have a green thumb

5 天前 - 第一個是“green thumb”,大家都知道“green” 的意思是“綠 ... have much of a green thumb, every year I plant cabbage, beans and swee...

have a green thumb

5 天前 - 第一個是“green thumb”,大家都知道“green” 的意思是“綠 ... have much of a green thumb, every year I plant cabbage, beans and sweet corn in ... , This garden looks amazing! Your mom really has an unbelievable green thumb.(這花園太美了!你媽照顧花草的本領厲害到令人難以置信。) ...

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have a green thumb 相關參考資料
a green thumb 在英語中的意思 - Cambridge Dictionary

a green thumb的意思、解釋及翻譯:the ability to make plants grow and be healthy: ... My sister has a green thumb, but I kill most plants that I buy.


green thumb , green light 第十一課 - EPT美語

5 天前 - 第一個是“green thumb”,大家都知道“green” 的意思是“綠 ... have much of a green thumb, every year I plant cabbage, beans and sweet corn in ...


green thumb 、fat finger是讚美還是批評?8個形容手腳動作的單字- The ...

This garden looks amazing! Your mom really has an unbelievable green thumb.(這花園太美了!你媽照顧花草的本領厲害到令人難以置信。) ...


Green thumb, green fingers - 英文資訊交流網

Green thumb 為美式英語,而green fingers 為英式英語,兩者皆與have 連用來表示擅長園藝,亦即to have a green thumb 或to have green fingers。


Green thumb, green fingers - 英語之家- The Home of English

Green thumb 為美式英語,而green fingers 為英式英語,兩者皆與have 連用來表示擅長園藝,亦即to have a green thumb 或to have green fingers。


Have a green thumb - Idioms by The Free Dictionary

To have a proclivity for successfully growing plant life. I've never had a green thumb—everything I try to grow dies! John has a green thumb, so our garden ...


have a green thumb是什么意思及反义词_翻译have a green thumb的 ...

沪江词库精选have a green thumb是什么意思、英语单词推荐、have a green thumb的用法、have a green thumb是什么意思及反义词、翻译have a green thumb是 ...


have a green thumb的翻譯 - Cambridge Dictionary

have a green thumb的意思、 解釋及翻譯:to be good at gardening and making plants grow well。了解更多。


英語自學網 免費英文自學教材 美國之音 習慣用語 第十四部 ... - EPT美語

第十四部第七課: green thumb , all thumbs ... 下面就是一個例子:; I sure wish I had a green thumb like Mister Jones next door. Every year he grows the best ...


顏色篇4 – Do you have a green thumb?... - 會說中文就會說英文Catchy ...

另一常用的綠色俚語是a green thumb,有綠姆指的人種什麼植物都能活, ... 有天份,若仙人掌(cactus) 都會被你種死,那你就沒有green thumb了,英式說法是green...
