World earthquake

Latest earthquakes map and list for U.S. and worldwide. ... Did You Feel It? (DYFI) collects information from people who...

World earthquake

Latest earthquakes map and list for U.S. and worldwide. ... Did You Feel It? (DYFI) collects information from people who felt an earthquake and creates maps ... ,What is the level of global earthquake activity today compared to the past? Find out with our graph showing the current and past Global Seismic Activity Level ...

相關軟體 Earth Alerts 資訊

Earth Alerts
Earth Alerts 是一個基於 Windows 的應用程序,可以讓您近乎實時地監控世界各地發生的各種自然災害事件。警報通知,報告和圖像為用戶提供了一種方便的方式來查看發生的自然現象,無論是在家中還是在一些遙遠的角落!Earth Alerts 使用各種組織提供的在線資源,如國家天氣服務,美國地質調查局和史密森學會(僅舉幾例),以確定“地球母親”目前正在這個星球上展開什麼樣的活動.要使用 Ear... Earth Alerts 軟體介紹

World earthquake 相關參考資料
20 Largest Earthquakes in the World - USGS

Earthquake Hazards -

Latest earthquakes map and list for U.S. and worldwide. ... Did You Feel It? (DYFI) collects information from people who felt an earthquake and creates maps ...

Earthquakes Today: latest quakes worldwide: past 24 hours

What is the level of global earthquake activity today compared to the past? Find out with our graph showing the current and past Global Seismic Activity Level ...


EMSC: Earthquakes - Earthquake today - Latest Earthquakes ...

LastQuake: Felt an earthquake? Share your testimony and ...

You felt an earthquake and want to add or see testimonies on a specific ... know if there are any earthquakes near you, or see the worldwide earthquakes in ...

Latest Earthquakes

USGS Magnitude 2.5+ Earthquakes, Past Day · 124 km ENE of 'Ohonua, Tonga · 13 km NE of Jal, New Mexico · 54 km NNW of Yakutat, Alaska · 84 km W of Talcahuano, Chile.

Seismic Monitor - Recent earthquakes on a world map - IRIS

The latest earthquakes on a map with news, lists, and links. Mapa de últimos terremotos incluso boletines, noticias y enlaces.

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program, responsible for monitoring, reporting, ... Global, national and regional networks recording earthquakes and crustal ...