
1. The headphone is out of order./ The headphone doesn't work. 2. The light in the bathroom is out of order./ The l...


1. The headphone is out of order./ The headphone doesn't work. 2. The light in the bathroom is out of order./ The light in the bathroom doen't work. 3. breakdown 用於會移動的東西故障後動彈不得 4. out of work 是失業的意思.,可以麻煩mailXXX排除故障的資料!" "排除故障"的英文怎麼寫!? Would you please mail us with measures of "trouble shooting" for your XXX products? 煩請惠寄貴公司XXX產品之故障排除方法資料。 故障排除="Trouble Shooting" 。 供您參考!

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機台故障英文 相關參考資料
故障”的英文怎麼翻??? | Yahoo奇摩知識+

其實要看是什麼東西故障~再來選擇才會比較適當 break down=====>"最普遍的用法" 失敗;故障 breakdown (機器等的)故障,損壞 bug 【口】故障,毛病[C] conk 【口】突然故障 debug 除去故障;【電】移去(程式中)錯誤 fail-safe 自動防止故障危害的,故障安全的 failure 衰退;故障[U][C] fault 故障;誤差[...


東西壞掉故障的英文要怎麼講? | Yahoo奇摩知識+

1. The headphone is out of order./ The headphone doesn't work. 2. The light in the bathroom is out of order./ The light in the bathroom doen't work. 3. breakdown 用於會移動的東西故障後動彈不得 4. out of wor...


機器維修排除故障的英文怎麼寫| Yahoo奇摩知識+

可以麻煩mailXXX排除故障的資料!" "排除故障"的英文怎麼寫!? Would you please mail us with measures of "trouble shooting" for your XXX products? 煩請惠寄貴公司XXX產品之故障排除方法資料。 故障排除="Trouble Shooting&quot...


「定期維護」英文如何說? | Yahoo奇摩知識+

1.定期維護 scheduled maintenance (routine maintenance) 2.保養生產設備機台,並進行故障排除 maintaining production equipments and eliminating malfunction (breakdown, glitch). 3.異常分析與追蹤處理。 abnormalcy analysis, tracing and ...


「故障」的講法@ 凱文說英文Let's English! :: 痞客邦PIXNET ::

1. stop running (停止運轉) 2. break down (故障) 3. The TV doesn't work.


機器故障 - Dict.site 線上英文字典- 英漢字典 漢英字典

斷路器液壓機構故障分析. The support vector classifier is adopted to identify fault in the two types, and the grid search method based on cross - validation is chosen to determine model parameters 該模型將變壓器故障分為放電性和...


故障英文- 英文單字筆記:: Branbibi Blog

故障英文是malfunction(聽發音),名詞用法,其實故障的英文還有很多個單字都可以使用,例如fault(聽發音)、failure(聽發音)、breakdown(聽發音)、error(聽發音)這幾個單字都常拿來說. ... our house TV broke down, and do you have a repair service? 你好,我們家的電視機故障了,請問你們有維修的服務嗎?


【實用英文】東西故障只會說broken?車子拋錨、app 閃退又該怎麼說呢 ...

想增進英文實力,但總是沒時間嗎? 你是不是覺得自己英文不好而深受其擾?想學好英文可是都沒有時間?別擔心,只要有了VoiceTube APP ,你就能隨時搜尋、隨時學習最道地的日常用語,從此擺脫菜英文惡夢!東西壞了就要修理,自己的壞英文自己救! ▷ Android: https://goo.gl/Hlr2ya ▷ iOS版本: https://goo.gl/ ...


機台故障英文熱門搜尋| 新聞搜尋| ETtoday 新聞雲



Re: [求譯] 麻煩幫我看看這段翻譯- 看板Eng-Class - 批踢踢實業坊

這句話沒有動詞。不過意思對方應該看得懂。 : 而此機台還在保固期內,故障率卻如此高, 此次壞掉為第三次(半年共三次) : This machine is still under warranty, but with such a high failure rate(three : times within 6 months) 這句話語意不太清楚,起碼英文版很怪。
