Atom packages atom beautify

Atom-Beautify respects the core. telemetryConsent configuration option from Atom editor. If you do not wish to have usag...

Atom packages atom beautify

Atom-Beautify respects the core. telemetryConsent configuration option from Atom editor. If you do not wish to have usage data sent to Google Analytics then please set core. telemetryConsent to no or undecided option before using Atom-Beautify. ,Prettify Package for Atom. Prettify your HTML. Prettify. Installing. Command Line. apm install atom-prettify. Atom. Open settings with Cmd+,; Go to Packages ...

相關軟體 Atom (32-bit) 資訊

Atom (32-bit)
Atom 是一款文本編輯器,它是現代的,平易近人的,但對核心有破壞性的工具 - 你可以自定義的工具,但是也可以高效地使用,而不需要觸摸配置文件。您可以從數以千計的為 Atom 添加新特性和功能的開源軟件包中進行選擇,或者從頭構建一個軟件包並將其發布給其他人使用。 Atom 預裝了四種 UI 和八種語法主題,分別為黑色和淺色。 Atom 免費下載最新版本的 Windows PC。它是 Atom.的完... Atom (32-bit) 軟體介紹

Atom packages atom beautify 相關參考資料

I think this package is bad news. Good catch. Let us know what about this package looks wrong to you, and we'll investigate right away. Terms of Use · Privacy ...


Atom-Beautify respects the core. telemetryConsent configuration option from Atom editor. If you do not wish to have usage data sent to Google Analytics then please set core. telemetryConsent to no or ...


Prettify Package for Atom. Prettify your HTML. Prettify. Installing. Command Line. apm install atom-prettify. Atom. Open settings with Cmd+,; Go to Packages ...

Glavin001atom-beautify: Universal beautification ... - GitHub

lipstick: Universal beautification package for Atom editor (:warning: Currently migrating to and have very limited bandwidth for ...

Search Packages - Atom

Formatter plugin adding a js-beautify interface to the Atom editor. Format and Reindent your Javascript (JS), JSX, JSON, HTML, XML, CSS, SASS, SCSS, LESS ...

讓Atom支援自動排版| 魔法師的手杖

首先安裝atom-beautify這個package,安裝完可以打開這個package的設定:. Atom Beautify - Ruby. Default Beautifier是Rubocop,如果想要在存檔 ...