git revert remote

Git HowTo: revert a commit already pushed to a remote repository - ,2010年5月5日 — Just like above, t...

git revert remote

Git HowTo: revert a commit already pushed to a remote repository - ,2010年5月5日 — Just like above, the bad commit remains there, but it no longer affects the the current master and any future commits on top of it. 1: $ git revert ...

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git revert remote 相關參考資料
2. Revert【教學3 改寫提交】 | 連猴子都能懂的Git入門指南| 貝 ...

進入到下載檔案中的stepup-tutorial/tutorial2 目錄。本地端的歷史記錄狀態會顯示如下圖。 目前的歷史記錄. 用log 命令確認歷史記錄 $ git log commit ... - gists · GitHub

Git HowTo: revert a commit already pushed to a remote repository -

Git HowTo: revert a commit already pushed to a remote ...

2010年5月5日 — Just like above, the bad commit remains there, but it no longer affects the the current master and any future commits on top of it. 1: $ git revert ...

Git 如何還原已經push 的commit - Yowko's Notes

2017年9月17日 — Git 如何還原已經push 的commit 同事在完成新功能的開發後,已經將feature ... 直接revert merge commit 即可,但需要留意選擇正確的commit. - gists · GitHub

Just like above, the bad commit remains there, but it no longer affects the the current master and any future commits on top of it. git revert commit_id}'. About ...

How to undo changes in Git - freeCodeCamp

2018年12月7日 — Scenario 4: Reverting a commit that has been pushed to the remote · Go to the Git history · Right click on the commit you want to revert · Select ...

Resetting remote to a certain commit - Stack Overflow

2016年11月14日 — git reset --hard <commit-hash> git push -f origin master ... In that case, it would be better to revert the commits that you don't want, then push as ...

Revert a commit on remote branch - Stack Overflow

2018年5月23日 — Don't make it complicated. First you need to do a git log to find out which commit ID you want to revert. For example it is commit abc123 .

[Git高階教程(二)] 遠端倉庫版本回退方法- 梧桐那時雨- CSDN ...

2018年10月31日 — 最近在使用git時遇到了遠端分支需要版本回滾的情況,於是做了一下 ... git revert HEAD //撤銷最近一次提交 git revert HEAD~1 //撤銷上上次的 ...

推錯了Commit該怎麼辦? - Ray's Coding Journey

2019年2月12日 — 我commit好像推錯了…別緊張,這時候我們可以使用git revert 來取消我們的commit。 ... git remote add origin /user/yourUserName/yourDirectory/ ...