in spite of用法

despite及in spite of的意思均為「雖然…」「儘管…」,另外regardless of也是同樣意思,而這三個詞的句型用法均相同,如下:. dispite+ 名詞/Ving. Despite his poor health, h...

in spite of用法

despite及in spite of的意思均為「雖然…」「儘管…」,另外regardless of也是同樣意思,而這三個詞的句型用法均相同,如下:. dispite+ 名詞/Ving. Despite his poor health, he still works day and night.(儘管他身體虛弱,他還是日夜工作不休). Despite working hard, he didn't pass the exam.(儘管他非常努力,但還是未能通過考試). , 介係詞「雖然;儘管」despite、in spite of、for all、with all,用於承接語意有所轉折的句子,後方都需搭配「名詞」。而「雖然;儘管」despite the fact that 和in spite of the fact that 為「連接詞」,後方需連接「句子」( 主詞+ 動詞)。

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in spite of用法 相關參考資料
三分鐘分清楚though although even though despite in spite of ...

一般來說,我們會將though / although / even though 放在同一類,而despite / in spite of 則放在一起。 1. though / although / even though + 副詞子句(S + V) though:這是一個相對不正式的用法,除了放在句首,也可以放在句末。 although:它和though 是一樣的意思,也有近乎一模一樣的用法,...

英文despitein spite of的用法(Usage of despitein spite of in English ...

despite及in spite of的意思均為「雖然…」「儘管…」,另外regardless of也是同樣意思,而這三個詞的句型用法均相同,如下:. dispite+ 名詞/Ving. Despite his poor health, he still works day and night.(儘管他身體虛弱,他還是日夜工作不休). Despite working hard, he didn&#...


大學堂英文: 文法講座十五:介係詞「雖然儘管」despite;in spite of

介係詞「雖然;儘管」despite、in spite of、for all、with all,用於承接語意有所轉折的句子,後方都需搭配「名詞」。而「雖然;儘管」despite the fact that 和in spite of the fact that 為「連接詞」,後方需連接「句子」( 主詞+ 動詞)。

In spite of - Yahoo奇摩字典搜尋結果

不管... In spite of all his efforts he failed. 雖然他盡了一切努力, 還是失敗了。They went fishing in spite of rain. 儘管天下雨, 他們還是去釣魚去了。 同義字. 不管... regardless of, irrespective of. 用法. ○ in spite of 表示儘管, 雖然, 是介系詞片語, 後面接一些...

表雖然although Much as Despite In spite of 句型@ 莓子貓坊:: 痞客邦::

Although+ S + V, S + V Though+ S + V, S + V Even though S + V, S + V. Even if S + V, S + V. much as.

in spite of, dispite, though用法示例[嘉兴英语网]

1、in spite of: prep. 尽管,不顾,不管 1. He continued with his plan to build a flying machine, in spite of the mockery of his friends. 他不顾朋友们的反对,继续他建造飞行器的计划。 2. I went shopping.

in case of 是什麼意思?in spite of的中文?超實用的12個in...of片語大 ...

in spite of 儘管. 和despite 一樣,後面都必須接名詞。 Ron went to school yesterday in spite of his illness. = Ron went to school yesterday despite his illness. 儘管Ron 生病了,他昨天還是有上學。 若要加上子句,可用the fact that 連接. Gina fai...

英文的連接詞:Although跟Despite的差異@ 庭∞Straight from My Heart ...

另外,Despite不能接of,如果想要用of表達儘管的意思,須把Despite改為In spite of才行,所以上述例句(2)可以改為(3)In spite of being hurt, Ming says it doesn't matter. 那麼可以把Despite的用法用的跟Although一樣嗎? 從意思上來看,儘管跟雖然這兩個連接詞在中文的意思與用法都是差不多的,中文似乎沒有...

in spite of的用法_百度知道

in spite of的用法. 松云竹雨 问题未开放回答. 推荐于2016-11-10 22:42:53. 最佳答案. despite与in spite of. Despite用作介词时,与in spite of同义,都表示“尽管”、“虽然”、“不顾”之意,但程度有所不同。 一般说来,in spite of的语气较强,使用范围也较广; despite的语气较弱,多用于诗歌或正式的文体中。Desp...