Vivaldi (32-bit) 歷史舊版本 Page9

最新版本 Vivaldi 4.0.2312.38 (32-bit)

Vivaldi (32-bit) 歷史版本列表

從 Opera 的創作者,快速的 Vivaldi 瀏覽器,也是一個功能豐富的瀏覽器,高度靈活,讓用戶第一。一個為你製作的瀏覽器。最後,你可以沖浪你的方式.Vivaldi 網頁瀏覽器適應你,而不是其他的方式。你喜歡瀏覽器標籤放在窗口的底部還是側面?也許你更喜歡不同的地址欄位置?借助 Vivaldi Web 瀏覽器,您可以自定義所有更多內容,例如鍵盤快捷鍵,鼠標手勢等等。你是鍵盤的人嗎?那麼你運氣好。... Vivaldi (32-bit) 軟體介紹

Vivaldi 1.2.490.39 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- [Gestures][Settings] Editable gesture settings: now you can record any gesture you like for a wide range of actionsVB-507
- [Tabs] Add current tabs to startup optionsVB-6101
- [Tabs] Drop URLs on tab bar and tabsVB-1369
- [Tabs] Close Other Unselected Tabs is BrokenVB-17572
- [Tabs] "Close tabs to the right/left (or below/above)" tab context menuVB-2132
- [Tabs] Fix for keeping focus when using single keys to switch tabs
- [Tabs] Minimize Pinned Tab on Close should be configurableVB-16558
- [Tabs] Search in F2 dialog does not list tabs of other windowsVB-13664
- [Tabs] Selection Not Implemented for all actionsVB-16842
- [Tabs] Tooltip (thumbnail) sometimes is very persistantVB-4655
- [Tabs][Keyboard] No Quick Command for Move Active Tab to New Window (detach): also new shortcutVB-17297
- [Tabs][Keyboard] Change shortcut defaults so that ⌘/Ctrl+1-9 switched to the corresponding tab from left to right: The old defaults can still be mapped by the user
- [Tabs][Keyboard] ⌘/Ctrl+W ignores tab selectionVB-16023
- [Tabs][Settings] Related Tab Activation order stand alone settingVB-16568
- [Tabs][Settings] Opening option "Next to Tab" does not work as intended: It did not open next to the active tab in all cases (Ctrl+t and clicking on the '+'). In addition it should actually be named "After" to align better with the tab close options VB-16361
- [Tabs][Settings] Selection SettingsVB-16556
- [URL] URL dropdown drop down shows up on paste and goVB-17301
- [URL] Boost last used port in URL field autofillVB-11924
- [URL] Added X to delete typed history directly from URL dropdown
- [URL] Always escape space when copying from the URL field: ' ' should be '%20'
- [URL] Clicking a search item in typed history tries to open URL instead of searchingVB-17515
- [URL] Clicking 'x' in URL field drop down does not remove typed history itemVB-17881
- [URL] Dragging URL from URL field doesn't workVB-16302
- [URL] Searching email address via URL field does not work correctlyVB-17789
- [URL] Vivaldi browser doesn't open refs like xn--80abnhcmtpndbnmh.xn--p1aiVB-15386
- [URL] about:blank opens in default searchVB-12741
- [URL] Disable suggest when dropdown is not visible: it can be switched off via a setting
- [URL] Save auto-completed items to typed history
- [URL][Keyboard] Alt+Enter in URL field should open Search result in new tab and Alt+Shift+Enter in new background tabVB-12364
- [Bookmarks] Add bookmark icon in SVGVB-16118
- [Bookmarks] Adding bookmark with nickname adds nickname as a descriptionVB-4390
- [Bookmarks] At most 20 bookmarks can be opened at the same timeVB-12838
- [Bookmarks] Entering edit mode a second time on the bookmarks bar moves bookmark to extender menu and hides followingVB-16101
- [Bookmarks] Nick triggers search if inserted using paste and goVB-17302
- [Bookmarks] Adding a new folder in sorted content on the Bookmarks bar may make editing impossibleVB-17159
- [Bookmarks] Should open in the current tab by defaultVB-17179
- [Bookmarks] Chevron icon not displayed on Bookmarks Bar on first display after launchVB-16053
- [Bookmarks] Icons on the bookmark bar are not horizontally centered VB-17511
- [Bookmarks] Ignored nickname for bookmarks foldersVB-2282
- [Bookmarks] Improve discoverability of sorting in Bookmarks PanelVB-15838
- [Bookmarks] Keyboard modifiers not respected when a bookmark opens from the panelVB-16886
- [Bookmarks] Middle click on a bookmark bar folder does not open all the bookmarks inside itVB-17780
- [Bookmarks] To "open" folder from bookmarks not just opens, but opens in "new" tabVB-15992
- [Bookmarks] Unable to open bookmarks without nameVB-14992
- [Bookmarks] Wrong link when you go to bookmark via F2 menuVB-16895
- [Bookmarks][Settings] Option to open a bookmark with a single mouse clickVB-16878
- [Extensions] Vivaldi crash with Alarm Ninja extensionVB-16329
- [Extensions] XMarks Sync closes the browserVB-14681
- [Extensions] "Download extensions" quick command is not workingVB-11531
- [Extensions] Extension buttons is updated for all windows, not the window owning the tabVB-16970
- [Extensions] Simplify styling of Extension buttonsVB-16372
- [Search] Cannot enable Search suggestionsVB-14906
- [Search] Can't remove old typed entries from search box dropdownVB-17326
- [Search] Can't search via paste and go context menuVB-17626
- [Search] Implement suggests in search field: for DDG, Wikipedia and BingVB-14822
- [Zoom] Webpage zoom level range expanded to 20% - 500%VB-14878
- [Zoom] Interface zoom is resets after pushing the "Back" buttonVB-13217
- [Zoom] Add edit field for page zoomVB-16222
- [Notes] In the edit field, the cursor jumps to end of textVB-3453
- [Notes] Empty notes panel shows edit field for nonexistent folderVB-10334
- [Settings] Add global setting for "Never save passwords"VB-15331
- [Keyboard] Alt+D doesn't activate Horizontal menu "Datei" in GermanVB-15812
- [Windows] Standalone install overwrites some values of default Vivaldi in registryVB-12600
- [Mac] Cannot make Facebook video callsVB-17503
- [Mac] Double clicking the tab field opens new tab and resizes windowVB-16033
- [Mac] Menu items not working with no open windowVB-10703
- [Mac][Settings] Optional setting to not close the window when closing last tabVB-11667
- [Mac] Remove 'Automatically download and install …' checkbox in updater: removed, since it does not workVB-18117
- [Mac] When OSX system settings that Vivaldi uses are changed, preferences should update without requiring a browser restartVB-11123
- Cannot define my own start page to replace Speed DialVB-11682
- If the home page is set as startup option the Speed Dial is opened as wellVB-9683
- Include remaining time in download panel entryVB-13720
- Disable autofill in text boxesVB-16164
- Downloaded zip files shows 0 bytes in download bar.VB-11697
- History navigation issues on internal pagesVB-16550
- Issues with Top Sites file size handlingVB-15803
- Trash folder misalignedVB-17798
- Translations updates
- Updated Chromium to 51.0.2704.65

Vivaldi 1.2.490.35 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Today we launched Vivaldi 1.2, with custom mouse gestures. Simply draw the shape, add some other touches, and – presto! – you have your very own mouse gesture.
- Zoom is also one of our most popular features, particularly for accessibility. Now you can set the zoom level for each tab, and we expanded the zoom range. It now runs from 20% to 500%. Happy browsing.
- We also added a new Tabs Page setting, which lets users select any web page at the starting point of a new tab. And, new shortcuts also let users close multiple tabs at once, or apply any command to a selected group of tabs.
- Catalan is our new language for this update, so Vivaldi now speaks 52 languages total.

Vivaldi 1.1.453.59 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Vivaldi 1.1.453.55 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Vivaldi 1.1.453.52 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Cannot easily check the security of a domain via the URL badge / developer tools security panel broken (VB-16777)
- Vivaldi does not install on Ubuntu 12.04
- Upgraded to Chromium 50.0.2661.94

Vivaldi 1.1.453.47 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Vivaldi 1.0.435.42 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Shortly after the release of the final we were informed of an issue that could allow a malicious website to trick a user into thinking they were surfing on a different domain. Since we take our users security very seriously, we got this fixed immediately and have just issued a minor update to version 1.0. Windows and Mac users will receive the update via our autoupdate system
- We also took this opportunity to address a small issue that several of you had informed us of regarding Notes

Vivaldi 1.0.435.38 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


Vivaldi 1.0.403.24 Beta 3 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- A sessions save/load
- This is our first implementation of the session manager. In this implementation, you can save all of your currently open tabs as a session so that you can go back and open them all at once. So for example, you can have a work session different from a private session. That way, you can very quickly switch between completely different set of tabs for work, and for your private research or what not
- To save a session, go to File menu and click “Save Open Tabs as Session”. And to open a session, Go to Open a session under the File menu and choose from the saved sessions.
- Tab specific zoom allows you to set zoom level for each tab, rather than for each website domain. It avoids having all the tabs zoomed when visiting the same website in different tabs and allows you to keep one zoom level while browsing in a tab

New Tab Hibernation Options:
- This new option gives you more control on your resources. If you are like us and want to have many tabs open, simply right click on the active tab and choose 'Hibernation Background tabs'. This will immediately free up more resources as your tabs are 'put to sleep'. Switching over to any of them will bring them back to life

New options and defaults for tab opening and closing behaviour:
- Another improvement from Beta 2 based on user feedback is tab opening/closing behaviour. When you open new tabs from a link in your current tab, they share a relationship. For example, say you perform a search in your current tab and Ctrl+Click the first search result, it will then open next to its "parent". If you Ctrl+Click a second result, the new tab will place itself immediately after its "sibling"
- New tabs that you open via Ctrl+T or by clicking on "+" have no relationships and will therefore open on next to the "+" button, just like before
- Opening behaviour goes hand in hand with closing behaviour, so we have also made a change here as well. With the new default, when a focused tab is closed, Vivaldi will switch to its right-most (or bottom-most) "relative". In cases where there are no relationships between tabs, Vivaldi will switch to the last activated tab (our old behavior). This combination of tab relationships and activation order, should result in a best of both worlds default and an improvement over what the other browsers are doing
- The new default works especially well when opening lots of links from one site and then closing them down one by one to return to whatever you were working on before
- But of course, all of this can be customized as you like from Tabs menu in the Settings
- A suggestion for our regular snapshot users, if you’ve downloaded our recent snapshot, a new installation is not required as this includes the same fixes that you received in the last snapshot

Vivaldi 1.0.334.37 Beta 2 (32-bit) 查看版本資訊
