
Pardon me for my poor English 老外聽得懂,但這種說法怪怪的,你可以考慮: Excuse me,I don't speak English very well. Sorry for my poor Eng...


Pardon me for my poor English 老外聽得懂,但這種說法怪怪的,你可以考慮: Excuse me,I don't speak English very well. Sorry for my poor English. I am not good (clever) at English.Please do understand. I am sorry that I don't have a good command of English. Sorry I can&#, (1) Is there anything wrong with my sentence(s)? 我的句子中有什麼地方不對嗎? (2) May I describe my feelings (opinon) with this sentence? 我可以用這樣的句子來表達我的感情(意見)嗎? (3) May I say like that? 我可以這樣說嗎? (4) Can you understand what I have said? 你可以了解我所說的話嗎? (5) Did I ...

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我這樣說對嗎英文 相關參考資料
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我跟樓上的人看法差不多,但有一個地方就有點堅持在國外極少人叫老師TEACHER 如果是男生 excuse me sir, could you tell me it's correct or not? 如果是女生 excuse me ma'am, could you tell me it's correct or not ...


英文~我的英文不好這樣說對嗎| Yahoo奇摩知識+

Pardon me for my poor English 老外聽得懂,但這種說法怪怪的,你可以考慮: Excuse me,I don't speak English very well. Sorry for my poor English. I am not good (clever) at English.Please do understand. I am sorry that I ...


【英文】「這句話可以這樣說嗎?」該如何表達? | Yahoo奇摩知識+

(1) Is there anything wrong with my sentence(s)? 我的句子中有什麼地方不對嗎? (2) May I describe my feelings (opinon) with this sentence? 我可以用這樣的句子來表達我的感情(意見)嗎? (3) May I say like that? 我可以這樣說嗎? (4) Can you unders...


請問一下,這句英文我這樣翻對嗎? | Yahoo奇摩知識+

既然這樣的方式沒辦法長時間堅持學習下去,那就另外找適合的方法 因為我朋友也跟我有同樣的情況,英文不好在工作上一直有阻礙 後來他選擇了現在很流行的線上學英文來幫助他自己提升英文 優點是不用花太多的時間通勤來回跑補習班,反而多了更多時間練習英文 我也是後來聽他開口說英文而嚇到,沒想到會進步的這麼迅速


英文這樣說對嗎?(一句) | Yahoo奇摩知識+

看你要多有禮貌囉. May I borrow a voltage adaptor? Could I borrow a voltage adaptor? Can I borrow a voltage adaptor??


這段英文我這樣說對嗎| Yahoo奇摩知識+

You have to walk through this department store then turn right , you will see a XX department store and the coffee shop is inside. 右轉是turn right or turn your right hand side.. extension 最常用的是電話分機.......


"這個句子這樣說對嗎?"的英文要怎麼說? | HiNative

Question about United States | 還沒說,問完之後才說: → Am I saying this right? 已經說了那句: → Am I saying it right/correctly? → Did I say that right/correctly? (強調語.


這樣說對嗎? - 翻譯: 這個的英文怎麼說? - 英語討論區- - 台灣英語網

有一個人跟我打招呼在dtc chat room裡,但是他說:『what's happened?』這句意思不是說發生什麼事了嗎?但是他說這意思跟「how are you doing?」是同一個意思,是嗎??? 還有,I ask:did you taken your dinner? someone answer:yes, then I ask :你覺得很飽嗎?這句英文裡可以用"fu...
