Wise Auto Shutdown 歷史舊版本 Page4

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Wise Auto Shutdown 歷史版本列表

通過 Wise Auto Shutdown,您可以輕鬆地安排計算機在任何時候(每天,在指定的時間或稍後的某個時間)關閉,註銷,重新啟動,休眠和關閉電源。啟動任務後,Wise Auto Shutdown 將在後台運行,雙擊將從托盤返回到桌面的主界面。當然,Wise Auto Shutdown 會在執行自動任務前五分鐘提醒你你的選擇。 為什麼選擇 Wise Auto Shutdown?計劃您的電腦關機... Wise Auto Shutdown 軟體介紹

Office Timeline 4.03.03 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Allow installation when My Documents is redirected to another location

DBeaver 7.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Database navigator:
- Simplified database structure view was added
- Navigator view settings and presets were added

Object editor:
- Context menu was added to the object breadcrumbs
- Object alter script now can be opened in SQL editor

Data editor:
- Preference and data format changes now applying immediately (without data refresh)
- Scrollbar position reset in columns reorder/filtering was fixed
- Number of selected rows/columns/cells now shown in the status bar
- Query filter history save/load was fixed
- Floating point numbers (4-byte precision) rendering was fixed
- SQL Editor: quick search tool was added (ctrl+alt+shift+f)
- Driver copy was fixed (problem with read-only URL)

- PGPASS support was fixed
- Database information (ctype, collate) reading was fixed
- Problems with default database change were fixed
- OID types rendering fix
- Domain metadata reading was fixed (base type qualified name)
- Extra options were added to database backup/restore wizards
- Redshift: data type resolution was fixed (array types)

SQL Server:
- Driver download and "reset to default" was fixed
- Default schema detection was added
- Problems with read-only query results were fixed
- Column comments edit was fixed

- Permission editor was fixed (schema privileges)
- Index rename support was added

- Security tree (Exasol 7) was fixed
- Auto-completion for builtin functions was added
- Foreign keys metadata was fixed
- Oracle: "drop procedure" support was fixed
- SAP HANA: driver download was fixed
- Firebird: driver version was upgraded (4.0)
- Many other minor bug fixes

Julia Language 1.4.0 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New language features:
- Structs with all isbits and isbitsunion fields are now stored inline in arrays
- import now allows quoted symbols, e.g. import Base.:+
- a[begin] can now be used to address the first element of an integer-indexed collection a. The index is computed by firstindex(a)

Language changes:
- The syntax (;), which used to parse as an empty block expression, is deprecated. In the future it will indicate an empty named tuple

Multi-threading changes:
- Values can now be interpolated into @async and @spawn via $, which copies the value directly into the constructed underlying closure

Build system changes:
- Windows build installer has switched to Inno Setup. Installer command line parameters have thus changed. For example, to extract the installer to a specific directory, the command line parameter is now /DIR=x:dirname. Use julia-installer.exe /? to list all new command line parameters.

New library functions:
- The new only(x) function returns the one-and-only element of a collection x, and throws an ArgumentError if x contains zero or multiple elements
- takewhile and dropwhile have been added to the Iterators submodule
- accumulate has been added to the Iterators submodule
- There is a now an evalpoly function meant to take the role of the @evalpoly macro. The function is just as efficient as the macro while giving added flexibility, so it should be preferred over @evalpoly. evalpoly takes a list of coefficients as a tuple, so where one might write @evalpoly(x, p1, p2, p3) one would instead write evalpoly(x, (p1, p2, p3)).

New library features:
- Function composition now supports multiple functions: ∘(f, g, h) = f ∘ g ∘ h and splatting ∘(fs...) for composing an iterable collection of functions
- Functions gcd, lcm, and gcdx now support Rational arguments
- The splitpath function now accepts any AbstractString whereas previously it only accepted paths of type String
- filter can now act on a Tuple
- The tempname function now takes an optional parent::AbstractString argument to give it a directory in which to attempt to produce a temporary path name
- The tempname function now takes a cleanup::Bool keyword argument defaulting to true, which causes the process to try to ensure that any file or directory at the path returned by tempname is deleted upon process exit
- The readdir function now takes a join::Bool keyword argument defaulting to false, which when set causes readdir to join its directory argument with each listed name
- div now accepts a rounding mode as the third argument, consistent with the corresponding argument to rem. Support for rounding division, by passing one of the RoundNearest modes to this function, was added. For future compatibility, library authors should now extend this function, rather than extending the two-argument fld/cld/div directly
- methods now accepts a module (or a list thereof) to filter methods defined in it

Standard library changes:
- Calling show or repr on an undef/UndefInitializer() array initializer now shows valid Julia code
- Calling show or repr on a 0-dimensional AbstractArray now shows valid code for creating an equivalent 0-dimensional array, instead of only showing the contained value
- readdir output is now guaranteed to be sorted. The sort keyword allows opting out of sorting to get names in OS-native order
- The methods of mktemp and mktempdir that take a function to pass temporary paths to no longer throw errors if the path is already deleted when the function returns
- Verbose display of Char (text/plain output) now shows the codepoint value in standard-conforming "U+XXXX" format
- Iterators.partition now uses views (or smartly re-computed ranges) for partitions of all AbstractArrays
- Sets are now displayed less compactly in the REPL, as a column of elements, like vectors and dictionaries
- delete! on WeakKeyDicts now returns the WeakKeyDict itself instead of the underlying Dict used for implementation

- qr and qr! functions support blocksize keyword argument
- dot now admits a 3-argument method dot(x, A, y) to compute generalized dot products dot(x, A*y), but without computing and storing the intermediate result A*y
- ldlt and non-pivoted lu now throw a new ZeroPivotException type
- cond(A, p) with p=1 or p=Inf now computes the exact condition number instead of an estimate
- UniformScaling objects may now be exponentiated such that (a*I)^x = a^x * I.

- Tables now have the align attribute set when shown as HTML

- AbstractRNGs now behave like scalars when used in broadcasting
- The performance of rand(::Tuple) is improved in some cases. As a consequence, the stream of generated values produced for a given seed has changed

- The attributes of the implicit IOContext used by the REPL to display objects can be modified by the user (experimental feature)

- The return value of zero(x::AbstractSparseArray) has no stored zeros anymore. Previously, it would have stored zeros wherever x had them. This makes the operation constant time instead of O(<number of stored values>).
- Products involving sparse arrays now allow more general sparse eltypes, such as StaticArrays

DBeaver 7.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- Search/replace in selected rows support was added
- Problem with Find/Replace and scrolling was fixed
- Floating point numbers rendering/copying was fixed (precision fix)

SQL editor:
- Connection initialization was fixed (active schema set)
- Auto-completion for DROP/ALTER procedure/function was added
- Auto-completion for asterisk (*) was fixed
- Auto-completion for table aliases was disabled
- Auto sync with database navigator was fixed (proper catalog/schema change)

- ERD viewer: table resize support was added
- Query manager: full query text view was fixed
- Connections invalidate was fixed (redundant connections open) and invalidate performance was improved

Schema compare (simple:
- Compare progress visualization was fixed
- Stored procedures body compare was fixed
- SSH tunnel: default user name (current OS user) is used when user name not set

- PGPASS authentication was added
- Unique key indexes visibility was fixed
- Schema permissions viewer/editor was added
- Function/procedure create dialog was fixed
- Options for tables/functions DDL viewer now saved
- Enum values editor was added
- Array values copy-paste was fixed

- Automatic driver download was added
- View constraints create/drop support was added

- Automatic driver download was added
- Table references read was fixed

SQL Server:
- Driver download  (native artifacts) was fixed
- Custom SQL query result editor was fixed
- Schema selector (main toolbar) was fixed

- SQLite: column rename support was added
- Snap package was significantly improved
- Many other minor bug fixes

Office Timeline 4.03.01 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Removed highlights for Swimlane column changes during Sync
- Fixed an issue with drop-downs that opened outside the Style Pane
- Small usability improvements

Office Timeline 4.03.00 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Import data directly into Swimlane Templates
- Apply Swimlane templates to existing visuals
- Quickly add or remove milestones and tasks straight from the Timeline view
- Import Smartsheet and Wrike data as a Swimlane slide
- Automatically match task colors with Swimlane color when importing
- Apply to All improvements for easier customization

DBeaver 7.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Tasks management: data transfer, backup-restore, SQL execution
- Git integration
- SSH agents and jump servers support
- And a lot of other great things

Data viewer and data editor UI major improvements:
- GIS/geo-spatial viewer
- JSON viewer
- Logical columns, primary and foreign keys
- References panel
- Advanced row coloring

SQL editor major improvements:
- Smart-commit mode
- Enhanced SQL parser and auto-complete proposals

DBeaver 6.3.5 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Data viewer:
- Read-only columns UI was improved (icon + explanation were added)
- Filter text content assistant was significantly improved
- Row count calculation control UI ws fixed
- "Set default value" shortcut was changed
- Ordering in record mode was fixed
- Data change confirmation was fixed
- Plaintext presentation rendering was fixed (extra spaces)
- Numbers native representation mode (no client-side formatting) was added

SQL editor:
- Export from query task was fixed
- Output tab now remains active after query execute
- Auto-commit toggle was fixed (rollback is performed on mode switch)
- Connection initialization was fixed ("Not connected to a  database" bug)
- Column values assistance was added
- Numbers color and font was fixed

ERD viewer:
- Entity/schema diagram "reset" action was added
- "Show views" option handle was fixed
- Connections and drivers:
- Variables support was improved (now all properties may contain variables)
- Maven artifact version resolution was fixed (null version bug)
- External drivers configuration support was added (see wiki)

- Query cancellation was fixed
- Hyperlinks and "Go to object" action were fixed (now they use current database instead of default one)
- Schema privileges were added in DDL
- Indexes read was fixed (redundant primary key constraint was removed)
- Arrays of domain types support was fixed
- Column copy-paste support was added

- Identifiers redundant quotation was fixed
- Column copy-paste support was added

- Default schema detection was fixed
- Double compilation of package was fixed
- PL/SQL parser was improved (case .. when .. end)

- DB2: alter column DDL was fixed (column modifiers were added)

- SQL Server: metadata search was fixed (wrong object types bug)

- AWS Athena: error position highlighting was added

- Sybase: legacy versions (12 and earlier) support was improved
- A lot of minor bugfixes

Office Timeline 4.02.03 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improved compatibility between system region and date formats in the add-in
- Fixed an issue related to moving Swimlane items onto the timeband

DBeaver 6.3.4 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A lot of minor bugfixes