brew phpmyadmin

To enable phpMyAdmin in Apache, add the following to httpd.conf and restart Apache: Alias /phpmyadmin $(brew --prefix)/s...

brew phpmyadmin

To enable phpMyAdmin in Apache, add the following to httpd.conf and restart Apache: Alias /phpmyadmin $(brew --prefix)/share/phpmyadmin <Directory $(brew ... ,I found that the instructions are not complete, you also have to: Remove the '#' comment at the beginning in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf for LoadModule ...

相關軟體 phpMyAdmin 資訊

phpMyAdmin 是一個用 PHP 編寫的免費軟件工具,旨在通過 Web 處理 MySQL 的管理。 phpMyAdmin 支持 MySQL,MariaDB 和 Drizzle 上的各種操作。經常使用的操作(管理數據庫,表,列,關係,索引,用戶,權限等等)可以通過用戶界面執行,而您仍然可以直接執行任何 SQL 語句。phpMyAdmin 功能:直觀的 Web 界面支持大多數 MySQL 功能:... phpMyAdmin 軟體介紹

brew phpmyadmin 相關參考資料
用Homebrew 安裝phpmyadmin | I-Ta Tsai&#39;s Blog - 蔡依達

phpmyadmin 被包在另外的地方,原本的homebrew 會search 不到。 $ brew search phpmyadmin No formula found for &quot;phpmyadmin&quot;. Searching&nbsp;...

phpmyadmin — Homebrew Formulae

To enable phpMyAdmin in Apache, add the following to httpd.conf and restart Apache: Alias /phpmyadmin $(brew --prefix)/share/phpmyadmin &lt;Directory $(brew&nbsp;...

Installing phpmyadmin with home-brew - Stack Overflow

I found that the instructions are not complete, you also have to: Remove the &#39;#&#39; comment at the beginning in /etc/apache2/httpd.conf for LoadModule&nbsp;...

Used brew to install phpmyadmin, now how do I launch it ...

I used brew to install phpmyadmin, but I have no idea how to launch the setup... Can someone point me in the right direction please? I&#39;m on a&nbsp;...

Install Apache, PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin on Mac OS X ...

Prerequisites. Install homebrew: /usr/bin/ruby -e &quot;$(curl -fsSL;&nbsp;...

[mac] 安裝mysql, php, phpmyadmin – camel &#39;s blog

藉此機會紀錄一下在mac 安裝mysql, php及phpmyadmin ... 以下都會使用brew 套件管理工具來安裝,我拿到這台電腦時已經預裝好brew 了. 還沒裝&nbsp;...

How can I install PHPmyadmin on Mac Lion using Homebrew - Super User

This is the command if you have homebrew installed: brew install phpmyadmin.

Mac Brew部署Nginx + php +Mysql + phpMyAdmin 環境- 每日 ...

發布MacOs Catalina 簡單體驗後,有網友私信要一下Mac Brew部署Nginx + php +Mysql + phpMyAdmin的步驟,因為部署的時候沒有截圖,就文字&nbsp;...

Nginx + MySQL + PHP 7 + phpMyAdmin on Mac wordpress

brew install phpmyadmin 將phpmyadmin link到web路徑下 $ sudo ln -s /usr/local/share/phpmyadmin /data/www/ 照理講應該可以正確執行&nbsp;...

Installing PHP 5.4, MySQL, PhpMyAdmin and Nginx on Mac ...

Homebrew. When it comes to developing locally, there are many options for Mac users, including the dummy way of MAMP and XAMPP.