pbp to iso

iso-files of PSP-games?! But I managed to come across a PSP-game which was a folder called SLUSXXXXX with just a EBOOT....

pbp to iso

iso-files of PSP-games?! But I managed to come across a PSP-game which was a folder called SLUSXXXXX with just a EBOOT.PBP and a KEYS.,The data stored in a PBP file is stored as an image and can only be used with the PSP. Converting the PBP image file to a standard image file, such as Bin or ISO, ...

相關軟體 PPSSPP 資訊

PPSSPP 可以在全高清分辨率的電腦上運行你的 PSP 遊戲,也可以在 Android 上玩。它甚至可以高檔的紋理,否則將是太模糊了,因為他們的原始 PSP 的小屏幕。即使在現代的 Android 手機和平板電腦上,您也可以以原始分辨率的兩倍運行.PPSSPP 是 Android(以及其他移動平台)的第一款 PSP 模擬器,在 Windows,Linux 和 Mac OS X 上的運行速度也遠遠... PPSSPP 軟體介紹

pbp to iso 相關參考資料
pbp轉iso教學 :: 軟體兄弟

pbp轉iso教學, PSP現在已經可以玩PS的遊戲了只要把映像檔ISO轉成PSP專用格式PBP再用USB轉接器放到記憶卡即可在以前我看過一款PS的RPG遊戲介紹當時 ...


How to make a PSP EBOOT.PBP to a PSPISO? | GBAtemp.net ...

iso-files of PSP-games?! But I managed to come across a PSP-game which was a folder called SLUSXXXXX with just a EBOOT.PBP and a KEYS.


How to Convert PBP Files to ISO & Bin Files | Techwalla

The data stored in a PBP file is stored as an image and can only be used with the PSP. Converting the PBP image file to a standard image file, such as Bin or ISO, ...


ISO ~ PBP Converter - leecherman - Google Sites

<image> STARTDAT image, use this option when converting from ISO to PBP format. [-c] Convert ISO-PBP file when starting the tool. [-f] <file> ...


[PSP]PSX2PSP v1.4.2繁體版bin檔轉pbp檔- 。ㅇ 小魚吐泡泡 ...

修正在解壓縮ISO 之後沒刪除CCD 或CUE 檔案的問題. 下載PSX2PSP v1.4.2: 點擊下載. PS遊戲轉換 1.先點選右下角的”轉換選單” 2.在”ISO/PBP ...


PBP互转ISO(pops converter) 1.7中文绿色版下载-格式转换器-U ...

popsconverter中文版是一款PBP--ISO(PSP镜像文件)相互转换工具,你只需要简单的2个步骤就可以将PBP转为ISO。使用方法非常简单,先打开 ...


How to convert PBP files to ISO - YouTube

IceTea: http://goo.gl/jbtEOX If you enjoyed the video please Like & Subscribe.


PSPGUITool 轉ISO格式工具@ 小白勝的修改天地:: 隨意窩Xuite ...

三種轉檔格式: ISO 轉CSO CSO 轉ISO PBP 轉ISO 轉檔過程中,看似當機狀態,不用理他,等他出現提示視窗即可!!! 軟體下載 (2012-04-10).


PS模擬器教學(含PBP轉ISO教學) - t0096898的創作- 巴哈姆特

接著按照手把順序依序點選框框後在按下手把上對應按鈕即可 執行遊戲則是在檔案--->執行CD或ISO檔即可 接著是PBP轉ISO檔教學~ 我們用的是 ...


PBP檔如何轉成ISO檔? | Yahoo奇摩知識+

我是要先試玩ps模擬器,所以隨意下載了“頭文字D”,我說的那個GAME檔案是PXE檔,這樣可以玩嗎? 4 個已更新項目: 請問一下,PBP檔轉換成ISO ...
