electron-builder extraresources

electron-builder configuration can be defined ... Env file electron-builder.env in the current dir (example). ... extraR...

electron-builder extraresources

electron-builder configuration can be defined ... Env file electron-builder.env in the current dir (example). ... extraResources The extra resources configuration. , Add the following code to package.json: "build": "extraResources": [ "from": "./src/extraResources/", "to": "extraResources", "filter": [ "**/*" ] } ] }.

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electron-builder extraresources 相關參考資料
Application Contents - electron-builder

the project directory for extraResources and extraFiles . If you don't use two-package.json structure and don't set custom app directory, app directory equals to ...


Common Configuration - electron-builder

electron-builder configuration can be defined ... Env file electron-builder.env in the current dir (example). ... extraResources The extra resources configuration.


Electron - How to add external files? - Stack Overflow

Add the following code to package.json: "build": "extraResources": [ "from": "./src/extraResources/", "to": "extraResources", "filte...


electron-userlandelectron-builder - GitHub

extraFiles & extraResources doesn't work nothing is copied #1131. Closed. yahyaKacem opened this issue on Jan 17, 2017 · 5 comments. Closed ...


electron打包额外的文件到app中去_骑着代码去流浪-CSDN ...

打开配置package.json文件1,创建一个文件夹名称为extraResources2,在package.json配置"build": "extraResources": ["./extraResources/**"], }3 ...


PlatformSpecificBuildOptions - electron-builder

maximum doesn't lead to noticeable size difference, but increase build time. files The files configuration. extraResources The extra resources configuration.


Please use extraResources https:github.comelectron ...

Please use extraResources https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder/wiki/Options#Config-extraResources. A better way is to save ...
