VyprVPN 歷史舊版本 Page5

最新版本 TablePlus 5.6.8 Build 252

VyprVPN 歷史版本列表

VyprVPN 為個人電腦提供 Windows,Mac,Android,iOS,電視和路由器時尚,尖端的應用程序,以便您可以在幾秒鐘內保護您的設備。 VyprVPN 應用程序是快速,易於使用和穩定與省時的功能,如一鍵連接,一鍵式服務器選擇和 ping 測試選擇最快的服務器。 VyprVPN 為 PC 提供最快和最安全的 VPN 帳戶!VyprVPN 為 Windows 提供了一鍵式連接和自動連接選... VyprVPN 軟體介紹

VyprVPN 4.2.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- We regularly update our app to improve performance and fix bugs to help you stay securely connected

install4j 9.0.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Floating license customers can now request license keys for the web license server instead of using the on-premises license server
- Command line parameters are now handled in the same way as by the default java launcher. This fixes cases of invalid parsing due to unbalanced quotes.
- Text overrides for enum bean properties now also support the displayed texts of enum values and not only integer indices or enum constant names

- Regression in 9.0: Custom icons on disabled form components were no longer shown in gray
- Regression in 9.0: Gradle and Maven plugins were compiled with -target 11
- "License agreement" form component: The "User must scroll to bottom" property had no effect under some circumstances
- "Dark mode switcher" component: Keyboard focus was not shown
- Script edits were not saved for form components if the "Insert ID" dialog was invoked
- JetBrains JRE provider did not show newest releases after Bintray was frozen
- Fixed NPE for pre-created JRE bundles that do not contain a release file
- Cache information about platforms required for building a universal JRE bundle for macOS
- Gracefully handle the removal of the SecurityManager class in Java 18
- macOS: New JFrame instances could be shown as tabs, depending on the system settings
- dpkg --verify was broken for .deb Linux packages

TestComplete 14.90 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Mobile testing improvements:
- You can orchestrate parallel runs of your mobile tests in the BitBar device cloud or on mobile devices controlled by a private Appium server easier, by using the Execution Plan editor of your TestComplete project.
- The Mobile Screen window of TestComplete now shows both the list of connected mobile devices and the list of recently used devices
- TestComplete now can capture images during parallel test runs on mobile devices managed by BitBar and local Appium. This can help explore the behavior of tested applications if a test fails.
- By default, capturing images during parallel test runs is disabled. Use the new Capture images during parallel test runs option to control this behavior and enable and disable capturing images when needed
- Support for iOS 14.5.1. If your mobile tests rely on the legacy (non-Appium) mobile support in TestComplete, you can now create and run automated tests on this iOS version

Web testing improvements:
- You can use project and project suite variables to specify the URL of a tested website when orchestrating your parallel web test runs in the Execution Plan editor.
- If you use the Remote Browser Loop operation to run your web tests in remote environments, now you can configure the operation to execute its child operation in one of the supported web browsers on a local computer. This may be helpful if you want to verify your web test in a local environment before running it in remote browsers or if you want to debug your web test. This is easier than modifying your entire loop to run it in a local browser.
- Support for Google Chrome 91

Microsoft Dynamics support:
- You can now create, record, and run automated tests for Microsoft Dynamics 365 applications accessed via web browsers. See Testing Microsoft Dynamics 365 Applications.

SAP GUI support enhancements:
- TestComplete now detects whether controls in SAP GUI have dynamic identifiers and generates identification properties that ignore the dynamic parts. This helps make automated tests for SAP GUI more reliable.
- This makes creating automations easier
- Support for SAP GUI version 7.70

In previous TestComplete versions, it was possible to create automations for SAP GUI using only properties and methods that TestComplete provided for all onscreen objects. In this version, TestComplete provides extra methods and properties for the following SAP GUI controls:
- GuiButton
- GuiCheckBox
- GuiTextField
- GuiCTextField

Other improvements:
- Recommended system requirements have been updated. We recommend that you use TestComplete on the 64-bit version of the Windows 10 operating system. We also recommend that you have 16 GB of RAM or more and 1920 × 1080 or higher screen resolution on your TestComplete workstation. See System Requirements.
- TestComplete projects now have a new Repaint window before capturing image option. If the option is enabled (by default), TestComplete will command the system to redraw windows before the test engine captures their image. This can help avoid various window rendering issues and improve the reliability of image comparison in TestComplete.
- We have fixed several issues reported by our customers

Discontinued support:
- Support for some earlier versions of iOS has been removed from TestComplete. Now, it supports only the latest build of version 12 — 12.5.
- If you need support for other iOS 12 versions, please contact our Customer Care team
- The legacy non-Chromium version of Edge has reached the end of life in March 2021. The Windows 10 April 2021 Update replaces it with the new Chromium-based version automatically. Therefore, we are deprecating support for the non-Chromium Edge in TestComplete.
- We won’t run tests for this browser, and we don’t guarantee that your web tests will run in this browser correctly. We won’t provide any bug fixes for it.

TestComplete 14.81 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Run mobile tests in parallel:
- You can increase your mobile testing efficiency by running tests in Appium-based device clouds in parallel. You can orchestrate the parallel test runs directly from your TestComplete tests by using the Parallel.RunMobileTests method. See Running Mobile Tests in Parallel for details.

Changes in cross-platform web tests:
- The Parallel.RunEnvironments method has been replaced with Parallel.RunWebTests. Use it instead to run cross-platform web tests in parallel. RunEnvironments is still supported for backward compatibility.
- The Environments parameter of the new RunWebTests method can take an array of JSON objects rather than an array of strings
- Overall improvements
- We have improved the performance of mobile tests running in environments provided by BitBar and private Appium servers. Now, it takes less time for Test Visualizer to capture screenshots of the tested mobile application that reduces the overall test run time.
- We continue improving our internal algorithms to make tests for SAP GUI applications more stable and reliable
- The Name Mapping repository shows the Extended Find check box only for those objects for which it is relevant, like objects in desktop applications or web objects mapped by properties provided by TestComplete. The check box is hidden for objects to which it is not applicable, for instance, web objects mapped with XPath expressions or CSS selectors.
- Editing of keyword tests has become a bit handier. Now, when you change parameters of keyword-test operations by typing them in the Value cell, the test no longer freezes trying to locate the underlying tested object.
- The popularity of JScript and DelphiScript has been declining rapidly during the last few decades. Starting from this TestComplete version, we no longer recommend that you use these languages to create new tests. These languages are now hidden from the Create New Project wizard by default.
- We’d suggest that you use JavaScript or Python. Basically, it is the way to go when it comes to selecting a scripting language. They are stable, reliable, and you can always reach for any necessary support on them online.
- We don’t remove JScript and DelphiScript, they are still available in TestComplete. All your existing projects that use them will remain intact and fully functional. You can continue using these languages to create new tests, though we do not recommend this. See Selecting the Scripting Language.
- We’ve fixed several issues reported by our customers

Support for recent versions of web browsers:
- Google Chrome 90
- Mozilla Firefox 88

TextExpander 2.4.3 查看版本資訊


install4j 9.0.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- The Windows task bar icon now shows compilation progress as well as installation progress in generated installers

- Regression in 9.0: Low-resolution images were painted too small on HighDPI displays
- Regression in 9.0.1: file:// URLs were not handled correctly anymore by the HTTP actions
- Regression in 9.0.1: Fixed problems with server authentication in the HTTP actions on Windows
- macOS: Notarization was perfomed in dry run
- macOS: JRE bundle generation with universal binaries was broken for Zulu 8u282+
- macOS: Notarization was broken for recent JetBrains Runtime JDKs
- Fixed incompatibility with RPM

TestComplete 14.80 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Enhanced cloud-compatible mobile testing:
The previous version of TestComplete introduced a new mobile testing approach that makes it possible to create and run mobile tests on devices controlled by cloud providers, like BitBar, or by a local Appium server. Version 14.8 improves this new approach significantly:
- You can now create cloud-compatible mobile tests faster and easier by recording user actions
- You can easily connect to mobile devices from keyword tests by using the new Run Remote Device operation
- You can also connect to mobile devices from the Mobile Screen window or when you start test recording by clicking Record Test on the TestComplete Start Page.
- If you use BitBar-cloud devices, you can specify tested mobile applications when you are creating a new project. This makes it easier to deploy these apps to the device during test runs. See Adding Applications to the List of Tested BitBar Applications.
- All these changes have made the previous mobile testing approach obsolete. You can still use it to run mobile tests on devices connected to the TestComplete computer (via ADB or iTunes). For new tests, we recommend using the new cloud-compatible approach. You can switch between approaches by using the Mobile support type property of your TestComplete project.

Smarter web testing:
- If it is your tested web application that resides behind a proxy or a firewall, see Access Web Applications Behind a Firewall
- Device Cloud add-on is no longer needed for cross-platform tests. We’ve migrated the cross-platform testing functionality from the Device Cloud add-on to the Web module. This makes the add-on unneeded, and we’ve removed it from the TestComplete bundle.
- Easier parallel test runs. We no longer provide TestExecute Lite as a standalone utility. You can run your cross-platform web tests in parallel by using TestComplete and regular TestExecute. To orchestrate parallel runs, use the Parallel object in your tests or use the Execution Plan of your project.
- The TestComplete test adapter for Azure DevOps no longer allows orchestrating parallel runs. You can do it directly from your TestComplete projects.

Better object recognition and object mapping in web applications (for instance, in Salesforce):
- TestComplete uses more descriptive mapping objects for web page elements (date pickers, icons, buttons, and others).
- Also, TestComplete now recognizes and maps combo box items by their contents
- When mapping radio buttons, TestComplete groups buttons that belong to the same radio group.
- Support for proxies in cross-platform web tests. Now, if a TestComplete workstation is running behind a proxy, cross-platform web tests can access the target device cloud correctly. They will use the workstation’s system proxy settings. In previous TestComplete versions, cross-platform web tests can only access the device cloud directly.

New Salesforce Support plugin:
- The new Salesforce API script extension helps you work with Salesforce resources directly from TestComplete tests. The extension provides the Salesforce script object that enables you to perform common operations over Salesforce objects and to send SOQL queries.
- The extension is not part of TestComplete

Overall improvements:
- More flexible BDD tests. The new Stop the entire Scenario Outline if any example fails project property helps you control the behavior of the Scenario Outline run when an error occurs in one of the examples.
- Support for Electron 11. You can create, record, and run automated tests for Electron-based applications created with Electron version 11.0.0
- Improvements in SAP GUI support. We’ve improved internal algorithms to make tests created for SAP GUI applications even more stable
- Support for user-defined parameters in SessionCreator. If you run your tests via the SessionCreator utility, you can now use its new command-line argument /arg to pass the custom parameters to TestComplete.
- Better Execution Plan view. For easier configuration, we’ve put settings that are specific to parallel runs to a special panel in the Execution Plan editor

Support for recent versions of web browsers:
- Google Chrome 89
- Mozilla Firefox 87

The Execution Plan editor:
- Our records say that a sample project that demonstrates how to create tests for Xamarin.Forms applications was rarely used. We have moved it from the product installation to the additional sample package that you can download from our website.
- The TestComplete installer now suggests sending the installation log to the SmartBear Customer Care Team for issues that occur during the product installation.
- We’ve also fixed a number of issues reported by our customers.

install4j 9.0.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Reworked proxy handling to be more reliable and use native connections on Windows
- Support for encrypted and authenticated communication with the floating license server
- Support for remote checkout of a license from the floating license server

- macOS: Code signing did not set Team ID, this could be checked by anti-virus software
- macOS: JRE bundle creation with "latest" as the minor version did not work for universal binaries
- Warnings for overwritten files in the distribution tree were printed even if the source files were the same
- Removed dependency of the FlatLaf look and feel on java.logging
- Code signing: Globalsign timestamp server URL did not work anymore. This was used as a fallback if the Digicert timestamp server URL did not work.

exe4j 8.0.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added support for non-OpenJDK Java launchers
- Added a --fail-on-warning command line option for the compiler as well as corresponding properties for Gradle and Ant tasks
- 64-bit install4j launchers now prefer the server JVM on Windows. This fixes problems with recent AdoptOpenJDK Java 11 releases that contain a client VM.
- Using ~ for the home directory is now supported for the redirection files
- The minimum runtime Java version is now 1.8, the exe4j compiler and wizard need a Java 11 JRE

- Could not use absolute locations for the JRE search sequence when the build was not performed on Windows
- An empty JRE search sequence was reverted to the default after opening the project again

TestComplete 14.74 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

Mobile testing in device clouds:
- You can now create and run tests using mobile devices located in device clouds, like BitBar, or in private clouds managed by your local Appium server. In other words, you can test mobile applications on a wide range of devices without purchasing and connecting them to your test machines physically.
- The script editor has a special new wizard to help you generate the script code for connecting to the device cloud
- If needed, you can also connect to your mobile device cloud from TestComplete’s Object Browser

Orchestrating parallel test runs:
- You can now orchestrate parallel runs of your cross-platform web tests visually, directly from the Execution Plan editor of your project (to add this functionality, we’ve reworked the editor UI and moved some columns to the new Properties panel).
- The editor’s drop-down lists have the environments provided by the CrossBrowserTesting.com cloud

SAP support:
- You can now create, record, and run automated tests for SAP GUI (Front-End) applications for Windows. See Testing SAP GUI

Web testing:
- You can now parameterize XPath expressions and CSS selectors used to locate mapped objects with data from external data sources like Excel sheets or .csv files. You load data from these data sources through project variables of the DB Table types.
- TestComplete now identifies combo box controls by their label and description (the aria-labelby and aria-describedby attributes respectively). It can also recognize radio button controls by their contents. This makes object recognition in web applications (for instance, in Salesforce) more reliable.
- Support for Mozilla Firefox 86

More mobile testing improvements:
- Support for iOS 14.4: You can now create and run automated tests on this new version of iOS

Overall improvements:
The test log has the new Time With Children column that shows the time spent on running a test operation along with its child operations (if any):
- Note that the column is hidden by default. Add it to the test log panels by right-clicking the column header area and selecting Field Chooser from the context menu
- We’ve updated the format of TestComplete project files that store baseline data of database checkpoints (.tcDBTable.dbt). In previous versions, the files stored data in a binary format. Now, they use the XML format, which makes merging easier. When you open a legacy project in the new TestComplete version, it will suggest converting files to the new format. See Migrating Projects Created in Earlier Versions for more details.
- The Name Mapping engine now generates clearer aliases for OracleForms objects. The new names are based on the object class name and caption (if they are available) and do not include redundant prefixes and indexes.
- The TestComplete installation runs significantly faster now
- We’ve fixed a few issues reported by our customers

Discontinued support:
- We are going to declare the end-of-life of the Network Suite functionality in one of the future TestComplete releases. We do not recommend that you use it for orchestrating test runs. For this purpose, we’d suggest using a third-party CI/CD system. See Migrating Distributed Tests to CI/CD Systems for details. If you develop and run web tests, you can also try the Execution Plan of your TestComplete project.
- TestComplete no longer supports Firefox version 79–82