Winamp 歷史舊版本 Page4

最新版本 Resolume Avenue 7.15.0 rev 23381

Winamp 歷史版本列表

Winamp 是由 Nullsoft 製作的免費多媒體播放器。它支持眾多的音頻和視頻格式。它還播放流媒體視頻和音頻內容,既有現場錄製,也有錄製的,在全球範圍內進行創作。 Winamp 支持多種音頻(MP3,OGG,AAC,WAV,MOD,XM,S3M,IT,MIDI 等)和視頻類型(AVI,ASF,MPEG,NSV)的播放。下載 Winamp PC 的離線安裝程序安裝! 它有一個非常可定制的媒體庫... Winamp 軟體介紹

Winamp 5.54 Full 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Winamp 5.54
* New: Chinese, Japanese & Korean installer translations and language packs
* New: [in_swf] Adobe Shockwave Flash (SWF, RTMP) playback support
* New: [gen_dropbox] Winamp DropBox alpha (use: Ctrl-Shift-D)
* New: [Online Services] AOL Radio featuring CBS Radio (requires in_flv)
* Improved: Background reading option for playlist metadata
* Improved: Classic songticker scrolling for Winamp Modern skin pledit winshade
* Improved: Vista elevation (fixes: installing skins, filetype reg, Pro reg)
* Improved: Zero padding option for playlist item numbers
* Improved: [in_flv] Better streaming support and other improvements
* Improved: [in_mp3] Added APEv2 tag options to configuration
* Improved: [in_mp3] Optional retention of existing APEv2 headers
* Improved: [ml_disc] Artwork support for Data CD Reader
* Improved: [ml_disc] Better detection of any copy operations in progress
* Improved: [ml_disc] Improved start times if ml_disc view is active
* Improved: [ml_local] Redesigned 'Show Info' panel
* Improved: [ml_nowplaying] Redesigned 'Now Playing' artist experience
* Improved: [ml_playlists] Right-click option to sort list of playlists alphabetically
* Improved: [pmp_usb] Connect/Disconnect/Blacklist config options
* Fixed: Alt+F4 closing Winamp instead of individual dialogs
* Fixed: Bento browser redirecting network drive url's to Winamp Search
* Fixed: Blank playlist when in docked toolbar mode and Winamp is minimized
* Fixed: Modern skin component windows appearing individually in Alt+Tab
* Fixed: Multi-flashing on startup when previously closed whilst minimized to systray
* Fixed: Pure Virtual Function Call runtime crash errors
* Fixed: Redraw issue when built-in classic vis is disabled
* Fixed: Various multi-monitor docking issues
* Fixed: Various other 5.53-specific keyboard accelerator issues
* Fixed: [Bento] Drag+Drop into Playlist from Open Files dialog
* Fixed: [burnlib] 'CD Drive locked by another Winamp process' on 2nd burn attempt
* Fixed: [burnlib] 'Burner releasing failed' error
* Fixed: [dsp_sps] Crash on close when config Help dialog is still open
* Fixed: [enc_flac] MD5 checksum generation
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Attached vis plugin crash on winshade to normal mode in Modern skin
* Fixed: [gen_hotkeys] Assigning Winkey with already used Ctrl combinations
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Enter/Shift+Enter broken for ML treeview items (5.53-specific)
* Fixed: [in_cdda] Composer/Conductor logic bug when saving CDDB data to database
* Fixed: [in_flac] Minor metadata writing bugs
* Fixed: [in_midi] Seeking with 'DM/MS Synth' device in Streamed playback mode
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on files with invalid/corrupt gapless data
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Create new ID3v1/v2 tags configuration setting
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Huge lag on files with large embedded cover art
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Metadata & Format Info display for streams in View File Info
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Potential unicode-related crash on open/close issue
* Fixed: [jpeg.w5s] Saving corrupt album art
* Fixed: [ml_autotag] Results dialog hidden under Winamp when AOT is enabled
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Small resource leak
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] Autoscroll broken when dragging items in large playlists
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] Enter/Shift+Enter broken for selected ML Playlist items
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] Not respecting overlapping external windows on item drag+drop
* Fixed: [ml_playlists / ml_transcode] Sending playlists from ML tree to Transcoder
* Fixed: [ml_wire] 404/timeout with valid rss feeds on Vista
* Misc: Miscellaneous localization tweaks, fixes & updates
* Misc: More miscellaneous general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
* Misc: Setup fixes (Agent not always starting, WLZ filetype not registering, etc)
* Misc: Various other 'Winamp Modern' & 'Bento' skin updates
* Misc: [enc_flac] Now encodes using libFLAC instead of Flake
* Updated: Bento skin v1.2
* Updated: freetype 2.3.7
* Updated: libpng 1.2.28
* Updated: [enc_lame] LAME 3.98


Hidden winamp.ini setting for adjusting overall volume even for files with RG applied
(will be added to ui in 'Prefs -> Playback -> ReplayGain' later)
replaygain_preamp=0 (in 0.001 dB units, i.e. 1000 = 1dB, adjust value to taste, e.g. 6000 for 6dB boost or -1000 for -1dB reduction)

Winamp Dropbox is an alpha plugin. Use Ctrl+Shift+D to open.
Its actual purpose is still a bit of a mystery, but all shall be revealed in good course...

Winamp 5.54 Full Beta 2124 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Winamp 5.54
* New: Chinese, Japanese & Korean installer translations and language packs
* New: [in_swf] Adobe Shockwave Flash (SWF, RTMP) playback support
* New: [gen_dropbox] Winamp DropBox alpha (use: Ctrl-Shift-D)
* New: [Online Services] AOL Radio featuring CBS Radio (requires in_flv)
* Improved: Background reading option for playlist metadata
* Improved: Classic songticker scrolling for Winamp Modern skin pledit winshade
* Improved: Vista elevation (fixes: installing skins, filetype reg, Pro reg)
* Improved: Zero padding option for playlist item numbers
* Improved: [in_flv] Better streaming support and other improvements
* Improved: [in_mp3] Added APEv2 tag options to configuration
* Improved: [in_mp3] Optional retention of existing APEv2 headers
* Improved: [ml_disc] Artwork support for Data CD Reader
* Improved: [ml_disc] Better detection of any copy operations in progress
* Improved: [ml_disc] Improved start times if ml_disc view is active
* Improved: [ml_nowplaying] Redesigned 'Now Playing' artist experience
* Improved: [ml_playlists] Right-click option to sort list of playlists alphabetically
* Improved: [pmp_usb] Connect/Disconnect/Blacklist config options
* Fixed: Alt+F4 closing Winamp instead of individual dialogs
* Fixed: Bento browser redirecting network drive url's to Winamp Search
* Fixed: Blank playlist when in docked toolbar mode and Winamp is minimized
* Fixed: Modern skin component windows appearing individually in Alt+Tab
* Fixed: Multi-flashing on startup when previously closed whilst minimized to systray
* Fixed: Pure Virtual Function Call runtime crash errors
* Fixed: Redraw issue when built-in classic vis is disabled
* Fixed: Various multi-monitor docking issues
* Fixed: Various other 5.53-specific keyboard accelerator issues
* Fixed: [Bento] Drag+Drop into Playlist from Open Files dialog
* Fixed: [burnlib] 'CD Drive locked by another Winamp process' on 2nd burn attempt
* Fixed: [dsp_sps] Crash on close when config Help dialog is still open
* Fixed: [enc_flac] MD5 checksum generation
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Attached vis plugin crash on winshade to normal mode in Modern skin
* Fixed: [gen_hotkeys] Assigning Winkey with already used Ctrl combinations
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Enter/Shift+Enter broken for ML treeview items (5.53-specific)
* Fixed: [in_cdda] Composer/Conductor logic bug when saving CDDB data to database
* Fixed: [in_flac] Minor metadata writing bugs
* Fixed: [in_midi] Seeking with 'DM/MS Synth' device in Streamed playback mode
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on files with invalid/corrupt gapless data
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Create new ID3v1/v2 tags configuration setting
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Huge lag on files with large embedded cover art
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Metadata & Format Info display for streams in View File Info
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Potential unicode-related crash on close issue
* Fixed: [jpeg.w5s] Saving corrupt album art
* Fixed: [ml_autotag] Results dialog hidden under Winamp when AOT is enabled
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Small resource leak
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] Enter/Shift+Enter broken for selected ML Playlist items
* Fixed: [ml_playlists / ml_transcode] Sending playlists from ML tree to Transcoder
* Fixed: [ml_wire] 404/timeout with valid rss feeds on Vista
* Misc: Miscellaneous localization tweaks, fixes & updates
* Misc: More miscellaneous general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations
* Misc: Setup fixes (Agent not always starting, WLZ filetype not registering, etc)
* Misc: Various other 'Winamp Modern' & 'Bento' skin updates
* Misc: [enc_flac] Now encodes using libFLAC instead of Flake
* Updated: Bento skin v1.2
* Updated: freetype 2.3.6
* Updated: libpng 1.2.28

Winamp 5.531 Full 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Fixed: Bento browser redirecting some url's to Winamp Search
* Fixed: Bento collapse/expand button bug
* Fixed: Recent URL's not saving (5.53-specific)
* Fixed: Total time display of selected tracks in Classic playlist (5.53-specific)
* Fixed: [jnetlib] AOL Radio skipping/buffer issue
* Fixed: [ml_local] Right-click Play/Enqueue all items issue in 3-pane views
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] Broken right-click context menu items (5.53-specific)

Winamp 5.53 Full 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Improved: Different shell descriptions for different associated filetypes
* Improved: New 'Refine Search' feature in Cover Art Downloader dialog
* Improved: Unicode support for Language Packs incompatible with system locale
* Improved: [in_cdda] Now reads & writes CD data to an NDE database
* Improved: [in_cdda/ml_disc] Reimplementation of simple offline CD Info Editor
* Improved: [in_flac] Faster FLAC metadata gathering
* Improved: [in_mp3] More accurate .AAC length calculation
* Improved: [in_wav/in_mp4] Support for http streaming of files larger than 2GB
* Improved: [ml_disc] Added support for Data CD reading (w.i.p.)
* Improved: [ml_local/nde] Background scanning & database optimizations
* Improved: [ml_local] Unicode compliant filename-based metadata guessing
* Improved: [ml_transcode] Remove trailing periods from destination filepath
* Improved: [pmp_usb] Added AlbumArtist support to Naming Convention
* Fixed: Classic EQ appearing with Modern skins after switch->minimize->restore
* Fixed: Various miscellaneous Album Art related issues
* Fixed: [enc_lame] Now rejects multi-channel and above 48KHz source files
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Translated skin image loading
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Header sort arrow and Rating column display under Windows 2000
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Various drawing glitches when changing views
* Fixed: [in_cdda] CDDB crash under limited connectivity conditions
* Fixed: [in_cdda] Spectrum vis in analog MCI playback mode
* Fixed: [in_flac] Small memory leak when writing FLAC metadata
* Fixed: [in_flv] Last two seconds of flv videos being cut off
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on encountering a bad ID3v2 version (e.g. ID3v2.F)
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Crash on file-not-found during background decode
* Fixed: [in_wave] Infinite loop on attempted repeat playback of dead files
* Fixed: [in_wm] ASX v2 loading
* Fixed: [in_wm] Crash on files & streams with a huge discontinuity jump
* Fixed: [in_wm / out_ds] Copy 'Status' to clipboard Unicode bug
* Fixed: [ml_autotag] Crash with certain tracks
* Fixed: [ml_history] Crash on drag+drop all history items to playlist
* Fixed: [ml_local] Rating of items with Unicode filenames
* Fixed: [ml_online/orb] Nodes dropping to bottom of ML tree on Lang Pack change
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] Play playlist from Media Library main menu item
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Filename length incompatibility with iPod Music Quiz v2
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Missing 'Advanced' button in Edit Query dialog
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Physical deletion of playing file
* Misc: Added Russian installer translation and language pack
* Misc: In2TV removed from Online Services
* Misc: Installer now built with NSIS Unicode version [thanks Jim Park]
* Misc: More miscellaneous general tweaks, improvements and optimizations
* Misc: Moved shared zlib.dll compression library out of winamp.exe
* Updated: Bento skin v1.1 #120

Winamp 5.53 Full Beta 1898 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Improved: Different shell descriptions for different associated filetypes
* Improved: Unicode support for Language Packs incompatible with system locale
* Improved: [in_cdda] Now reads & writes CD data to an NDE database
* Improved: [in_cdda/ml_disc] Reimplementation of simple offline CD Info Editor
* Improved: [in_flac] Faster FLAC metadata gathering
* Improved: [in_mp3] More accurate .AAC length calculation
* Improved: [in_wav/in_mp4] Support for http streaming of files larger than 2GB
* Improved: [ml_disc] Added support for Data CD reading (w.i.p.)
* Improved: [ml_local/nde] Background scanning & database optimizations
* Improved: [ml_local] Unicode compliant filename-based metadata guessing
* Improved: [ml_transcode] Remove trailing periods from destination filepath
* Improved: [pmp_usb] Added AlbumArtist support to Naming Convention
* Fixed: Classic EQ appearing with Modern skins after switch->minimize->restore
* Fixed: Various miscellaneous Album Art related issues
* Fixed: [enc_lame] Now rejects multi-channel and above 48KHz source files
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Header sort arrow and Rating column display under Windows 2000
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Various drawing glitches when changing views
* Fixed: [in_cdda] CDDB crash under limited connectivity conditions
* Fixed: [in_cdda] Spectrum vis in analog MCI playback mode
* Fixed: [in_flac] Small memory leak when writing FLAC metadata
* Fixed: [in_flv] Last two seconds of flv videos being cut off
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Crash on file-not-found during background decode
* Fixed: [in_wave] Infinite loop on attempted repeat playback of dead files
* Fixed: [in_wm] ASX v2 loading
* Fixed: [in_wm] Crash on files & streams with a huge discontinuity jump
* Fixed: [ml_autotag] Crash with certain tracks
* Fixed: [ml_history] Crash on drag+drop all history items to playlist
* Fixed: [ml_local] Rating of items with Unicode filenames
* Fixed: [ml_online/orb] Nodes dropping to bottom of ML tree on Lang Pack change
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] Play playlist from Media Library main menu item
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Filename length incompatibility with iPod Music Quiz v2
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Missing 'Advanced' button in Edit Query dialog
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Physical deletion of playing file
* Misc: Added Russian installer translation and language pack
* Misc: In2TV removed from Online Services
* Misc: Installer now built with NSIS Unicode version [thanks Jim Park]
* Misc: More miscellaneous general tweaks and improvements
* Misc: Moved shared zlib.dll compression library out of winamp.exe
* Updated: Bento skin v1.1 #120

Winamp 5.52 Full 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* Improved: Better Unicode filename support for enc_*.dll audio encoders
* Improved: [ml_transcode] Unicode filename support
* Improved: [in_mp3] APEv2 tag support
* Improved: [in_flac] Support for reading/writing BPM metadata
* Improved: [nde] Optimized for faster mldb query results
* Improved: [vis_milk2] Pixel shaders now work on onboard Intel graphics chips
* Fixed: Comment field character limitation in Basic Info tab of File Editor
* Fixed: Playback Thread Priority middle setting resets to Lowest
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Ultravox streaming metadata stack overflow (Thanks: Secunia)
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Crash when attempting to play non-existent files
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Crash when clearing existing metadata fields in File Info
* Fixed: [in_wave] Transcoding of floating point WAV files
* Fixed: [ml_transcode] Memory leaks
* Misc: More miscellaneous general tweaks and improvements
* Updated: Bento skin #118

Winamp 5.51 Full 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* New: Autoplay Handlers for Audio, MP3 and Video CD's on WinXP & Vista
* New: Default Programs registration for installations on Windows Vista
* New: Optional Constant-Q Equalizer and optional ISO Standard frequency bands
* New: [in_flv] Flash Video decoder (vp6 only, not h.263)
* Improved: Browser download manager now uses CD Ripping destination folder
* Improved: Deletion of embedded album art via Artwork tab in File Info
* Improved: More accurately translated Language Packs
* Improved: More miscellaneous UI/dialog tweaks & improvements
* Improved: Option to set the number of pixels to scroll for modern songticker
* Improved: [Gracenote/MusicID] Better error checking & memory cache optimizations
* Improved: [gen_ff] More miscellaneous freeform skinning engine optimizations
* Improved: [gen_hotkeys] Added optional WM_APPCOMMAND support for media keys
* Improved: [gen_hotkeys] Added increase + decrease rating on current track
* Improved: [in_dshow] Reading of length and bitrate for non-default video formats
* Improved: [in_flac] Optimized disk caching for increased performance
* Improved: [in_mp3] Better optimization for older Pentium Pro/2/3 cpu's
* Improved: [in_mp3] Support for reading ALBUM ARTIST field if TPE2 not present
* Improved: [in_mp4] Better Unicode support and metadata read optimizations
* Improved: [in_mp4] Optimized disk caching/reading
* Improved: [in_vorbis] Support for reading YEAR field if DATE not present
* Improved: [ml_disc/in_cdda] Disc reading tweaks and other general optimizations
* Improved: [ml_history] New tracking control options
* Improved: [ml_local] Added column for BPM
* Improved: [ml_local] Album column sorting order logic
* Improved: [ml_local] Better playlist handling
* Improved: [ml_local] Bumped track# metadata guessing limit from 130 to 999
* Improved: [ml_local] Database query and memory optimizations
* Improved: [ml_pmp] Support for drag&drop from Explorer into portable device view
* Improved: [ml_transcode] Prompt to delete aborted transcodes
* Fixed: Artwork not found if .nfo filename contains a period
* Fixed: ASX Parser converting all stream links in .asx playlists to upper case
* Fixed: Classic songticker wraparound glitchiness
* Fixed: Dragging/scrolling of songticker text after resize
* Fixed: Global Hotkeys list destroyed when changing language packs
* Fixed: Gracenote CDDB Editor genre selection glitches
* Fixed: Gracenote/MusicID not using Winamp's proxy setting
* Fixed: Parsing of ansi ASX playlists containing non-standard characters
* Fixed: Restore from System Tray if previously closed in a minimized state
* Fixed: Setup resetting desktop icons :-o
* Fixed: Spectrum vis incompatibility crash with some 3rd-party input plugins
* Fixed: Truetype replacement font alignment in Winamp Modern winshade songticker
* Fixed: Various miscellaneous keyboard shortcut issues
* Fixed: Winamp Agent registry entry typo (wianmpa.exe)
* Fixed: [Bento] Collapse/Expand Playlist not respecting 'Show Album Art' setting
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Potential high CPU usage of songticker object
* Fixed: [gen_ff] TrueType replacement font change not updating in real-time
* Fixed: [gen_hotkeys] Restore from minimized state whilst About dialog is open
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Blank ML when restarting Winamp from a minimized state
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Cancelling Online Media password prompt clears password & filters
* Fixed: [in_dshow] Miscalculation of some mpeg video lengths
* Fixed: [in_flac] Divide-by-zero crash on corrupt files
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Deleting Lyrics3 tag in Alt+3 Editor also deletes ID3v1 tag
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Handling of ID3v2 with bad version/revision #'s
* Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 parsing crash with some mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 tag not showing when ID3v1 tag reading is disabled in config
* Fixed: [in_mp3] MPEG Info not showing in Alt+3 for files with large ID3v2 tags
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Now only reads first ID3v2 tag if more than one is present
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Winamp UI freezes when loading certain corrupt mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Playback of mp3 in mp4 container
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Seeking when paused
* Fixed: [in_mp4/jpeg.w5s] Crash when Art field is in metadata with no embedded art
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] UTF8->UTF16 optimized (fixes File Info delay bug)
* Fixed: [libmp4v2] Corrupt m4a's not playing, better handling of ones beyond repair
* Fixed: [ml_autotag] Crash when track isn't part of a disc, eg. internet-only releases
* Fixed: [ml_autotag] Stops processing when switching to another ml view
* Fixed: [ml_disc] CD view/titles not refreshing when ejecting old/inserting new CD
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Crash when using invalid strings in playlist filename generation
* Fixed: [ml_disc] No Burn button under some system configurations
* Fixed: [ml_disc/ml_pmp/ml_transcode] Processing of # in Destination Folder path
* Fixed: [ml_local] Artist column in descending order when sorting by Year
* Fixed: [ml_local] Down key in Search field not focusing the Simple View list
* Fixed: [ml_local] Last Updated, Album Gain & Podcast column sorting orders
* Fixed: [ml_local] Two filters always checkmarked in Edit View for Simple views
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] Shift+Enter hotkey to Enqueue playlist
* Fixed: [ml_plg] Crash when stopping Playlist Generator scan or resetting database
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Column sorting orders
* Fixed: [ml_rg] Restore from minimized state whilst rg results dialog is open
* Fixed: [ml_transcode] Restore from minimized state whilst config dialog is open
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Podcasts not being downloaded if
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Lockup when encountering scripts in field
* Fixed: [out_disk] Output folder always resetting to My DocumentsMy Music
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] 'Add album art' option always checkmarked
* Fixed: [tataki] Potential crash when encountering an invalid/superficial error
* Fixed: [vis_milk2] Crash when exiting fullscreen back to attached Modern skin window
* Misc: Alt+3 Auto-Tag now saves Gracenote FileId and ExtData fields
* Misc: Double-click Stereo indicator to open Playback prefs (Bento & Modern skins)
* Misc: Installation is now prevented on Win9x
* Misc: Made Milkdrop2 the default vis plugin
* Misc: Split the Playback prefs into 3 tabs: Playback, Equalizer & Replay Gain
* Misc: Various installer setup & localization translation tweaks
* Misc: Various Bento skin fixes, tweaks and improvements
* Misc: Various Winamp Modern skin 5.5-related updates
* Misc: [ml_local] Removed deprecated 'Show album gain values' option in Prefs
* Updated: Bento skin #117
* Updated: Gracenote MusicID/CDDB v2.5.1
* Updated: libpng 1.2.22
* Updated: [vis_milk2] MilkDrop 2.0c

Winamp 5.51 Full Beta 1741 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* New: Autoplay Handlers for Audio, MP3 and Video CD's on WinXP & Vista
* New: Default Programs registration for installations on Windows Vista
* New: Optional Constant-Q Equalizer and optional ISO Standard frequency bands
* New: [in_flv] Flash Video decoder (vp6 only, not h.263)
* New: [ml_local] BPM column
* Improved: Browser download manager now uses CD Ripping destination folder
* Improved: Deletion of embedded album art via Artwork tab in File Info
* Improved: More accurately translated Language Packs (see note below)
* Improved: More miscellaneous UI/dialog tweaks & improvements
* Improved: Option to set the number of pixels to scroll for modern songticker
* Improved: [Gracenote/MusicID] Better error checking & memory cache optimizations
* Improved: [gen_ff] More miscellaneous freeform skinning engine optimizations
* Improved: [gen_hotkeys] Added optional WM_APPCOMMAND support for media keys
* Improved: [gen_hotkeys] Added increase + decrease rating on current track
* Improved: [in_dshow] Reading of length and bitrate for non-default video formats
* Improved: [in_flac] Optimized disk caching for increased performance
* Improved: [in_mp3] Better optimization for older Pentium Pro/2/3 cpu's
* Improved: [in_mp3] Support for reading ALBUM ARTIST field if TPE2 not present
* Improved: [in_mp4] Better Unicode support and metadata read optimizations
* Improved: [in_mp4] Optimized disk caching/reading
* Improved: [in_vorbis] Support for reading YEAR field if DATE not present
* Improved: [ml_disc/in_cdda] Disc reading tweaks and other general optimizations
* Improved: [ml_history] New tracking control options
* Improved: [ml_local] Album column sorting order logic
* Improved: [ml_local] Better playlist handling
* Improved: [ml_local] Bumped track# metadata guessing limit from 130 to 999
* Improved: [ml_local] Database query and memory optimizations
* Improved: [ml_pmp] Support for drag&drop from Explorer into portable device view
* Improved: [ml_transcode] Prompt to delete aborted transcodes
* Fixed: Artwork not found if .nfo filename contains a period
* Fixed: ASX Parser converting all stream links in .asx playlists to upper case
* Fixed: Classic songticker wraparound glitchiness
* Fixed: Global Hotkeys list destroyed when changing language packs
* Fixed: Gracenote/MusicID not using Winamp's proxy setting
* Fixed: Parsing of ansi ASX playlists containing non-standard characters
* Fixed: Restore from System Tray if previously closed in a minimized state
* Fixed: Setup resetting desktop icons :-o
* Fixed: Spectrum vis incompatibility crash with some 3rd-party input plugins
* Fixed: Truetype replacement font alignment in Winamp Modern winshade songticker
* Fixed: Various miscellaneous keyboard shortcut issues
* Fixed: Winamp Agent registry entry typo (wianmpa.exe)
* Fixed: [Bento] Collapse/Expand Playlist not respecting 'Show Album Art' setting
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Potential high CPU usage of songticker object
* Fixed: [gen_hotkeys] Restore from minimized state whilst About dialog is open
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Blank ML when restarting Winamp from a minimized state
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Cancelling Online Media password prompt clears password & filters
* Fixed: [in_dshow] Miscalculation of some mpeg video lengths
* Fixed: [in_flac] Divide-by-zero crash on corrupt files
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Deleting Lyrics3 tag in Alt+3 Editor also deletes ID3v1 tag
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Handling of ID3v2 with bad version/revision #'s
* Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 parsing crash with some mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp3] ID3v2 tag not showing when ID3v1 tag reading is disabled in config
* Fixed: [in_mp3] MPEG Info not showing in Alt+3 for files with large ID3v2 tags
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Now only reads first ID3v2 tag if more than one is present
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Winamp UI freezes when loading certain corrupt mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Playback of mp3 in mp4 container
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Seeking when paused
* Fixed: [in_mp4/jpeg.w5s] Crash when Art field is in metadata with no embedded art
* Fixed: [in_vorbis] UTF8->UTF16 optimized (fixes File Info delay bug)
* Fixed: [libmp4v2] Corrupt m4a's not playing, better handling of ones beyond repair
* Fixed: [ml_autotag] Stops processing when switching to another ml view
* Fixed: [ml_disc] CD view/titles not refreshing when ejecting old/inserting new CD
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Crash when using invalid strings in playlist filename generation
* Fixed: [ml_disc] No Burn button under some system configurations
* Fixed: [ml_disc/ml_pmp/ml_transcode] Processing of # in Destination Folder path
* Fixed: [ml_local] Artist column in descending order when sorting by Year
* Fixed: [ml_local] Down key in Search field not focusing the Simple View list
* Fixed: [ml_local] Last Updated, Album Gain & Podcast column sorting orders
* Fixed: [ml_playlists] Shift+Enter hotkey to Enqueue playlist
* Fixed: [ml_plg] Crash when stopping Playlist Generator scan or resetting database
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Column sorting orders
* Fixed: [ml_rg] Restore from minimized state whilst rg results dialog is open
* Fixed: [ml_transcode] Restore from minimized state whilst config dialog is open
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Podcasts not being downloaded if
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Lockup when encountering scripts in field
* Fixed: [out_disk] Output folder always resetting to My DocumentsMy Music
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] 'Add album art' option always checkmarked
* Fixed: [tataki] Potential crash when encountering an invalid/superficial error
* Misc: Alt+3 Auto-Tag now saves Gracenote FileId and ExtData fields
* Misc: Double-click Stereo indicator to open Playback prefs (Bento & Modern skins)
* Misc: Installation is now prevented on Win9x
* Misc: Split the Playback prefs into 3 tabs: Playback, Equalizer & Replay Gain
* Misc: Various installer setup & localization translation tweaks
* Misc: Various Bento skin fixes, tweaks and improvements
* Misc: Various Winamp Modern skin 5.5-related updates
* Misc: [ml_local] Removed deprecated 'Show album gain values' option in Prefs
* Updated: Bento skin #116
* Updated: libpng 1.2.22
* Updated: [vis_milk2] MilkDrop 2.0b

Winamp 5.5 Full 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

-Alas, Winamp 5.5 is no longer compatible with Win9x (Win 98/ME),
-and all support for those OS'es has now been discontinued.
-Win2k/XP/2003/Vista are all supported.

* New: Bento SingleUI Skin
* New: Auto-Tagger in File Info dialog (powered by Gracenote)
* New: Album Art support, including new window for Winamp Modern skin
* New: Fully translatable Localization support
* New: WLZ (Winamp Language Zip) filetype support
* New: Global 'playback thread priority' setting for decoders
* New: Media Monitor and MP3 Blog site scraper (in Bento browser)
* New: Option to set the number of lines to scroll in the Playlist
* New: Option to not show playlist item number in classic songticker
* New: Option to not show the playlist number in the Windows taskbar
* New: Redesigned Installer
* New: Run Setup switch, winamp.exe /REG=S
* New: Unified File Editor, with Artwork tab (for mp3, m4a, wma, ogg, flac)
* New: Version History drop-down selector and Search (in About dialog)
* New: Winamp Toolbar for Internet Explorer (optional)
* New: %family% ATF string for identifying filetypes
* New: $split() ATF function for splitting x/y disc & track strings
* New: [in_mp3] Multi-channel mp3surround support
* New: [gen_ml] Tree Options tab in Media Library Preferences
* New: [ml_autotag] Mass Auto-Tagger in Send-To menu (powered by Gracenote)
* New: [ml_local] 3 pane view options in 'Add/Edit View' dialog
* New: [ml_local] Smart View Presets
* New: [ml_local] Album Art support/pane and retrieval service
* New: [ml_local] Toolbar buttons to control view options
* New: [ml_plg] Winamp Playlist Generator (powered by Gracenote MusicID)
* New: [ml_pmp] New fields, configurable filter panes & columns, 3 pane view
* New: [ml_pmp] Album Art view & support for iPod and P4S Devices
* New: [ml_pmp] Separate view for video files
* New: [vis_milk2] Milkdrop2 Visualizer
* Improved: General misc UI/Dialog tweaks & improvements
* Improved: Re-tuned and optimized classic Spectrum Analyzer
* Improved: Surround indicator in Winamp Modern skin for multi-channel files
* Improved: Classic Songticker option for Winamp Modern skin (via Config drawer)
* Improved: [in_cdda] Conductor metadata support
* Improved: [in_cdda] Handling of multiple discs
* Improved: [in_flac/in_vorbis] ALBUM ARTIST & ENSEMBLE read support
* Improved: [in_flac] Advanced Editor mode
* Improved: [in_mod] Added support for more than 256 samples
* Improved: [in_mp3] Faster metadata gathering (also speeds up ReplayGain scan)
* Improved: [in_mp4] Smoother data sent to vis & other minor tweaks
* Improved: [in_wm] Faster WMA/WMV metadata gathering
* Improved: [gen_ff] General freeform skinning engine optimizations
* Improved: [gen_ml] Collapsed/expanded state of treeview items now remembered
* Improved: [gen_ml] Skinned scrollbars in Media Library for newer Modern skins
* Improved: [gen_ml] Reordering of treeview items (via drag+drop)
* Improved: [ml_disc] Better Unicode support & other misc tweaks
* Improved: [ml_history] Unicode support
* Improved: [ml_local] Customize Columns menu for top filter panes
* Improved: [ml_local] Option to show horizontal scrollbar for top panes
* Improved: [ml_local] New 'Podcasts' view (appears after downloading a podcast)
* Improved: [ml_local] Added ISPODCAST and PODCASTCHANNEL field names
* Improved: [ml_local] Added BEGINSLIKE comparison operator
* Improved: [ml_local] Dragging of headers to sort column order
* Improved: [ml_local] Redesigned Smart View Editor
* Improved: [ml_local] Star Rating display and selection
* Improved: [ml_pmp] 'Copy to Local Media' config separated from CD Ripping settings
* Improved: [ml_pmp] Portables "Sync" can now keep podcasts updated
* Improved: [ml_rg] ReplayGain calculation support for 64, 88.2 & 96 KHz samplerates
* Improved: [ml_wire] Optional automatic downloading of new podcast episodes
* Improved: [ml_wire] Multi-select, 'Send To' menu and other general enhancements
* Improved: [ml_wire] Podcast downloads now saved in channel subfolders
* Improved: [ml_wire] Updated podcast directory
* Improved: [pmp_ipod] Now uses the iPod's podcast menu for podcasts
* Fixed: 'All supported files' showing all filetypes in Open Files dialog
* Fixed: Esc key not working in Credits & Winamp tabs of About Box
* Fixed: Long filepaths corrupted when opening Winamp via Explorer context menu
* Fixed: Oversized preference pages with large DPI setting
* Fixed: Recurrence of multiple instances bug (previously fixed in 5.3)
* Fixed: Selecting 'No' for 'Physically Remove' prompt removes playlist/mldb item
* Fixed: TV button in video window not working
* Fixed: Windows showing if switching from modern to classic skin in minimized state
* Fixed: [ASX Loader] Recursive playlist loading & case-insensitive element matching
* Fixed: [ASX Loader] Handling of entries embedded within a REPEAT tag
* Fixed: [dsp_sps] DEP incompatibility
* Fixed: [gen_ff] "Can't unload script while in script" error when switching skins
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Remember ML size when switching between Modern & Classic skins
* Fixed: [gen_ff] Transparent docked toolbars for skins using alpha-blending
* Fixed: [gen_ff] 10% opacity not applying on skins that add items to rt-click menu
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Crash when loading multiple files via Explorer context menu
* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Remove Duplicate Entries action broken in pledit
* Fixed: [gen_ml] %playcount% returning Comment on drag+drop from ML to pledit
* Fixed: [gen_ml] Shift+Insert (New Playlist) and F1 (Help) keyboard shortcuts
* Fixed: [in_cdda] CDDB crash when attempting to rip a CD in a 2nd instance of Winamp
* Fixed: [in_flac] General FLAC Editor quirks (Comments field, Enter key, etc)
* Fixed: [in_flac] 24bit files don't play when 'Allow 24bit' setting is disabled
* Fixed: [in_mod] Fadeout value goes below 0.0 sec in in_mod config
* Fixed: [in_mod] Interpolator 'division by zero' crash bug
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on some mp3's with corrupt ID3v2 extended headers (rare)
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Crash on loading corrupt id3v2.3 tags of a later revision
* Fixed: [in_mp3] Negative bitrate in File Info for long mp3's
* Fixed: [in_mp4] Glitch when modifying metadata on playing track
* Fixed: [in_mp4/libmp4v2] Memory leaks
* Fixed: [in_wave/libsndfile] Crash on invalid .au files
* Fixed: [in_wm] Garbage characters when editing filetypes in config
* Fixed: [in_wm] Potential DRM lockup issue
* Fixed: [ml_disc] 0 byte temp files not deleted after ripping
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Double-click drive icon in Rip & Burn not selecting tree item
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Crash when using in playlist filename generation
* Fixed: [ml_disc] Drag+drop from Audio CD view to Playlist Editor
* Fixed: [ml_local] (no album) items adding to Album count in Artist pane
* Fixed: [ml_local] isempty and =0 queries now return same results
* Fixed: [ml_local] Add dir to 'Watch Folders' path truncated to 64 characters
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Inserting extra period in filename when transcoding to mp4/aac
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Sending ansi-converted titles instead of Unicode
* Fixed: [ml_pmp] Transfer caption building when Artist metadata is empty
* Fixed: [ml_wire] Subscription Updates setting always resets to 'Never'
* Fixed: [pmp_ipod] Potential incompatability issues with latest version of iTunes
* Fixed: [pmp_p4s] 'Error In Insert' when transferring to some P4S devices
* Fixed: [pmp_usb] Slow Winamp startup when external usb drive connected
* Fixed: [vis_milk] Milkdrop DEP incompatibility
* Misc: Winamp Remote is now an installer option (ml_orb.dll)
* Misc: Moved drawing engine out of gen_ff to tataki.dll
* Misc: Moved freetype font renderer out of gen_ff to freetype.wac
* Misc: Removed deprecated .LNG Language file support
* Misc: Removed db.w5s (replaced by new Gracenote database system)
* Misc: Removed Station Info window and Prefs page
* Misc: Removed unicows.lib/dll as we have officially dropped support for Win9x
* Updated: Gracenote MusicID/CDDB v2.5
* Updated: libpng 1.2.20
* Updated: [enc_aacplus] Coding Technologies aacPlus Encoder v8.1.0
* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v0.99.2
* Updated: [in_flac] FLAC 1.2.1
* Updated: [in_mp3] FhG Decoder v4.10
* Updated: [in_vorbis] libvorbis 1.2.0

Winamp 5.5 Full Beta 1600 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

* New: Winamp Bento (SingleUI Skin)
* New: Unified File Editor, with Album Art tab (for mp3, m4a, wma, ogg, flac)
* New: Auto-Tagger in File Info dialog (powered by Gracenote)
* New: Album Art window for Winamp Modern skin
* New: Global 'playback thread priority' setting for decoders
* New: Media Monitor and MP3 Blog site scraper (in Bento browser)
* New: Option to set the number of lines to scroll in the Playlist
* New: Option to not show playlist item number in classic songticker
* New: Redesigned Installer
* New: Run Setup switch, winamp.exe /REG=S
* New: Version History drop-down selector and Search (in About dialog)
* New: Winamp Toolbar for Internet Explorer (optional)
* New: [in_mp3] Multi-channel mp3surround support
* New: [gen_ml] Tree Options tab in Media Library Preferences
* New: [ml_autotag] Mass Auto-Tagger in Send-To menu (powered by Gracenote)