Ffmpeg -re

Don't use it. It's useful for real-time output when ffmpeg is able to process a source at a speed faster than r...

Ffmpeg -re

Don't use it. It's useful for real-time output when ffmpeg is able to process a source at a speed faster than real-time. In that scenario, ffmpeg may ..., The -re option instructs the encoder to read the source at its native frame rate. This slows the stream down to simulate live streaming and ...

相關軟體 FFmpeg 資訊

FFmpeg 是領先的多媒體框架,能夠解碼,編碼,轉碼,多路復用,解復用,流,過濾器,並發揮人類和機器創造的任何東西。它支持最尖端的古代格式。無論是由某個標準委員會,社區或企業設計的.8997423 選擇版本:FFmpeg 3.4.1(32 位)FFmpeg 3.4.1(64 位) FFmpeg 軟體介紹

Ffmpeg -re 相關參考資料
FFmpeg发送流媒体的命令(UDP,RTP,RTMP)_雷霄骅 ...

注1:-re一定要加,代表按照帧率发送,否则ffmpeg会一股脑地按最高的效率发送数据。 注2:-vcodec copy要加,否则ffmpeg会重新编码输入的H.264裸 ...


Understanding ffmpeg re parameter - Stack Overflow

Don't use it. It's useful for real-time output when ffmpeg is able to process a source at a speed faster than real-time. In that scenario, ffmpeg may ...


Re-stream using FFmpeg - Wowza

The -re option instructs the encoder to read the source at its native frame rate. This slows the stream down to simulate live streaming and ...


30-19 之收到聲音後要如何的播出呢? ( FFMpeg ) - iT 邦幫忙 ...

答案就是使用 播放器 ,而接下來我們就要來介紹大部份播放器的內核 ffmpeg 。 基本上本 ... ffmpeg -re -i big_buck_bunny.mp4 -c copy -f flv rtmp://localhost/live/test.


StreamingGuide – FFmpeg

Streaming. Contents. The -re flag; Setting; Latency; CPU usage / File size; Streaming a simple RTP audio stream from ...


FFmpeg can basically stream through one of two ways: It ...

The FFmpeg's "-re" flag means to "Read input at native frame rate. Mainly used to simulate a grab device." i.e. if you want to play a video file, but at realtime, then ......


ffmpeg常用的命令- IT閱讀 - ITREAD01.COM

轉組播流 ffmpeg -re -i /media/1.mpg -r 1800 -c copy -f mpegts udp:// ffmpeg -re -i ./test.ts -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f mpegts ...


FFmpeg Protocols Documentation

ffmpeg -re -i input -f mpegts amqp://[[user]:[password]@]hostname[:port]. Where hostname and port (default is 5672) is the address of the broker. The client may ...


ffmpeg Documentation

codec is the name of a decoder/encoder or a special value copy (output only) to indicate that the stream is not to be re-encoded. For example. ffmpeg -i INPUT - ...


FFmpeg Formats Documentation

Re-use existing streams when a PMT's version is updated and elementary streams move to different PIDs. Default value is 0. 3.15 mpjpeg. MJPEG encapsulated in ...
