TinyButStrong Error when merging block [same_cate_sql]: MySQLi error message when opening the query:

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.sf_name...]: the key 'sf_name' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.sf_cate_urlname...]: the key 'sf_cate_urlname' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.sf_img...]: the key 'sf_img' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.sf_name...]: the key 'sf_name' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.sf_desc...]: the key 'sf_desc' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.sf_url_name...]: the key 'sf_url_name' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.sf_name...]: the key 'sf_name' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.sf_name...]: the key 'sf_name' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.sf_cate_chtname...]: the key 'sf_cate_chtname' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
 年度 比較 圖表 | 2024 軟體跟著走

年度 比較 圖表

1_利用表格資料,快速建立圖表. 假設一間店要統計半年期間相機、平板和手機的銷售量,從每個月各品項的銷售情況去比較分析,用來做為下半年度 ..., 圓餅圖有製作的禁忌,直條圖和組合式圖表也各有調整的小技巧: ... 適合用來表現...

年度 比較 圖表

1_利用表格資料,快速建立圖表. 假設一間店要統計半年期間相機、平板和手機的銷售量,從每個月各品項的銷售情況去比較分析,用來做為下半年度 ..., 圓餅圖有製作的禁忌,直條圖和組合式圖表也各有調整的小技巧: ... 適合用來表現資料「隨時間演變的趨勢」,例如某公司3年內各季的營業額 ... 直條圖可以「比較」不同資料的差異,常見的應用是比較集團各子公司某個月的銷售表現。

相關軟體 [var.sf_name] 資訊

[var.sf_desc;htmlconv=no;onformat=desc_cut_relate] [var.sf_name] 軟體介紹

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由Tableau Public 預設之篩選功能,不易針對使用者所選之年度進行兩年比. 較。可改用參數方式篩選欲比較之學年,再於圖中同時呈現106 學年與比較學. 年之資料, ...


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只要多做一兩步,就可以讓excel做出來的圖大加分,老闆一看就知道你要說什麼。 ... 這時候,如果我們特別想要比較A商品的銷售成績,就選取B欄(A商品欄 ... 的銷售除以2011年的銷售,得出成長率之後,用成長率來做折線圖,一眼就 ...
