by TinyUmbrella , all the SHSH blobs available in your device will...

「shsh umbrella」的圖片搜尋結果


Download | TinyUmbrella

TinyUmbrella has been a really useful tool. How TinyUmbrella works is really simple. It basically allows you to save your SHSH blobs for currently installed iOS version on your device.

iOS 10 | TinyUmbrella

TinyUmbrella iOS 10 a tool that lets you save SHSH blobs so that you can downgrade in the future. Many of you will not be familiar with the name, TinyUmbrella app.

使用TinyUmbrella 備份SHSH 認證檔案教學- ECID SHSH 相關使用教學 ...

正在備份iPhone/ iPad/ iPod Touch/ Apple TV 的SHSH, 4.1.) 軟件正在處理你的請求, 請等侍Tiny Umbrella 回應. 注意事項 當你按下Save SHSH 按鈕時, TinyUmbrella 將會尋找所有可以備份的iOS 版本; 包括即時備份最新版本的iOS SHSH 認證.

教你如何使用Tiny Umbrella來備份SHSH - iPhone4.TW

什麼叫做SHSH?為什麼要備份SHSH? SHSH就像是一把鑰匙幫你打開家裡的門在iPhone裡從iPhone3Gs開始使用SHSH SHSH是要幹嘛的呢? 在apple的每個iOS版本中(EX:3.0 3.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 4.0 4.0.1 4.0.2 4.1) 都必須透過認證才可以升級以及降版而iPhone3G也在iOS4.0加入了SHSH認證.

Tiny Umbrella 備份SHSH架認證server超簡單– World of Pluto

關於ECID SHSH是啥就請看之前的文章吧XD 有備份過簽名的人應該有聽過Firmware Umbrella這東西最早時是要透過文字介面來操作簽名備份以及架設認證server 也因為這樣iH8sn0w寫了AutoSHSH來把Firmware Umbrella包成比較好的GUI 然而FirmwareUmbrella的作者不知道是不是被刺激到了最近更新的相當 ...

大腳點滴: iPhone, iPad SHSH 備份- Umbrella 小雨傘!

將iPhone or iPad 透由USB 接上Mac,不用進入什麼神奇的模式,然後按下按鈕,就會把SHSH 存到 同一個目錄裡。例如在桌面執行 後就會在桌面產生一個xxxxxxxxxxxxx-iphone-3.1.3.shsh 的檔案。 2. 如果想備份到 Cydia 或其他的地方,可以把Advance Options 打勾就會有其他選項了&...

iPhone and iOS Forensics: Investigation, Analysis and Mobile ...

There are various open source tools available that can be used for this purpose, including AutoSSH and Tiny Umbrella. For this scenario, we will be using Tiny Umbrella on a Macintosh to save the SHSH ...