TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.

TinyButStrong Error in field [var.version...]: the key 'version' does not exist or is not set in VarRef. (VarRef seems refers to $GLOBALS) This message can be cancelled using parameter 'noerr'.
 Wireshark 軟體舊版本 Download Page4 | 2024 軟體跟著走

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Wireshark 歷史版本列表

Wireshark 是世界上最先進的 Windows 和 Unix 免費網絡協議分析儀,也是許多行業和教育機構的事實上(通常是法律上)的標準。 Wireshark 是由全世界的網絡專家撰寫的,是開源的力量的一個例子。通過它,專業用戶可以完全分析他們的網絡連接,查看捕獲數據的詳細分類,過濾它可以更容易地識別您想要仔細檢查的流程,使用插件分析數據,創建處理數據的腳本,捕獲 VoIP 呼叫或 USB&n... Wireshark 軟體介紹

Wireshark (32-bit)Wireshark (64-bit)

Wireshark 3.4.13 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- "Wiki Protocol page" in packet details menu is broken - wiki pages not migrated to GitLab?
- Dissector bug, protocol PFCP display Flow Description IE value error in Additional Flow Description of PFD Management Request Message
- Bluetooth: Fails to open Log file for SCO connection
- libwiretap: Save as ERF causes segmentation fault
- HTTP server returning multiple early hints shows too many responses in "Follow HTTP Stream"

Wireshark 3.6.3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fuzz job crash output: fuzz-2022-01-19-7399.pcap
- TLS dissector incorrectly reports JA3 values
- "Wiki Protocol page" in packet details menu is broken - wiki pages not migrated to GitLab?
- Dissector bug, protocol PFCP display Flow Description IE value error in Additional Flow Description of PFD Management Request Message
- Bluetooth: Fails to open Log file for SCO connection
- Fuzz job crash output: fuzz-2022-03-07-10896.pcap
- libwiretap: Save as ERF causes segmentation fault
- HTTP server returning multiple early hints shows too many responses in "Follow HTTP Stream"

Firefox Developer Edition 98.0b3 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


Wireshark 3.6.2 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

The following vulnerabilities have been fixed:
- wnpa-sec-2022-01 RTMPT dissector infinite loop
- wnpa-sec-2022-02 Large loops in multiple dissectors
- wnpa-sec-2022-03 PVFS dissector crash
- wnpa-sec-2022-04 CSN.1 dissector crash
- wnpa-sec-2022-05 CMS dissector crash

The following bugs have been fixed:
- Support for GSM SMS TPDU in HTTP2 body
- Wireshark 3.6.1 broke the ABI by removing ws_log_default_writer from libwsutil
- Fedora RPM package build failing with RPATH of /usr/local/lib64
- macos-setup.sh: ftp.pcre.org no longer exists
- nmap.org/npcap ? npcap.com: domain/URL change
- MPLS ECHO FEC stack change TLV not dissected correctly
- Attempting to open a systemd journal export file segfaults
- Dissector bug on 802.11ac packets
- The Info column shows only one NGAP/S1AP packet of several packets inside an SCTP packet
- Uninstalling Wireshark 3.6.1 on Windows 10 fails to remove the installation directory because it doesn’t remove the User’s Guide subdirectory and all its contents.
- 3.6 doesn’t build without zlib
- SIP Statistics no longer properly reporting method type accounting
- Fuzz job crash output: fuzz-2022-01-26-6940.pcap
- SCTP retransmission detection broken for the first data chunk of each association with relative TSN
- “Show In Folder” doesn’t work correctly for filenames with spaces
- New and Updated Features
- New Protocol Support
- There are no new protocols in this release
- Updated Protocol Support

New and Updated Capture File Support:
- BLF and libpcap

New File Format Decoding Support:
- There is no new or updated file format support in this release

EaseUS Video Editor 查看版本資訊


FastFolders 5.12.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- New: Windows 11 compatibility
- Fix: various small changes and fixes

PyCharm 2021.3.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- a bug that prevented Django to run inside WSL
- a bug where PyCharm suggested importing abstract collections from collections
- a bug that displayed outputs in white text on white background
- a bug that made tool windows to be moved into a separate window when resizing it
- a bug that displayed incorrect results in DateTime columns when using the database tools with ClickHouse

Postman 9.7.1 (64-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Support for gRPC Request:
- With this release, you can now test your gRPC request in Postman. To get started, open a Workspace, click New and then select "gRPC Request".

Here is a non-exhaustive list of features that are supported out of the box:
- Protobuf API management
- Unary, Client streaming, Server streaming, and Bidirectional streaming RPCs
- Message authoring powered with code completion and autogeneration
- Metadata, Authentication, and TLS configuration
- Templating using Postman Variables

Introducing Variable Type in Environments & Globals:
- You can now select types of variables in environments and globals. We are supporting types- default & secret with this release. Head to our learning center to learn more.
- You can use variable type secret to mask the initial and current values on the UI. This will help with better security of sensitive information such as API keys, tokens, passwords, and secrets.

- You can now request access to an inaccessible mock server from the mock server menu options

Symfony 5.3.13 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [DependencyInjection][HttpKernel] Fix enum typed bindings
- [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure * commit 'e5b2f9efba': [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure
- [HttpKernel] Do not attempt to register enum arguments in controller service locator
- [Mime] Fix missing sprintf in DkimSigner
- [Translation] [LocoProvider] Use rawurlencode and separate tag setting
- [Security] fix unserializing session payloads from v4
- [Cache] Don't lock when doing nested computations
- [Messenger] fix Redis support on 32b arch
- [HttpFoundation] Fix notice when HTTP_PHP_AUTH_USER passed without pass
- [Cache] fix compat with apcu < 5.1.10
- [Translation] Fix TranslationPullCommand with ICU translations
- [Notifier] Use correct factory for the msteams transport
- [HttpKernel] Fix SessionListener without session in request
- [HttpClient] fix checking for recent curl consts
- [Security/Http] Fix cookie clearing on logout
- [Mime] Relaxing in-reply-to header validation
- [Mime] Fix encoding filenames in multipart/form-data
- [DependencyInjection] fix linting callable classes
- [DependencyInjection] Cast tag attribute value to string
- [Validator] Restore default locale in ConstraintValidatorTestCase
- [FrameworkBundle] alias cache.app.taggable to cache.app if using cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware
- [HttpClient] Fix tracing requests made after calling withOptions()
- [Cache] Fix proxy no expiration to the Redis
- [Cache] disable lock on CLI
- [Translation] Handle the blank-translation in Loco Adapter
- [RateLimiter] Make RateLimiter resilient to timeShifting
- [Serializer] Fix denormalizing custom class in UidNormalizer
- [Config] In XmlUtils, avoid converting from octal every string starting with a 0
- [Workflow] Fix eventsToDispatch parameter setup for StateMachine
- [HttpClient] fix monitoring responses issued before reset()
- [HttpClient] Fix dealing with "HTTP/1.1 000 " responses
- [HttpClient] Fix closing curl-multi handle too early on destruct
- [HttpClient] Don't reset timeout counter when initializing requests
- [HttpClient] Double check if handle is complete
- [DependencyInjection] Resolve ChildDefinition in AbstractRecursivePass
- [Translation] [Bridge] [Lokalise] Fix push keys to lokalise. Closes #…
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix cache pool configuration with one adapter and one provider
- [PropertyAccess] Fix accessing public property on Object
- [FrameworkBundle] Use correct cookie domain in loginUser()
- [Process] fixed uppercase ARGC and ARGV should also be skipped
- [HttpClient] Fix handling thrown Exception in Generator in MockResponse
- [String] Fix requiring wcswitch table several times
- [HttpFoundation] do not call preg_match() on null
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix loginUser() causing deprecation
- [Translation] Make http requests synchronous when reading the Loco API
- [Translation] Fix TranslationTrait
- [Console] Fix parameter types for ProcessHelper::mustRun()
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix compatibility with symfony/security-core 6.x (deps=high tests)
- Prevent infinite nesting of lazy ObjectManager instances when ObjectManager is reset
- [DoctrineBridge] fix calling get_class on non-object
- [HttpClient] Fix handling error info in MockResponse
- [Messenger] Leverage DBAL's getNativeConnection() method
- [Translation] [Loco] Fix idempotency of LocoProvider write method
- [Security] Do not overwrite already stored tokens for REMOTE_USER authentication
- [Validator] Fix validation for single level domains
- [Debug][ErrorHandler] Increased the reserved memory from 10k to 32k
- [Process] intersect with getenv() in case-insensitive manner to get default envs
- [Serializer] fix support for lazy/unset properties
- [Notifier] Fix AllMySms bridge body content
- [DoctrineBridge] Revert " add support for the JSON type"

Symfony 5.4.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Lock] Release DoctrineDbalPostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure
- [DependencyInjection][HttpKernel] Fix enum typed bindings
- [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure * commit 'e5b2f9efba': [Lock] Release PostgreSqlStore connection lock on failure
- [HttpKernel] Do not attempt to register enum arguments in controller service locator
- [Mime][Security] Fix missing sprintf and add tests
- [Mime] Fix missing sprintf in DkimSigner
- [Translation] [LocoProvider] Use rawurlencode and separate tag setting
- [Security] fix unserializing session payloads from v4
- [Cache] Don't lock when doing nested computations
- [Messenger] fix Redis support on 32b arch
- [HttpFoundation] Fix notice when HTTP_PHP_AUTH_USER passed without pass
- [WebProfilerBundle] relax return type for memory data collector
- [Cache] fix compat with apcu < 5.1.10
- [Form] Expand FormView key to include int
- [Console] Fix autocompletion of argument with default value
- [PropertyInfo] PhpStan extractor nested object fix
- [Translation] Fix TranslationPullCommand with ICU translations
- [PropertyInfo] Fix phpstan extractor issues
- [Notifier] Use correct factory for the msteams transport
- [HttpKernel] Fix SessionListener without session in request
- [HttpClient] fix checking for recent curl consts
- [Security/Http] Fix cookie clearing on logout
- [EventDispatcher][HttpFoundation] Restore return type to covariant IteratorAggregate implementations
- [Mime] Relaxing in-reply-to header validation
- [WebProfilerBundle] fix Email HTML preview
- Fix Psr16Cache not being compatible with non-Symfony cache pools
- [Mime] Fix encoding filenames in multipart/form-data
- [Serializer] Improve UidNormalizer denormalize error message
- [Lock] Create tables in transaction only if supported by driver
- [HttpFoundation] Take php session.cookie settings into account
- [ErrorHandler] fix on patching return types on Windows
- [DependencyInjection] fix linting callable classes
- [DependencyInjection] Cast tag attribute value to string
- [Validator] Restore default locale in ConstraintValidatorTestCase
- [FrameworkBundle] alias cache.app.taggable to cache.app if using cache.adapter.redis_tag_aware
- [HttpKernel] fix how configuring log-level and status-code by exception works
- [Cache] Revert "feature #41989 make LockRegistry use semaphores when possible"
- [HttpClient] Fix tracing requests made after calling withOptions()
- [Cache] Fix proxy no expiration to the Redis
- [Cache] disable lock on CLI
- [Translation] Handle the blank-translation in Loco Adapter
- [Validator] Allow Sequence constraint to be applied onto class as an attribute
- [RateLimiter] Make RateLimiter resilient to timeShifting
- [Serializer] Fix denormalizing custom class in UidNormalizer
- [Config] In XmlUtils, avoid converting from octal every string starting with a 0
- [Workflow] Fix eventsToDispatch parameter setup for StateMachine
- [HttpClient] fix monitoring responses issued before reset()
- [HttpClient] Fix dealing with "HTTP/1.1 000 " responses
- [PropertyInfo] Fix aliased namespace matching
- [HttpClient] Fix closing curl-multi handle too early on destruct
- Make enable_authenticator_manager true as there is no other way in Symfony 6
- [HttpClient] Don't reset timeout counter when initializing requests
- [HttpClient] Double check if handle is complete
- [DependencyInjection] Resolve ChildDefinition in AbstractRecursivePass
- [Translation] [Bridge] [Lokalise] Fix push keys to lokalise. Closes #…
- [FrameworkBundle] Fix cache pool configuration with one adapter and one provider
- [PropertyAccess] Fix accessing public property on Object
- [FrameworkBundle] Use correct cookie domain in loginUser()
- [Process] fixed uppercase ARGC and ARGV should also be skipped
- [HttpClient] Fix handling thrown Exception in Generator in MockResponse
- [String] Fix requiring wcswitch table several times
- [HttpClient] Fix response id property check in MockResponse
- [Lock] Fix missing argument in PostgreSqlStore::putOffExpiration with DBAL connection