Tab group

Lets you create groups of frequently used tabs and synchronize saved tab groups between all your computers. Save all rel...

Tab group

Lets you create groups of frequently used tabs and synchronize saved tab groups between all your computers. Save all related tabs in a group and reopen when ... , Allow you manage and save your chrome tabs. ... which allows you to select opened links in chrome browser and save them into groups.

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S3 Browser
S3 Browser 是針對 Amazon S3 和 Amazon CloudFront 的免費 Windows 客戶端。 Amazon S3 提供了一個簡單的 Web 服務界面,可以隨時從 Web 上的任何位置存儲和檢索任意數量的數據。 Amazon CloudFront 是一個內容交付網絡(CDN)。它可以用來使用邊緣位置的全球網絡傳送文件。 S3 Browser 是亞馬遜 S3 服務的用戶的... S3 Browser 軟體介紹

Tab group 相關參考資料
Tab Group - Google Chrome

Ability to change links order inside the saved group 3. Export/Import of saved groups into JSON 4. Opened tabs now grouped by window 5.

Tab Groups - Chrome 線上應用程式商店 - Google Chrome

Lets you create groups of frequently used tabs and synchronize saved tab groups between all your computers. Save all related tabs in a group and reopen when ...

廣告已新增Tab Group 41 - Google Chrome

Allow you manage and save your chrome tabs. ... which allows you to select opened links in chrome browser and save them into groups.

Tab Groups - Google Chrome

Lets you create groups of frequently used tabs and synchronize saved tab groups between all your computers. Save all related tabs in a group ...

Chrome 推分頁整理新功能,開再多也不怕| TechNews 科技新報

雖然Chrome 有一些擴充套件能夠協助你整理分頁,但這次官方總算要親自面對這個問題,而推出了tab group 的功能,目前已經在 Beta 版本中上線 ...

Organize your tabs with tab groups in Google Chrome

Once the tabs are grouped together, you can move and reorder them on the tab strip. We've been testing out tab groups for several months now ( ...

How to Enable and Use Tab Groups in Google Chrome

The Tab Groups feature provides neat, color-coded labeling for all your tabs. It's available today behind a flag. Update: Tab Groups will become ...

Chrome即將推出的Tab Groups將新增便利新功能- 每日頭條

據外媒報導,對於標籤囤積者來說,谷歌正在努力為Chrome帶來一些新的功能。從滑鼠懸停標籤圖片預覽到最近添加的Tab Strips,Chrome在幫助 ...

Simple Tab Groups – 下載???? Firefox 擴充套件(zh-TW)

Simple Tab Groups works across browser instances/windows too. If you select a group in another window, the selected window will jump to the ...