
我的英文不好I'm not good at English.orMy English is not very good.be good at-->擅長於. ... Michelle. "我已經收到你的信" ...


我的英文不好I'm not good at English.orMy English is not very good.be good at-->擅長於. ... Michelle. "我已經收到你的信" <I had got your letter.> "你是哪裡人"<Where are you come from?> ... 的意思。 2006-04-20 23:43:59 補充: 他應該是想描述他的英文不好,而不是要說他英, 第一段) 晚安因為擔心您沒有收到我們(我)的這封信件,所以再重新寄送一次, 希望您收到了以後可以回個訊息給我們。 Good evening. I am worrying about if you didn't get/receive our (my) letter, so I re-sent it to you again. Would you please send a message to us if you get/receive it? (第二段) 謝謝您的幫忙。

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我收到了英文 相關參考資料
收到了電郵,想利用英文回覆對方(我已經收到你送出的電郵) | Yahoo 知識+



請問”我已經收到你的信”這句英文怎麼翻譯呢?? | Yahoo奇摩知識+

我的英文不好I&#39;m not good at English.orMy English is not very good.be good at--&gt;擅長於. ... Michelle. &quot;我已經收到你的信&quot; &lt;I had got your letter.&gt; &quot;你是哪裡人&quot;&lt;Where are you come from?&gt;...


如何用英文詢問人家信收到了沒? | Yahoo奇摩知識+

第一段) 晚安因為擔心您沒有收到我們(我)的這封信件,所以再重新寄送一次, 希望您收到了以後可以回個訊息給我們。 Good evening. I am worrying about if you didn&#39;t get/receive our (my) letter, so I re-sent it to you again. Would you please send a message...


中文翻譯成英文客戶樣品收到的回覆信| Yahoo奇摩知識+

謝謝你我們已經收到你的樣品了我們客戶測試的結果之後將盡快回覆給您. Dear Sir/Madam, With many thanks we have received your samples in good order today. The samples are currently going through a series of tests by our customer, and we...


英文信件常用詞彙@ 天使的咖啡屋:: 痞客邦::

我很高興確認/證實(我收到你的信件)~I am pleased to confirm that + 子句. Ex: I am pleased to confirm that I have received your letters. 我可以確認/證實(某事)~I can confirm that + 子句. 我可以確認我們已經收到...I can confirm we have received....


收到了英文,收到了的英語翻譯,收到了英文怎麽說,英文解釋例句和用法 ...

我已收到了你的來信。 I received a sugar report this morning . 今早我收到了一封情書。 A week later, he received a reply . 一個星期后,他收到了回信。 I got your message, too, and treasure it . 我也收到了你的電報,把它當作寶貝呢。 Invitations rained down ...


&quot;已收到&quot;英文 - 查查綫上翻譯

已收到英文翻譯:be in receipt of…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋已收到英文怎麽說,怎麽用英語翻譯已收到,已收到的英語例句用法和解釋。


我已经收到了,谢谢! - XYZ翻译网

好的,我已经收到了,谢谢! —— 中文翻译成英文. 谷歌翻译. 0. Okay, I&#39;ve got it, thanks! 0. 百度翻译. 0. All right, I&#39;ve got it, thanks! 0. 必应翻译. 0. OK, I have received, thank you! 0. 有道翻译. 0. Yes, I have received, thank yo...



我已收到你的邮件,谢谢你提供的信息。翻译成英语. 我已收到你的邮件,谢谢你提供的信息。翻译成英语. qiuyan1105 问题未开放回答. 推荐于2018-02-24 13:50:47. 最佳答案. I have received your email, thank you for your information. 本回答由提问者推荐. 评论. holpfullife. 采纳率:35% 擅长:...


商英Email好用句[四],betamedia ,Blog - 貝塔語言

今天再看幾個絕佳的開場白,照著寫,迅速用英文傳遞訊息。 . . 告知訊息 Email 開場白例句 2 ______ ___. Please be informed that + clause. 以此通知,⋯⋯ 例 Please be informed that we can&#39;t ship your order until we have received payment for your...
