f.lux cydia

Our users say that f.lux prevents eyestrain. They also say that it's easier to wind down and go to sleep after using a f...

f.lux cydia

Our users say that f.lux prevents eyestrain. They also say that it's easier to wind down and go to sleep after using a f.lux-enabled device at night. Plus, you' ... ,f.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.

相關軟體 f.lux 資訊

f.lux 解決了這個問題:它使得你的電腦顯示器的顏色適應一天中的時間,白天溫暖,並且像白天一樣. 甚至可能因為你的電腦而熬夜。你可以使用 f.lux,因為它讓你睡得更好,或者只是因為它讓你的電腦看起來更好,所以才會使用它. 注意到人們在晚上發短信的方式有那麼可怕的藍光?或者準備好準備寫下下一個好主意,並讓你的電腦屏幕蒙上雙眼? 在白天,電腦屏幕看起來不錯 - 它們的設計看起來像太陽。但是,在晚上... f.lux 軟體介紹

f.lux cydia 相關參考資料

Older iOS versions: Sometimes when updating Cydia and f.lux at the same time, the Reboot Device button will not work, and f.lux will not run. If you ...


f.lux - Cydia - Jay Freeman (saurik)

Our users say that f.lux prevents eyestrain. They also say that it's easier to wind down and go to sleep after using a f.lux-enabled device at night. Plus, you' ...


f.lux: software to make your life better

f.lux fixes this: it makes the color of your computer's display adapt to the time of day, warm at night and like sunlight during the day.


iOS 7 Cydia軟體教學介紹- f.lux - 保護眼睛最好的軟體 - YouTube


jefferyleof.lux: flux for iOS

This app changes the color of all running apps on your phone, even when f.lux is not directly open. Such functionality is not allowed in the App Store ...


Package: f.lux • org.herf.flux • CydiaTelespho...

warms colors at night to match indoor lighting • Package: f.lux • org.herf.flux • Cydia/Telesphoreo • Cydia iOS Repository Updates for Jailbroken i...


[Cydia for iOS]保護眼睛調整iPhone、iPad色溫工具「f.lux」 ...

Step 1. ▽ Cydia 搜尋「F.」,會找到「f.lux」,會找到工具機圖案,請點選這個將它安裝起來,如果找不到插件請參考這篇。(作者:F.lux Software LLC, ...


[Question] F.lux gone from Cydia? : rjailbreak

2018年7月19日 — I thought f.lux used to be in the one of the standard repos but I can't find it by searching anymore, does anyone know what happened to it?


[討論] 有人使用這軟體嗎?f.lux (cydia) - 看板iOS - 批踢踢實業坊

這個軟體是保護眼睛的軟體詳細介紹網站http://ppt.cc/hiOP 滿好奇這軟體真的對眼睛有幫助嗎? 剛裝完覺得不習慣...都黃黃的... --


你應該JB 破解嗎? 看看Cydia 插件支援清單再決定

1 天前 — Cydia Cydia Substrate 部分功能. Cylinder Disable Parallax Effect DockShift. Eclipse 部分功能. Effects+ f.lux FakeCarrier FakeClockUp. Filza File ...
