ffmpeg ipb frame

ffmpeg -ss <start_time> -i video.mp4 -t <duration> -q:v 2 -vf select="eq(pict_type-,PICT_TYPE_I)" ...

ffmpeg ipb frame

ffmpeg -ss <start_time> -i video.mp4 -t <duration> -q:v 2 -vf select="eq(pict_type-,PICT_TYPE_I)" -vsync 0 frame%03d.jpg ... , B-Frame (bi predictive-Frame),bi双向的意思,双向预测编码图像帧),提供最高的压缩比,它既需要之前的图像帧(I帧或P帧),也需要后来的图像 ...

相關軟體 FFmpeg 資訊

FFmpeg 是領先的多媒體框架,能夠解碼,編碼,轉碼,多路復用,解復用,流,過濾器,並發揮人類和機器創造的任何東西。它支持最尖端的古代格式。無論是由某個標準委員會,社區或企業設計的.8997423 選擇版本:FFmpeg 3.4.1(32 位)FFmpeg 3.4.1(64 位) FFmpeg 軟體介紹

ffmpeg ipb frame 相關參考資料
Albert 的筆記本: ffmpeg -- 使用ffmpeg 命令降低H.264 檔案大小

ffmpeg -i input -c:v libx264 -b:v 256k output.mp4. 轉好後的檔案的確降低bitrate,但轉換後的檔案卻多出了B-frame,如此可能會造成某些串流播放&nbsp;...


Extract only keyframes (I-frames) from video to images with console ...

ffmpeg -ss &lt;start_time&gt; -i video.mp4 -t &lt;duration&gt; -q:v 2 -vf select=&quot;eq(pict_type-,PICT_TYPE_I)&quot; -vsync 0 frame%03d.jpg&nbsp;...


ffmpeg和H264视频的编解码- 知乎

B-Frame (bi predictive-Frame),bi双向的意思,双向预测编码图像帧),提供最高的压缩比,它既需要之前的图像帧(I帧或P帧),也需要后来的图像&nbsp;...


Get the list of I-Frames in a video in FFMPEG Python - Super User

This will output all the i frames as PNG images. ffmpeg -i 2.flv -vf &quot;select=eq(pict_type-,I)&quot; -vsync vfr frame-%02d.png. Credit to this comment a&nbsp;...


Set Key frame interval for h264 ffmpeg? - Raspberry Pi Forums

I have quite good performance for 2-3 minutes, and then I get a warning message on Youtube that my Key Frame interval is currently at 6&nbsp;...


Setting B frames in a video with ffmpeg - Stack Overflow

Solved: Like LordNeckbeard said, option placement matters in ffmpeg. Basic order is: ffmpeg [global options] [input options] -i input [output&nbsp;...


Thumbnails -Selecting specific frames : I-frame ... - BogoToBogo

If we want to extract just a single frame (-vframes 1) from the video (Yosemite) into an image file, we do: ffmpeg -i yosemiteA.mp4 -ss 00:00:18.123 -f image2&nbsp;...


video - FFMPEG extract intra-frames I,P,B frames - Super User

To extract a certin type of frame use the select filter: select=eq(pict_type- ... So for example: ffmpeg -i &lt;inputfile&gt; -vf &#39;[in]select=eq(pict_type-,B)[out]&#39; b.frames.mp4.


video - What is the correct way to fix keyframes in FFmpeg for ...

This means allowing I-frames to be placed in between IDR frames. You can still work with scene cut detection disabled (and this is part of many&nbsp;...


[FFmpeg-user] Extracting I P B frames from a mpg video

[FFmpeg-user] Extracting I P B frames from a mpg video. Rohit powerohit at gmail.com. Mon Jan 5 08:46:26 CET 2015. Previous message: [FFmpeg-user]&nbsp;...
