id3v2 tags

ID3是一种metadata容器,多应用于MP3格式的音频文件中。它可以将相关的曲名、演唱者、 ... 在最新的ID3v2.4版本中,總共宣告有83種資料框架,而使用者也可以自訂屬於自己的資料框架。 ... (back) $05 Leafl...

id3v2 tags

ID3是一种metadata容器,多应用于MP3格式的音频文件中。它可以将相关的曲名、演唱者、 ... 在最新的ID3v2.4版本中,總共宣告有83種資料框架,而使用者也可以自訂屬於自己的資料框架。 ... (back) $05 Leaflet page $06 Media (e.g. label side of CD) $07 Lead artist/lead performer/soloist $08 Artist/performer $09 Conductor ... ,This document describes the main structure of ID3v2.4.0, which is a revised ... and add a second tag at the end of the file, before tags from other tagging systems.

相關軟體 Mp3tag 資訊

Mp3tag 是一個功能強大,但易於使用的工具來編輯常見的音頻格式的元數據,它支持 ID3v1,ID3v2.3,ID3v2.4,iTunes 的 MP4,WMA,Vorbis 的評論和 APE 標籤。它可以重命名文件的基礎上標籤信息,替換標籤和文件名中的字符或單詞,導入 / 導出標籤信息,創建播放列表等.Mp3tag 支持來自 Amazon,discogs 或 freedb 的在線數據庫查詢,允許... Mp3tag 軟體介紹

id3v2 tags 相關參考資料
ID3 - Wikipedia

ID3v2 tags consist of a number of frames, each of which contains a piece of metadata. For example, the TIT2 frame contains the title, and the WOAR frame contains ...

ID3 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

ID3是一种metadata容器,多应用于MP3格式的音频文件中。它可以将相关的曲名、演唱者、 ... 在最新的ID3v2.4版本中,總共宣告有83種資料框架,而使用者也可以自訂屬於自己的資料框架。 ... (back) $05 Leaflet page $06 Media (e.g. label side of CD) $07 Lead artist/lead performer/soloist...

ID3 tag version 2.4.0 - Main Structure — Mutagen Specs 1.0 ...

This document describes the main structure of ID3v2.4.0, which is a revised ... and add a second tag at the end of the file, before tags from other tagging systems.


ID3 Tags

2020年9月11日 — ID3v2 tags which support multiple languages (eg. Comment and Lyrics) are extracted by specifying the tag name, followed by a dash ('-'), then ...

id3lib - The ID3v1ID3v2 Tagging Library

id3lib automatically handles most of the low-level details involved with manipulating ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags in digital audio files. It provides support for several tasks ...

ID3v1.1, ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 tags各有什麼 ... - 隨意窩

ID3v1.1, ID3v2.2, ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4 tags各有什麼區別? Q: 誰詳細說哈子A: ○ID3v1 & ID3v1.1 MP3格式標準裡並沒有特別定義儲存曲目相關 ...

id3v2 - a command line editor for id3v2 tags

id3v2 tags are much better but there isn't a tool to edit them in Linux. This is a tool to fill that space. In case you didn't know id3 tags can be found on mp3 files, they ...

ID3v2 - Hydrogenaudio Knowledgebase

2019年4月18日 — ID3v2 tags are generally added to the beginning of MP3 files, allowing audio players to display tag metadata before the end of the file is read ( ...

id3v2.3.0 -

2020年4月19日 — The ID3v2 tag header, which should be the first information in the file, ... audio it might be an idea to embed tags into the audio stream though.

MP3::Tag::ID3v2 - Read Write ID3v2.x.y tags from mp3 audio ...

Frames in ID3v2 tags can be very small, or complex and huge. That is the reason, that get_frame returns the frame data in two ways, depending on the tag. If it is a ...