
Apparently this isn't possible, at least in no way I can figure out. Quick solution is call this function from a cu...


Apparently this isn't possible, at least in no way I can figure out. Quick solution is call this function from a custom Log Out button: function fbLogoutUser() FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) if (response && response.status === 'co, Its not documented on the FB SDK login-button page for some reason, but you can add the autologoutlink="true" attribute to the tag and it will show a logout button if you are logged in rather than just making the button invisible. <fb:login-

相關軟體 Google App Engine SDK 資訊

Google App Engine SDK
Google App Engine SDK(軟件開發工具包)可讓您在 Google 的基礎架構上運行 Web 應用程序。隨著流量和數據存儲需求的增長,App Engine 應用程序易於構建,易於維護且易於擴展。通過 App Engine,無需維護服務器:您只需上傳您的應用程序,即可為您的用戶提供服務. 您可以使用 appspot.com 域上的免費域名為您的應用程序提供服務,也可以使用 Googl... Google App Engine SDK 軟體介紹

fb:logout-button 相關參考資料
logout button in FaceBook SDK - Stack Overflow

If you want to implement such buttons into one multifunctional button, use this: &lt;fb:login-button autologoutlink=&quot;true&quot;&gt;&lt;/fb:login-button&gt;. Note that if you add any custom code ...


facebook - FB.logout() called without an access token. javascript ...

Apparently this isn&#39;t possible, at least in no way I can figure out. Quick solution is call this function from a custom Log Out button: function fbLogoutUser() FB.getLoginStatus(function(respons...


javascript - How to get Facebook Login Button To Display &quot;Logout ...

Its not documented on the FB SDK login-button page for some reason, but you can add the autologoutlink=&quot;true&quot; attribute to the tag and it will show a logout button if you are logged in rath...


Logout - Web SDKs - Facebook for Developers

Logout. The method FB.logout() logs the user out of your site and, in some cases, Facebook. Consider the 3 scenarios below: A person logs into Facebook, then logs into your app. Upon logging out from ...


FB.Logout - Unity SDK - Facebook for Developers

Facebook Unity SDK FB.Logout method reference document.


「登入」按鈕- Facebook 登入 - Facebook for Developers

childNodes[0]); } FB.Event.subscribe(&#39;xfbml.render&#39;, finished_rendering); &lt;/script&gt; &lt;div id=&quot;spinner&quot; style=&quot; background: #4267b2; border-radius: 5px; color: white; hei...


網頁- Facebook 登入 - Facebook for Developers

unknown - 這位用戶未登入Facebook,因此無法得知對方是否已登入您的應用程式;或者之前已呼叫FB.logout(),因此無法連結至Facebook。 如果狀態是 connected ,就會包含 authResponse ... 登入狀態,以瞭解用戶是否已經成功登入: &lt;fb:login-button scope=&quot;public_profile,email&quot; ...


Facebook API 之login and logout 實作範例@ T.H. Wang 的部落格:: 痞 ...

再 refresh 一次,讓登入登出按鈕能正常顯示 location.replace( “放欲導回網站的URL&quot; ); }); } else if(response.status === &#39;not_authorized&#39;) // 使用者已登入Facebook,但是在你的app是無效的. FB.logout(function (response) // 使用者已登出 a...


Facebook Javascript SDK: Basic Login and Logout example · GitHub

console.log(&quot;Response goes here!&quot;);. }, scope: &#39;read_stream,publish_stream,publish_actions,read_friendlists&#39;});. } function logout() . FB.logout(function(response) . // user is now l...
