id3v2 3 specification

ID3是一种metadata容器,多应用于MP3格式的音频文件中。它可以将相关的曲名、演唱者、专辑、 .... $01 – UCS-2 (UTF-16 encoded Unicode with BOM), in ID3v2.2 and ID...

id3v2 3 specification

ID3是一种metadata容器,多应用于MP3格式的音频文件中。它可以将相关的曲名、演唱者、专辑、 .... $01 – UCS-2 (UTF-16 encoded Unicode with BOM), in ID3v2.2 and ID3v2.3. .... Version 2.4 of the specification prescribes that all text fields (the fields that start with a T, except for TXXX) can cont,The technical aspects of ID3 tagging are discussed on the ID3v2 Developers ... The existing theme was not compatible with MoinMoin 1.9.3 so we're using a ... 2005-12-18 A list of applications that don't comply exactly to the tag specification.

相關軟體 Mp3tag 資訊

Mp3tag 是一個功能強大,但易於使用的工具來編輯常見的音頻格式的元數據,它支持 ID3v1,ID3v2.3,ID3v2.4,iTunes 的 MP4,WMA,Vorbis 的評論和 APE 標籤。它可以重命名文件的基礎上標籤信息,替換標籤和文件名中的字符或單詞,導入 / 導出標籤信息,創建播放列表等.Mp3tag 支持來自 Amazon,discogs 或 freedb 的在線數據庫查詢,允許... Mp3tag 軟體介紹

id3v2 3 specification 相關參考資料
ID3 - Wikipedia

ID3 is a metadata container most often used in conjunction with the MP3 audio file format. ... 83 types of frames are declared in the ID3v2.4 specification, and applications ... Three versions of ID3v...

ID3 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

ID3是一种metadata容器,多应用于MP3格式的音频文件中。它可以将相关的曲名、演唱者、专辑、 .... $01 – UCS-2 (UTF-16 encoded Unicode with BOM), in ID3v2.2 and ID3v2.3. .... Version 2.4 of the specification prescribes that all text fields (th... Home

The technical aspects of ID3 tagging are discussed on the ID3v2 Developers ... The existing theme was not compatible with MoinMoin 1.9.3 so we're using a ... 2005-12-18 A list of applications that...

ID3v2 - Informal standard - ID3Lib

3.ID3v2 overview. The two biggest design goals were to be able to ... The first three bytes of the tag are always "ID3" to indicate that this is an ID3v2 ...... Gailly, "ZLIB Compresse...

id3v2-00 -

Appendix A. Appendix A - ID3-Tag Specification V1.1 A.1. ... 3. ID3v2 overview The two biggest design goals were to be able to implement ...

ID3v2.3 Programming Guidelines - ID3Lib

What's new in ID3v2.3? 3. ... The MP3 specification only defined the storage of musical data and did ... This document concentrates on ID3v2.3.

id3v2.3.0 -

The first three bytes of the tag are always "ID3" to indicate that this is an ID3v2 tag, directly followed by the two version bytes. The first byte of ...

id3v2.4.0-structure -

3. ID3v2 overview ID3v2 is a general tagging format for audio, which .... to restrict a tag in more ways than imposed by the ID3v2 specification.

[音樂] MP3 的ID3Tags 標籤:ID3v1,ID3v2.2,ID3v2.3,ID3v2 4

ID3 : ☞ ID3是一種metadata(註解1)容器,應用於MP3格式的音訊檔案中。它可將相關的曲名、演唱者、專輯、音軌數等資訊儲存在MP3檔案中。 ☞ ID3也 ...