Yandex.Disk 歷史舊版本 Page6

最新版本 Yandex.Disk 3.2.30 Build 4914

Yandex.Disk 歷史版本列表

Yandex.Disk 是由 Yandex 創建的一項免費云服務,可讓用戶將文件存儲在“雲”服務器,並在網上與他人分享。上傳到 Yandex.Disk 的文件保存在雲中。這意味著您可以從任何連接到互聯網的設備訪問它們。即使在您的計算機或手機發生任何事情時,也不能丟失他們.您的照片是安全的! Yandex.Disk 當您連接到互聯網時,將自動從您的手機上傳,並在您每次將其連接到電腦時從相機上傳。照片... Yandex.Disk 軟體介紹

Yandex.Disk 3.0.8 Build 2489 查看版本資訊


J. River Media Center 24.0.068 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


J. River Media Center 24.0.067 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Streamlined the code that finds network interfaces so that they are only used once upon start of the program instead of every time a socket is created

- Some mp4 or m4a audio with AAC encoding could not be played with JRiver mp4 plug-in

- Tag-writing for MP4/m4a audio files will use Apple's extensible tagging format if the files already contain such tags

- Locking and unlocking split views didn't properly save the lock between restarts of the program

Yandex.Disk 3.0.7 Build 2455 查看版本資訊


GameMaker Studio 2.2.1 Build 375 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Release Notes:

Beta Channel:
- Added a new Preference to opt-in to the beta release programme
- For more info, see this FAQ

Updated macOS IDE's Mono version:
- The installer will now try to download and use v5.10.1.57 - if you have to install Mono manually, please install this version first
- Fixes a number of issues with building large projects in the Mac IDE - please note that we are aware these large projects currently build very slowly using the Mac IDE
- Also stops Mojave warnings that GMS2 is not optimised for Mojave and/or uses old components
- Note: Asset compiler errors are no longer shown as a dialog, now an .saencryptedreport file is written to a location specified in your Output Window - attach this to a Helpdesk ticket instead

Systems for avoiding project-saving issues:
- Changed the way saving is done, so we now save to a temporary location, then attempt to modify/remove the old files (a few times, if required), only throwing an error if the files continue to be locked externally
- Note: Reduces likelihood of issues for users who have agressive antivirus/anti-malware software or still continue to use OneDrive/Dropbox/Google, etc., folders for working on their projects
- Note: Also means if saving does fail it will only be the temp new files which are affected and your originals are still there, with the recent changes still in memory, so you can try saving again
- Fixed a number of project-saving and stability issues with the resource tree, especially if you had created custom tree views in your projects
- Added a new system to detect projects which have been corrupted by this issue and GMS2 will now offer to fix the project for you during a project load
- Note: We would suggest choosing "No", then immediately closing GMS2 and taking a backup of the project first, then load the project again and say "Yes"
- Added extra logging into ui.log for when your machine has access permissions issues with GMS2's files/folders or if tools have been lost from your GMS2 installation

Android Adaptive Icons Support:
- Added Game Options > Android > Adaptive Icons for generating new icons or importing existing ones
- Use the foreground/background pickers and the Generate button at the top of the page to create icons and view them in the mask preview area
- Scroll down the page if you want to import existing icons instead, then they will appear in the mask preview area too
- Note that this feature requires you to be using a 2.2.1+ runtime also, otherwise the icons won't end up in your .apk

Fixes for Ctrl+Shift+F:
- Fixed a variety of bugs with this tool
- Added the ability to select text in output windows, the debugger, etc., and Ctrl+Shift+F will use this string
- Fixed Ctrl+F so it moves the cursor to the first match after the current caret location, not the first match in the file

- Preferences: Added new Workspace background stretch mode - Screen Stretch. Resizing left/right docks won't cause your wallpaper to move also. Is now the default if you have not set this Preference previously
- Game Options: Changed Main > Game Speed to default to 60fps in new projects, not 30
- Game Options: Removed the checkbox for MOGA Gamepads from Android, as this is no longer relevant in 2.2.1+ runtimes, as we have changed the gamepad integration
- Game Options: Added a checkbox into iOS > Social for whether you want Push Notification support included in your game or not
- Game Options: Added a checkbox into iOS to control whether you want the iPhone X home bar to require a double-tap to wake, rather than a single-tap
- Game Options: Removed the architectures for MIPS and ARMv5 from Android, as these are no longer supported by Google in their current build tools
- Object Editor: Can now press Delete on an event to remove it
- Object Editor: Fixed an issue with some inherited instance variable values not being shown correctly when in the room editor
- Code Editor: Added new DnD nodes for "Get Draw Font" and "Get Text Alignment"
- Resource Tree: Fixed an issue which could cause the tree to be locked in "reorder mode" when clicking off a resource to confirm a rename
- Resource Tree: Fixed an issue where cloning the Default view would leave the resource tree blank

- There are a lot of bugs fixed in the IDE and the runner for this release, so we would strongly recommend you check the change log pages and be aware of anything which applies to your project(s)
- See the bug database's Change Log for the list of public issues fixed in this version
- Known Issues can be found on the bug database also - for the current IDE headline list see this page

J. River Media Center 24.0.065 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Editing Custom Website Entries in the Streaming section did not work
- Radio Paradise could play duplicates in some cases

- Media Center can now read video tags written in Apple Quicktime's extensible tagging format
- Added a toolbar button to add selected files to Playing Now

- Adjusted the quality score of MetaCritic movie information lookup to reflect its cover art and information quality
- Made the MCC_PLAY_PLAYLIST command reset the search cache so running it on a random smartlist will get new information each instance
- Made the Playing Now Overview lists no longer ignore the selection. Instead the selection will be used to populate the Tag Action Window and the like
- Updated FFmpeg to 4.1, used for file analysis and transcoding

J. River Media Center 24.0.060 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Updated to Monkey's Audio 4.37
- Updated Greek translation (thanks Panagiotis)
- Radio Paradise will download more files when it reaches the end of the playlist
- Radio Paradise playback will message after playing 50 tracks about continuing (so you can't start playback and walk away permanently)
- German translation updated (thanks ByteStar)

- Added the database expression DBLocation() to return the location of a file in the database

- The date first rated would get set when ripping a CD
- Picking zones from the zone menu wouldn't work properly if there was a hidden zone

J. River Media Center 24.0.056 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The check for duplicates is back for playlists, but it should only fire when actively adding files to a playlist
- Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo)
- German translation updated (thanks ByteStar)
- The disc mode "Ask every time" would not ask when a new disc was inserted in Theater View. Now it will
- TV recording on CableCARD channels in transport stream format is done in a different component from before. This change should not have any user noticeable effect. Should you see difference in behavior please report to us
- Reporter was too slow with larger libraries
- Panel - Changed the default Panel theme to Light
- Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo)

- You can right-click a column and pick "Remove Column From Sorting" to keep the rest of the sort order but remove that single column
- Media Center will verify the SSL certificate of the Media Server, and ask the user for confirmation if it is untrusted (trust is also established through the Access Key lookup)
- Added the playlist format "M3U (extended)" to the types for a handheld to write the #EXTINF portion
- Added a "Remove All" button to the sort configuration window (in the menu)
- Panel - Added alternate text to images in the player
- Added the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B to backup the current library
- Added a "Combine..." feature for playlists to show a dialog to combine with another playlist and offer choices for the combine method
- DVB Subtitle support for live TV. Untested, please test and report how it works

- The truncation tooltip did not honor the transparency mode set in Options
- Wikipedia movie results were not loading due to changes at Wikipedia
- Panel - Button background colors sometimes would not load in the correct order
- Panel - Enabling Ignore Articles in Media Center was breaking the page selection slider
- WMV files which do not play with the Microsoft ASF/WMV reader will be opened with LAV Splitter instead, fixing playback
- DVB TV recordings in transport stream format did not include subtitle packets
- The check for duplicates popup could show up when it should not have

J. River Media Center 24.0.055 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Added the expression function FilePlaylists() to return a list of playlist names a file is in
- Introduced a "High Quality" madVR profile. The profile is decent quality designed for mid-range GPUs, not high-end/enthusiast-class GPUs

- German translation updated (thanks ByteStar)
- Updated the "High Performance" madVR profile with a few more performance enhancements tailored for integrated Intel GPUs
- TV recordings' post-recording processing is done slightly later to avoid conflicts. This is an attempt to fix post-recording file moving failures of JTV recordings
- Error Free Mode is only persistent if specifically set with MCWS Configuration/ErrorFreeMode, not if its automatically engaged for headless playback
- Temporarily disabled the duplicate check in playlists until all bugs are ironed out

- Interactive playback queries, like "Bookmarking: Ask", did not function in recent versions of Media Center
- ATSC TV recordings in TS format did not filter out packets of other channels on the same transport in recent builds

Yandex.Disk 3.0.5 Build 2299 查看版本資訊
