
研討會結束已有一段時間. It has been some time since the conference concluded 感謝各位撥空參加, we would like to thank everyone who took the...


研討會結束已有一段時間. It has been some time since the conference concluded 感謝各位撥空參加, we would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend the conference 我們建立了研討會網站, We have set up a website with regards to the conference 網站上放置了研討會照片可供大家上去瀏覽 the website cont,web site management , maintain web site , design web site.

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架網站英文 相關參考資料
請問「專屬網站」的英文是什麼? | Yahoo奇摩知識+

解答. 評分. 最新 最舊 · Summer Passion. 最佳解答: "專屬" 正確的英文是"personalized" "網站" 是"website" "專屬網站" "personalized website" "架設網站" 是&quot...


架設網站等內容--英文信| Yahoo奇摩知識+

研討會結束已有一段時間. It has been some time since the conference concluded 感謝各位撥空參加, we would like to thank everyone who took the time to attend the conference 我們建立了研討會網站, We have set up a website with regards...


網站維護的英文怎麼說? | Yahoo奇摩知識+

web site management , maintain web site , design web site.


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【架設網站】架站專業名詞 - S's Journal - 痞客邦

1. 網域名稱Domain Name 開發者設定的網站名字,例如公司名字為「alohahaha」,網域名稱可設如下http://www.alohahaha.com.tw 2. IP 每個網站都有自.



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「產品上架」不是on the shelf,下架也不是go off the shelf!這樣說小心 ...

這個產品已經上市了。) 「下架」怎麼說. 同樣的,「下架」的英文也不能這樣說:. This product will go off the shelf. (你以為)這個產品會下架。 (其實是)這個產品會有現貨。 "off the shelf"是「現成的」而不是「客製化的」,經常用在軟體銷售:. You can purchase off-the-shelf software o...
