icofx mac

Icofx is a professional icon and cursor editor used to create icons with transparency for Windows and Macintosh. , 軟體內置4...

icofx mac

Icofx is a professional icon and cursor editor used to create icons with transparency for Windows and Macintosh. , 軟體內置40多個效果,強大的亮度、對比度、飽和度、色調調整工具讓您輕鬆修飾圖示。最高可支援Windows 平台中的768×768 解析度與Mac 平台 ...

相關軟體 IcoFX 資訊

IcoFX 是一個屢獲殊榮的 Windows 專業圖標和光標編輯器。它是圖標創建,提取和編輯的一體化解決方案。它設計用於支持透明的 Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10 和 Macintosh 圖標。創建 Windows 圖標,分辨率高達 768x768 的 Windows 10 和 Macintosh 圖標,分辨率高達為 ... IcoFX 軟體介紹

icofx mac 相關參考資料
Download - icofx

IcoFX is a professional icon and cursor editor used to create icons with transparency for Windows XP, Vista and Macintosh.


icofx - The Professional Icon Editor

Icofx is a professional icon and cursor editor used to create icons with transparency for Windows and Macintosh.


IcoFX 3.3 免安裝,Icon (.ico) 圖示編輯及轉檔工具| WanMP ...

軟體內置40多個效果,強大的亮度、對比度、飽和度、色調調整工具讓您輕鬆修飾圖示。最高可支援Windows 平台中的768×768 解析度與Mac 平台 ...


IcoFX Alternatives for Mac - AlternativeTo.net

IcoFX is an all-in-one solution for icon creation, extraction and editing. It is designed to work with Windows and Macintosh icons supporting ...


IcoFX for Mac: download free alternatives

IcoFX for Mac OS X, download best alternative solutions carefully chosen by our editors and user community.


icofx mac - Hrizax

icofx mac. About icofx Icofx is an award winning professional icon and cursor editor for Windows. It is an all-in-one solution for icon creation, extraction and ...


IcoFX 免費Icon圖示轉換、編輯器軟體- 香腸炒魷魚

IcoFX 免費Icon圖示轉換、編輯器軟體 ... 甚至可以讓你製作電腦內的icon,軟體提供了Windows和MAC的套版可以使用,如果有興趣替電腦內的圖示 ...


IcoFX 免費製作與變更圖示,把iTunes 10 icon改回iTunes 9 ico檔

我們這裡因為前面下載的是Mac專用圖示,所以要將其轉為ico檔案,才能在Windows系統使用。 這裡的轉換非常簡單,依據步驟03開啟icns圖示檔後,在IcoFX上方工具 ...


Tutorials - Creating a Macintosh icon from an image - IcoFX

Using IcoFX you can also create icons for Macintosh. IcoFX support Macintosh icon sizes up to 1024x1024 compatible with Macintosh OS X 10.7 Lion.


圖示製作:IcoFX 繁中免安裝版(免費) - 免費資源網路社群

IcoFX 是一款免費的圖示編輯工具,讓您輕鬆的建立Windows XP 和Windows Vista 圖示。 在編輯區您可以輕鬆的預覽、儲存、更改您的圖示。您也可以將喜歡的圖像轉 ...
