Oracle VM VirtualBox 歷史舊版本 Page12

最新版本 VirtualBox 7.0.12 Build 159484

Oracle VM VirtualBox 歷史版本列表

Oracle VM VirtualBox 允許用戶在單台機器上運行幾乎任何操作系統,並可以在同時運行的操作系統實例之間自由切換。 VirtualBox 是 x86 和 AMD64 / Intel64 硬件的通用完整虛擬器,針對服務器,桌面和嵌入式應用。 VirtualBox 不僅是一款功能極為豐富,性能卓越的企業級產品,同時也是唯一一款免費提供的開源軟件專業解決方案. Oracle VM Virt... Oracle VM VirtualBox 軟體介紹

ProPresenter 7.6.0 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Scrolling Text – left, right, up, or down, scrolling text gives your presentation a visual element that will draw in your audience
- Macros – with one click, trigger multiple actions like timers, a stage screen layout change, an audio playlist, MIDI cues, and more

- support for rearranging Show Controls (ctrl+drag button)
- a destination library for items downloaded through Planning Center playlists

- ProPresenter's startup time when loading large libraries

- a crash that could occur when switching audio input settings in Dante
- a crash that happened while editing text on slides with an empty presentation
- a bug that caused transitions and effects to not display their localized names
- a bug that muted audio output for slide elements
- an issue with the slide label not being copied to the new slide when a slide break is inserted
- an issue with group and label information not being sent to the ProPresenter Remote apps
- an issue with Bible navigation controls erroneously appearing when a presentation was not created from a Scripture lookup
- a bug with applying a theme after inserting slide breaks in the Reflow Editor
- an issue with reflow showing an incorrect slide number in the outline view
- an issue that caused look actions to not relink after moving a workspace configuration file from MacOS to Windows
- an issue with a message’s timer configuration being set when the message was shown
- an issue with alternate themes not updating with new edits until ProPresenter is relaunched
- a crash that occurred when switching stage layouts
- a bug that caused groups to disappear when rearranging slides
- a bug that caused text inspector to disappear when a web fill is selected
- a bug that caused slide labels with no color on Mac to not import on Windows

Wickr Me 5.82.14 查看版本資訊


pgAdmin 4 5.40 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added browse button to select the binary path in the Preferences
- Added Grant Wizard option under Package node
- Added support to launch PSQL for the connected database server
- Added window maximize/restore functionality for properties dialog
- Added support to set the binary path for the different database server versions
- Added OS, Browser, Configuration details in the About dialog
- Added support for rotating the pgAdmin log file on the basis of size and age
- Support non-admin installation on Windows

- Added RESQL/MSQL test cases for Table and its child nodes
- Updated Flask-Security-Too to the latest v4
- Added a mechanism to detect a corrupt/broken config database file

- Fixed the issue of renaming the database by another user
- Ensure that the Query Tool connection string should not be changed as per the ‘Query Tool tab title’
- Ensure that the user should be able to add members in Login/Role group while creating it
- Ensure that the calendar control should be disabled in the properties panel for Role
- Disable browser password saving in the runtime
- Fixed duplicate SQL issue for tables with more than one partition
- Fixed an issue where the Foreground Color property of server dialog does not work
- Fixed an issue where pgAdmin does not open after password reset in server mode
- Fixed an issue where a decimal number is appended for character varying fields while downloading the data in CSV format

ProPresenter 7.5.3 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Fixes a bug with encoding that impacts streaming to Facebook through Resi

Wickr Me 5.81.10 查看版本資訊


ProPresenter 7.5.2 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improves the stage action configuration by moving the slide destination options into a new Slide Destination action

- a crash that can occur when pasting invalid rich text data
- an issue where elements do not draw properly when transitioning between slides
- a bug that causes imported media to not be scaled to fit within the bounds of a slide
- a bug that prevents ProPresenter Remote from playing a timeline within PlanningCenter playlists
- an issue with slide labels not saving when no color is assigned
- an issue with sorting smart playlist media cues
- an issue with a slide not showing a warning icon when media is missing for media fill elements
- an issue with alternate themes showing incorrectly when screens have different resolutions
- a bug that causes media to not show in the Bible view when generating slides
- an issue with slide previews not consistently showing when the slide has media
- a bug that causes incorrect scaling in the slide editor’s ruler
- an issue with the props list always scrolling to the active prop
- an issue with presentation search not returning expected results in some cases
- an issue with linking fonts on presentations created on Windows and subsequently opened on Mac
- an issue that caused text to be misaligned when inserting slide breaks in the reflow editor while the fit container to text setting is enabled
- a bug that causes new slide additions to not be placed after the selected slide
- an issue with media downloaded from the web store not automatically saving to the Downloads folder
- an issue that causes the text cursor to disappear while editing
- an issue that causes empty lines of text to have an incorrect height
- a bug that causes some text files to not import
- a bug that causes fonts to not load correct for presentations created on Mac then loaded on Windows
- an issue with text typing into the wrong place in some languages when in quick edit
- an issue with margin settings not loading for presentations on Windows when created on Mac
- an issue that causes dialogs to appear empty
- an issue with Bible themes lowercasing words that should be shown in all caps
- a bug with text selection that causes double-clicking a word to result in an incorrect range of text being highlighted
- an issue with labels not syncing
- a bug that causes the close output button to not appear for system screens when the cursor enters the view
- an issue with fonts not loading from Adobe installed locations
- an issue with the current slide text visibility
- a bug that causes text shadows to be clipped to the element’s bounds
- a bug that causes multi-line object names to not appear accurately in the context menu
- a bug that causes the color swap button to not update the color picker fields in the shape inspector
- a bug with descriptive titles appearing in generated Bible slides

pgAdmin 4 5.30 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

New features:
- Added support to set auto width of columns by content size in the data output window
- Added support to connect PostgreSQL servers via Kerberos authentication
- Added “IF NOT EXISTS” clause while creating tables and partition tables which is convenient while using the ERD tool

- Fixed an issue where drag and drop object is not correct in codemirror for properties dialog
- Added support for cache bust webpack chunk files
- Fixed an issue where data is displayed in the wrong order when executing the query repeatedly
- Ensure that while connecting to the server using SSPI login, it should not prompt for the password
- Fixed an issue where the wrong SQL is showing for the child partition tables
- Fixed an issue where CSV download quotes the numeric columns
- Ensure that pgAdmin should not allow opening external files that are dragged into it
- Fixed an issue where schema diff does not create DROP DEFAULT statement for columns
- Ensure that Backup and Restore should work on shared servers
- Fixed an issue where the filter ‘Include/Exclude By Selection’ not working for null values
- Ensure that the user should not be able to add duplicate panels
- Added support for the creation of Nested Table and Varying Array Type for Advanced Server
- Fixed ModuleNotFoundError when running from outside of the root
- Fixed an issue where the current debug line is not visible in the ‘Dark’ theme
- Fixed an issue where duplicate columns are visible in the browser tree, which is owned by two sequences
- Fixed an issue where the Help message not displaying correctly on Login/Group role
- Added comment column in the properties panel for View and Materialized View collection node
- Fixed an issue where query editor is not being closed if the user clicks on the ‘Don’t Save’ button
- Ensure that pgAdmin4 shut down completely on the Quit command
- Fixed an issue where file dialog showing incorrect files for the selected file types
- Fixed an issue where the user is not warned if Kerberos ticket expiration is less than 30 min while initiating a global backup
- Ensure that proper identification should be there when the server is connected using Kerberos or without Kerberos

ProPresenter 7.5.1 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- Improves the book names shown in the Ukranian Bible

- a crash that can occur when editing a look preset name
- an issue that causes the applied look to not reliably use the correct alternate theme
- an issue with the configuration of the default inspector audio routing
- an issue with slides drawing at a very low resolution when the thumbnail scale is adjusted to be larger
- an issue with rendering of some fonts that have intersecting paths
- an issue with the tab key not moving through all the fields in timers
- a bug that shows swapped version numbers in the Resi plugin update dialog
- a bug that causes dropped audio files to show as invalid until restart
- a bug that prevents deleting all props
- a bug that causes the message detail view to not clear when the message is deleted
- an issue with a missing look warning not clearing after the look action is linked to a valid preset
- a bug that allows text boxes with no text to resize to a zero height

VirtualBox 6.1.22 Build 144080 查看版本資訊


What's new in this version:

- VMM: Improved performance of 64-bit Windows and Solaris guests when Hyper-V is used on recent Windows 10 hosts
- VMM: Fixed frequent crashes of 64-bit Windows Vista and Server 2003 guests when Hyper-V is used
- GUI: Fixed regression where user was not able to save unset default shortcuts
- Storage: Fixed regression in LsiLogic SAS controller emulation caused VM crash
- Linux Guest Additions: Fixed issue when it was not possible to run executables from mounted share

Clockify 2.0.1 查看版本資訊
