Purple color rgb

The hexadecimal RGB code of Lavender Purple color is #967BB6 and the decimal is rgb(150123182). The red-green-blue compo...

Purple color rgb

The hexadecimal RGB code of Lavender Purple color is #967BB6 and the decimal is rgb(150123182). The red-green-blue components are 96 (150) red, ... ,In a RGB color space, hex #b19cd9 (also known as Light pastel purple) is composed of 69.4% red, 61.2% green and 85.1% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color ...

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Purple color rgb 相關參考資料
Dark Purple RGB COLOR CODE: #301934

The hexadecimal RGB code of Dark Purple color is #301934 and the decimal is rgb(48,25,52). The red-green-blue components are 30 (48) red, 19 (25) green ...


Lavender Purple RGB COLOR CODE: #967BB6

The hexadecimal RGB code of Lavender Purple color is #967BB6 and the decimal is rgb(150123182). The red-green-blue components are 96 (150) red, ...


Light pastel purple #b19cd9 hex color - ColorHexa.com

In a RGB color space, hex #b19cd9 (also known as Light pastel purple) is composed of 69.4% red, 61.2% green and 85.1% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color ...


Purple #6a0dad Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints

The color purple with hexadecimal color code #6a0dad is a medium dark shade of blue-magenta. In the RGB color model #6a0dad is comprised of 41.57% red, ...


Purple #800080 hex color - ColorHexa.com

In a RGB color space, hex #800080 (also known as Purple, Patriarch) is composed of 50.2% red, 0% green and 50.2% blue. Whereas in a CMYK color space, ...


Purple color codes - RGB purple colors - RapidTables

Purple RGB color code. Purple Hex/RGB color code = #800080 = 128*65536+0*256+128 = (128,0,128). RED=128, GREEN=0, BLUE=128 ...


Purple Color Codes [Hex, RGB] | HTML-Color.Codes

Common Purple Color Codes: purple: #800080 / rgb(128,0,128); lavender: #e6e6fa / rgb(230,230,250); thistle: #d8bfd8 / ...


RGB Color Codes Chart - RapidTables

RGB color codes chart, RGB color picker, RGB color table. ... RGB color format & calculation. RGB code has 24 bits ... Purple, #800080, (128,0,128). Teal, # ...


Royal purple #7851a9 hex color - ColorHexa.com

Royal purple / #7851a9 hex color code information, schemes, description and conversion in RGB, HSL, HSV, CMYK, etc.
