for your further action意思

for further action中文請繼續辦理;請續辦;請進一步辦理…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細 ... and the case was referred to the legal department for further act...

for your further action意思

for further action中文請繼續辦理;請續辦;請進一步辦理…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細 ... and the case was referred to the legal department for further action . on 2 ... ,has requested me to transmit to you a copy of that resolution for your consideration and any further action you may deem appropriate, and to express to you and, ...

相關軟體 Processing 資訊

Processing 是一個靈活的軟件速寫和學習如何在視覺藝術的背景下編碼的語言。自 2001 年以來,Processing 在視覺藝術和視覺素養技術內提升了軟件素養。有成千上萬的學生,藝術家,設計師,研究人員和愛好者使用 Processing 選擇版本:Processing 3.3.6(32 位)Processing 3.3.6(64 位) Processing 軟體介紹

for your further action意思 相關參考資料
for further action - 英中– Linguee词典

reports of the Secretary-General which dealt with the needs of States with regard to the development and management of ocean resources (A/45/712) and ...

for further action中文翻譯,for further action是什麼意思:請繼續辦理;請續 ...

for further action中文請繼續辦理;請續辦;請進一步辦理…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細 ... and the case was referred to the legal department for further action . on 2 ...

for your further - 英中– Linguee词典

has requested me to transmit to you a copy of that resolution for your consideration and any further action you may deem appropriate, and to express to you and, ...

For your further action.是什么意思 - 百度知道

For your further action.是什么意思. 我来答. 收起发布. 取消 确定. 1条回答. 又见永久和久远. LV.17 2017-08-01. for your further action 释义为你的进一步行动.

for your further action是什么意思_for your further action在线翻译、解释 ...

英语单词大全提供for your further action是什么意思,for your further action在线翻译,for your further action什么意思,for your further action的意思,for your further ...

for your further action是什么意思_百度知道

for your further action是什么意思. 我来答. 2个回答. #热议# 全球幸福报告出炉芬兰居榜首,对此你怎么看? iamwhatiwas5 2017-04-01. iamwhatiwas5

for your further handling是什么意思_百度知道

for your further handling是什么意思. 我来答 ... Send the errors to another macro process for further handling. ... 2017-08-01 For your further action.是什么意思 ...

for yr handling? -

我平時用for your further process and for your handling ... 做嘢,人地唔係我下屬所以唔好咁寫,建議用for your further action,for my further action ...

覺得咁寫好冇禮貌(頁1) - 上班一族- 香港討論區(純文字版本)

真心覺得"For your action"呢3個字係好冇禮貌,好似命令人做野咁 ... FYA 就有follow up 的意思, 即係pass 個ball 俾你, 但感覺好過命令你做事吧.

還用Attached please find?7個過時email用字- 香港經濟日報- TOPick ...

意思是太囉唆,沒完沒了,而且老派。 英語國家70年代開始 ... Attached herewith please find the revised proposal for your perusal. 就先前我們談過 ...